Monday, June 9, 2008

Seed for Jun 9

Satan always attacks our assurances. We are assured that the Lord is true and faithful to His Word. And yet the enemy comes in and says "has God really said?". If the enemy can get you to doubt God's Word and God's faithfulness he has won. The Lord brought Israel to the edge of the Red Sea, mountains on 2 sides, and Pharaoh's army behind them and closing fast. The enemy began immediately to question God's faithfulness, "Has God brought us here to kill us? Would to God we were back in Egypt." they cried.Can't you see, God only brought them to the edge of disaster to give them great blessing and victory? God wanted them to see His mighty hand, and opened the Sea and they went across on dry land. When their enemy tried to cross behind them, they were destroyed. The same thing that gave Israel victory killed their enemy. Don't you see, the same thing that gives us victory, God's Word, will kill our enemies? When you get in a "crack" know for-sure God is fixing to move for you in mighty victory and you too will see His mighty hand moving for you!

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