Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Seed for July 31, 2007

Abraham found Him to be the God that provides, when there was a ram caught in the thicket for an offering. Israel found Him to be the God that provides when they were fed with manna for 40 yrs and their clothes did not wear out!

I have found Him a God that provides for over 30 yrs and always being self-employed, we have never gone hungry! He has been more than wonderful to me and mine. Even if there were no resurrection, I would still serve Him, because He cares for me.

Don't think there is anything to hard for Him, He parted the Red Sea. Don't ever think there is not a great concern for you and the things in life you pass thru, for He said He would never leave nor forsake you. Who else has stuck by you all your life? When everyone else turned their back or forgot me, He was always there listening and helping. He is a present help in time of need. Is there anything too hard for Jesus? No not anything He can't or won't do for those that love Him and call on His name often. Be blessed.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Seed for July 30, 2007

God's purpose and will has always been to have a body to express Himself thru. He was the invisible God who led Israel. Israel was to be the invisible God's body representative in the world. But Israel didn't want to follow the leading of an invisible God, but fashioned themselves gods in the image of animals. What a disappointment!Then the Lord made His own Body and presented the World His invisible presence in the face of Jesus. We beheld the Creator of the Universe in the body-man Christ Jesus. He was the Body prepared to do the will of God. Now that same responsibility has fallen upon our shoulders. We are to be the visible image of the Invisible God, His body in the earth. We are here to show the World the living yet invisible God by doing His will in earth (us) as it is done in heaven. Be blessed

Christian Health-share. Christians helping Christians.
Tell them I sent you.
The Lord can use a crooked stick to draw a straight line.
Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan Wells1406 W SalinasSA, TX 78207

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Seed for July 29, 2007

Eph 4:8
8 Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.

Heb 2:14-15
14 Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death-- that is, the devil--
15 and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.

Here we see verse that Jesus ascended with victory over “captivity”. Men, the Bible says, were all their lives held captive (slaves) by the fear of their death. What great fear men have always experience in facing their own mortality. What will happen after I die? Will I really live again? Is there hope beyond the grave? No matter what anyone said, it there really any proof? Has anyone come forth from the grave to live and never died again? All our lives we have been held in fear, actually held captive, by the fear of death. But when Jesus came forth from the grave alive, to never die again, He proved He had power over the “captive” and He lead “fear of death” into captivity. He actually took the fear of death from the minds of believers and set us free from that which has held all men everywhere captive. Oh glorious day, when Jesus by His resurrection proved He had power over death! There is an old saying, “born once, die twice and born twice die once”. If you have not been born again of the power of Eternal Life then your death will be only the first of two you will experience. If you have been born again by the power of Eternal Life, then you will come forth from the grave in Victory! Be blessed.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Seed for July 28, 2007

John 15:5
5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

Apart from me you can do nothing. If you abide in Me and I in you, you can ask what you will and it will be done for you. There is great power in abiding in the Vine. There is great source and comfort being connected to Him like a branch to the Vine. If we separate our lives from Him we are useless as a branch that has broken off a tree. It will wither and die. But if we stay connected to Him, then the Life of the Spirit flows to us and causes us to bare fruit of the Spirit. If I am not connected to Him, then there is nothing that I can say or do that will have any lasting affect. There is not a single action that I might take that would be worth mentioning. But being connected to Him gives me right to ask, and Him privilege to answer. It is our Father's delight to give us the Kingdom.

Too many Christians think they have to do this or that for God. It is not about what I do for God (religion) but what I allow the Spirit to do thru me. You see “religion” keeps you busy trying to please God, by your actions, and grace teaches you that God is already please by the offering of Jesus! One says “work hard” to please God and the other (grace) says God is already pleased. If you don't think you must do this or that to please God, suddenly you are released in the Spirit to be used of God to do His will. God does not desire sacrifice. That bears repeating, God does not desire sacrifice, but rather a body to do His will (that is you and I)!

Now what if we stopped being so busy trying to “please” a God that was already pleased, with seeing us thru the blood of Jesus, and started getting busy doing our Father's will. What if His will was done in me as it is done in heaven? What if His kingdom was to come in me, where He rules and reigns in me and does His will thru my body presented to Him for just that purpose.

It is not hard to see, Jesus wants to work in the earth, thru His body (you and I). We just get in the way, when we "try" to be holy and religious, rather than being soft, tender and willing. Be blessed.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Seed for July 27, 2007

Isa 22:22-23
22 And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.
23 And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place; and he shall be for a glorious throne to his father's house.

There are many people that have no idea what is it to be a Christian. They think keeping the 10 commandments, going to church, reading the Bible, praying, and doing the best that they can is “more or less” it!

The above verse gives me a perfect illustration to what being a Christian is: Jesus is that nail fastened in a sure place. I see Him as a strong nail in the wall. I see me like a coat hung upon that nail. I am securely hung there, like someone that would be hung on a cross. My feet too far off the ground to touch, so there is very little I can do for myself. To me this is what being a Christian is. Hanging all your weight and cares upon Him, and having your feet so far off the ground you can’t even do anything for yourself. You become totally dependent upon Jesus for your life and help. Now, you have your independent life uselessly hanging there, on the Nail. Now the Lord can use your body to do His will in this life. “He prepared a Body to do His will..”

Don’t pretend being a Christian is doing “things” or not doing “things”, but see that being a Christian is being totally dependant upon Jesus. You are hung upon Him. He is your Life and source. He is your Ox, burden bearer, so cast all your cares upon Him. He is the Tree of Life, eat of Him and live. Be blessed.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Seed for July 26, 2007

It has been said that it is hard to be a Christian. Let's set the record straight according to the Word of God. 1. The way of the transgressor is hard (Bible), but His yoke is easy and His burden light. 2. They walk in darkness (Bible), but we walk in light and our path is a shining light that shines brighter and brighter until that day. 3. They return to their own folly as a dog to his own vomit, but we become new creatures no more bound by the power of sin in our lives. 4. Their feet are in slippery places (Bible), but we are upheld by His right hand, and stand on the Rock that is higher than I. 5. They have made a useless covenant with the grave and death (Bible) but we have a covenant of Life with Jesus. 6. Their hope is in chance, luck, worldly systems, stocks and bonds, but ours in the Creator of Heaven and earth. 6. They have only the promise of death (Bible), but we have the gift of Eternal Life. 7. They have their hope in chariots and horses, but we have our hope in the Lord our God. 8. They stumble in darkness with lame feet like blind men (Bible) but we see clearly and have been healed of our lameness. Who said it is hard to be a Christian? Just try to being a sinner without Jesus! Now that is hard!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Seed for July 25, 2007

Judg 16:30
30 And Samson said, Let me die with the Philistines. And he bowed himself with all his might; and the house fell upon the lords, and upon all the people that were therein. So the dead which he slew at his death were more than they which he slew in his life.

Isa 17:1

1 An oracle concerning Damascus: "See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins.

Damascus is one of the oldest, longest standing cities in the world. Estimated to be over 3,000 years old, and has never been destroyed as a city. Yet, God says, Damascus will become a heap of ruins. Damascus is the capitol city of Syria, and Syria is poised to go to war with Israel right now, this summer! Syria is receiving long range rockets from Iran, and foolishly thinks Israel lost last summer’s war with Lebanon (Syria in proxy).

Ask yourself how Damascus can become a heap? If Syria launches a Scud rocket with any kind of chemical, biological WMD, it will be delivered to Israel in 3 minutes. How will Israel react to a 3 minute attack with a WMD? In like kind, an atomic weapon delivered to Damascus and we have Isaiah’s prophecy fulfilled! You see, Israel, (Samson), is willing to kill more enemies in her death, than in her life!

Comfort one another with theses words….Jesus is coming soon, we shall not all die, but be caught up in the air to meet the Lord in the clouds and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Get ready! Things are fixing to get exciting, and the pulse of the whole earth is in the Middle East.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Seed for July 24, 2007

Prov 22:77 The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.(NIV)Rom 13:88 Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.(NAS)The Bible teaches us to not be in debt, yet few there be that heed, or even preach such a message! Why, even our church building programs are nothing but debts! We are spending pretend money. Debt = pretend money.Let me say assuredly, there is a “correction” coming on the economy of this World. There must be a shift of world power from the United States to the 10 toed kingdom of the Old Roman Empire, (EU). We are know that the 7 kings of the 10 nations will give their power over to one who will exalt himself to be God, the Antichrist. He also will usher in a “new economic system” that all will be force to participate in, in order to buy or sell. This, my friends, is on the horizon. I have been preaching for the Church to get out of debt for the last 4 years, and now the time is truly at hand! I have enclosed a very powerful video clip for those who are interested to view. Remember debt is pretend money. When we go into debt we pretend we have the money to buy. The Church needs to quit spending “pretend money”, and begin to prepare for what is coming soon. Be blessed.


Monday, July 23, 2007

Seed for July 23, 2007

Gen 3:22-2422 And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever."23 So the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken.24 After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.(NIV)I have pondered Jesus paying the sin debt for several months now, until the Lord gave me understanding about this matter, just this morning. Because of the sin of Adam, the way to the Tree of Life was barred, by an angel with a flaming sword. Man had no hope and no access to eternal life. This also was portrayed in the Tabernacle, where access to Holiest of Holies was barred from all men, except the High Priest (type of Jesus) and only one time per year and not without blood. A breach here, to the type, meant instant death to the priest.So, because of the sin debt, no man could approach the Tree of Life (eternal life). Then Jesus became the Lamb, who was without sin, and paid the sin debt in full when the blood of the innocent was shed for the guilt of the guilty. When this happened the Temple veil was torn in two, thus signifying, all men now have open and free access to the Tree of Life. The way has been made open (the flaming sword removed) for all who will to come and to eat and to live. Just because we all have free and open access to the Tree of Life, does not mean we all have eternal life. We must come to the Tree and eat in order to live. Jesus lifted the barrier (the flaming sword) and gave every man access, but we must come and eat and live of the Tree of Life in order to have eternal life. That eternal life is in the Son (the Tree). He that has the Son (eaten of the Tree) has eternal life, and he that has not the Son (has not eaten of the Tree of Life), has no eternal life in him. Wonderful news! Be blessed.

Affordable health-share. http://medi-share.org/
Christian heath-share. Christians helping Christians. Please tell them I sent you.
The Lord can use a crooked stickto draw a straight line.
Drawing a straight line,Billy and Jan WellsSan Antonio, Tx

Seed for July 22, 2007

1 Cor 15:4545 So it is written: "The first man Adam became a living being"; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit.(NIV)1 Cor 15:4747 The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.(KJV)The Lord God formed the first man out of the dust of the earth and named him Adam. There was no way for this first man to reproduce, no place for his seed, and so the Lord took from Adam’s side a habitation for his seed (his wife). All that came from Adam came from the joining of Adam’s seed to Eve. As a result we were all there present (in Adam’s seed) from the day of the fall, and we all inherit the consequences of the fall, because we were part of the fall being present in Adam’s seed.Then the Lord did a new thing. He joined His Seed to Adam’s flesh, and created a new race, the second man, (the God-man). This was unlike the joining of Adam’s seed to himself. This became a new creation, a new race! But this new God-man had no way to reproduce He had no where to place His seed. Like Adam, Jesus slept and out of His side came a place for His Seed, called the Church (His Bride). We, who by faith, receive His Seed within us, are born of this new race of the God-man, enjoy all that belongs to Jesus, because we were there present in His Seed when He won victory. We are part of the new race by faith, the God-man race, an entirely New Creation. Just as we inherited all that was in Adam, including the curse without doing a thing, except being born flesh, so do we inherit all the blessings that are in Jesus without doing a thing except being born of the Life giving Spirit. Be blessed.

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan WellsSan Antonio, TX http://www.bountyhunt.com/
theseedsofgrace.blogspot.com (our blog)

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Seed for July 21, 2007

Have you ever noticed how some people are privileged by birth? They did nothing to deserve the rewards in life, except to be born into the right family. I am reminded of "blue bloods" those in Europe that were born of noble decent. It was not for good that they had done, nor for great accomplishments, but merely by being born of the right linage (no fault of their own) then they were deemed worth of the riches of the nobles. That is exactly what happens to us. By being born again of the Royal linage of Jesus we become heirs to all the riches of the Universe. Not for good we have done, but because of who our spiritual Father is and that alone entitles us to nobility in the linage of God. What a blessed hope we have be being children of the King. Not only do we enjoy blessings in this life, but the promise of eternal life and the world to come. Next time we see someone born into a rich family, it should remind us that we too have been born into the "right" family, the family of God. Be blessed.

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan WellsSan Antonio, TX