Thursday, July 26, 2007

Seed for July 26, 2007

It has been said that it is hard to be a Christian. Let's set the record straight according to the Word of God. 1. The way of the transgressor is hard (Bible), but His yoke is easy and His burden light. 2. They walk in darkness (Bible), but we walk in light and our path is a shining light that shines brighter and brighter until that day. 3. They return to their own folly as a dog to his own vomit, but we become new creatures no more bound by the power of sin in our lives. 4. Their feet are in slippery places (Bible), but we are upheld by His right hand, and stand on the Rock that is higher than I. 5. They have made a useless covenant with the grave and death (Bible) but we have a covenant of Life with Jesus. 6. Their hope is in chance, luck, worldly systems, stocks and bonds, but ours in the Creator of Heaven and earth. 6. They have only the promise of death (Bible), but we have the gift of Eternal Life. 7. They have their hope in chariots and horses, but we have our hope in the Lord our God. 8. They stumble in darkness with lame feet like blind men (Bible) but we see clearly and have been healed of our lameness. Who said it is hard to be a Christian? Just try to being a sinner without Jesus! Now that is hard!

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