Saturday, August 30, 2008

Seed for Aug 30

John 14:17-19
17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.
18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
19 Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live.

We worship the invisible God. We are forbidden to make any likeness of anything, not an idol, not a charm, not a statue, not a plastic likeness, not a crucifix, not a picture, not a painting and bow to, worship to, or pray to… any likeness or image, at all, ever. We are to worship the invisible God, without a form, and that makes us distinct from all other peoples and religions of the World.

Our invisible God was once housed inside a tent, and later then the invisible God was once housed inside a Body, and now the invisible God has come to live inside us! This is a progressive revelation of the invisible God no man has or ever will see. Paul called Him the Unknown God who the world ignorantly worships. What sets us apart from all others? We worship who we know yet haven’t seen, the invisible God.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Seed for Aug 29

Is there any wonder why people become turned off to the things of God, when they read and hear things like this?

The Los Angeles Times recently reported on the Rolex lifestyle of Paul Crouch, the president of the Trinity Broadcasting Network. He flies around the world in a private turbojet and has 30 homes at his disposal, including beachfront mansions in California and a mountain retreat.

There also was just a TV article done on Benny Hinn, the $100 million dollar per year man, who spends the night in constantly in $2,000 plus per night hotel rooms and flies all over the world in his own private jet.

The Bible speaks of Mystery Babylon in the 18 chapter of Rev, and talks about the kings of the earth that are made rich by her (the false church system) delicacies. Extravagant living, million dollar salaries, golden palaces in Rome all in the name of God! It is time that we woke up and stopped giving to the sham and do like the bible said, "Remember the poor, orphans and widows. Somehow we have mistaken that admonition, of giving to the poor, to mean put $$$ in the offering plate. Some preacher say, "putting in the offering is giving to God," when that is not so. We have a Bible charge to be good stewards, to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Watching on every side for the deception of the enemy.

Everything that glitters in not gold, and every offering plate does not help God! Every preacher does not tell the Truth, but that in no way changes God's nature or truth. The Bible says we need heresy in the world (falsehood) to prove who is His and who is not His.

Someone needs to tell the truth. Someone needs to give account. Someone needs to sound the alarm. If the Church wont tell the truth, then who will? If we can't hear Truth from our pulpits, then who will tell us the truth? We have a still small Spirit speaking truth to us in our inward parts. We need to hear His voice.

If they claim to be His then they ought to walk just as He walked. Let’s beware of those who run greedily after the way of Balaam, who for money would preach against Israel. Preaching for $$$. The worst thing that ever happened to the Church was when it became "big business".

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Seed for Aug 28

Can we really walk on water like Peter did? Some people say we can do what ever we read in the Bible. Is that really right? When we read the Word of God we are reading the "general" Word of God, as opposed to the "specific" Word of God. Peter received a "specific" Word direct to him personally, that said "Peter Come," and he was able to walk on the water. Was it Peter's faith? No, it was Jesus command. God always holds His word up. When Moses under God's direction stretched his rod over the water and it became blood, was it Moses faith, or God's command? When Moses stretched his rod over the Red Sea and it parted, was it Moses' faith or God's command. We have to be careful when we just grab a bunch of verses and try to have faith to make something happen. We need to hear His Word, for He will bring His Word to pass. All things are possible, but only under the direction of the Will of God. We must hear His Word and believe His Word, and then we shall see the miracles of God.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Seed for Aug 27

Billy do you remember when you Baptized me in a muddy river Pescaria in a small village outside of Zacatecas, MX? That is when my Life took a dramatic right turn towards a Life of Victory in Jesus Christ, to me that; coupled with the Momentous Salvation of my acceptance of Jesus as my Lord and Savior, in that little house infested with scorpions, and Black Widow spiders in Mesquite, TX. Praises to The Lord, for having you along with your newly found Brothers in Christ, from Seagoville, FCI in TX. And of course 'Brenda Wells' knowing just what to do at the pivotal moment in time!

Shortly after returning from that Wonderfilled Trip, incredible things began to change in my own life, "He shall inhabit the Praises of "His people" and ever since that day when my life in Jesus became His life my outlook upon the life before Jesus, has been one of astonishment and Praise for all the Good things that can and do come when one Praises The Lord, for me never empty, for me always desiring to be filled to the Point that God intended for His children to be.

I give Praise because of Him I give Praise to Him who is able above all things to make me more like him than Old (BJ) Mike, each day I see just how much God loves us, Sharon and I have now been married for 35+ years not always happy not always good years, however through it all Jesus never gave up on me, nor my Darling devoted wife and for that matter neither did you. Praise Him who is able to bring completion to a life He saved for such a time as this.

This World and especially the USA is now seeing tribulation like never before, and will see never again, until Jesus comes for His Bride. AMEN? World without end..........Regardless of what Dana said I know just what Praising Him means and entails, maybe some do not, but suggesting and I quote here for one simple reason only! "The phrase has religious significance, but no real substantial meaning. Most Christians would not even begin to know HOW to praise Him without using the words," "I praise you." end quote....... I do NOT agree totally, as there are a lot of assumptions here, the least of which is "MOST CHRISTIANS"! This is saying more or less that he has met and witnessed Most Christians being less than Himself. That is rather a stretch in my estimation. Point Made no disrespect intended.

In His Precious Name, Mighty to Save,

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Seed for Aug 26

Good contrasts to consider this morning.

I think when people say it is hard to be a Christian, they are generally referring to living a selfless, sinless life. This IS hard for one who has not yet known repentance. It is hard to be alive unto Him, when we have not yet first been dead, indeed, unto sin.

Water baptism for most Christians is just an act whereby they get wet. They don't see it as a burial ceremony commemorating the death that took place in repentance.

For disciples who have experienced repentance and who have pressed on to learning the ways and the discipline of a divine Father; the verses you shared today have rich meaning. I think, however, to most Christians, these are just platitudes, high sounding words that carry "religious" significance, yet no real substantial meaning.

It's kind of like every Sunday when the masses gather and they lift their hands and sing "Praise the Lord," not realizing that the phrase "Praise the Lord" is actually a command to do something; but it isn't itself the action that it commands to be done. The phrase has religious significance, but no real substantial meaning. Most Christians would not even begin to know HOW to praise Him without using the words, "I praise you."

Grace and peace.


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Seed for Aug 23

There is nothing more exact than Mathematics. In any language, in any country, even in space mathematics is an exacting science. Whether on top of a mountain, or in the lowest part of the sea 1+1 is always 2. There is not time nor place where mathematics cannot be right. You may have a question to the meaning of a word. There may be questions about correct translation of a word or phrase. There may be arguments about origins, or dates or history or the future. But there is one thing that you can count on, and that is that you can count on mathematics always being true right and accurate, no matter what. I guess that is why God's Word made this statement. "Reckon yourself dead to sin and alive to Christ." And the word "reckon" comes from the same word that has to do with accounting and accounting has to do with mathematics. In other words "count is so" is to reckon.

As sure as 1+1=2 so are we to reckon (accounting term) ourselves dead to sin. Sin has no more dominion over us. A dead man is free from the power of sin and temptation in his life. When did we die? Is it future? Or is it fact? Romans 6 said we were crucified with Christ. So at the same time He died, I died. The power of sin is broken in my life, and I can take that to the Bank! Remember everything spiritual works by faith. When I put my faith in His fact (The Word of God) then it becomes true in my life. So reckon it so!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Seed for Aug 22

Christians have the responsibility to manifest the living God in them. For this reason the Bible says, "Let everyone that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity (sin)." Why? Because greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. Our lives manifest the truth of the Living God. If we manifest the power of sin in our lives, then we are telling the world, by our fruit, that sin is more powerful than God in us. We know that is not true!

Christians with habits which they say they can't break, are simply testifying with their lives that the power of "what ever" is greater in their lives than the power of God. How can we tell the world that "our little pet sin" is greater than God working in our lives?

We have been set free from the power of sin and death, by a higher power of LIFE. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Seed for Aug 21

I am sure if you have ever planted a garden, you must have marveled when you opened the radish seeds and saw how tiny they were. Yet you still planted them just the right depth and covered them up and expected them to grow, which they did. Even more amazing is how tiny the seed of a man is in his sperm. It is invisible to the naked eye, yet able to produce not something so small as a radish but something too wonderfully made as a human being! Seems the smaller the seed the greater the results. Could you even imagine the seed of faith that is so tiny it cannot be seen, yet when planted in my heart, changed my nature from a son of Adam to a Son of God. How wonderful is the plan of God. The smallest seed yields the greatest result! Now that is amazing!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Seed for Aug 20

The Bible calls Him a friend that sticks closer than a brother. We sing about what a friend we have in Jesus. But the real question is, Is He really your best friend? Does His love and yours surpass that of a mate? Do you feel towards Him like no other? Is He just an acquaintance of yours, or is He really your very best friend? Do you confide in Him like no other? Do you share the very core secrets of your heart? Do you lay bare even the most intimate details of your life? Is He your friend that sticks closer than a brother?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Seed for Aug 19

Can you believe that the Creator of the whole Universe has time for me? Me, only one soul of the 6+ billion on the earth, and He has time to be concerned with my needs and pay attention to my prayer? Hard to believe isn't it? That is probably why most people don't really believe. They just go thru the motions of believing just in case the Bible is right. But you know what? He has challenged us to prove Him. He, the Creator of the Universe, has said to us, any one of us, " If you will, I will." What a bold statement. What a broad offer! If we will, He will. Think about it. He has challenged each of us to believe His Word. He has offered each of us an opportunity for us to know if He really cares. If He is really interested. If He is really able. He said, "I will, if you will." The "secret" of this offer? You have to read His Word, the road map of life, and put Him on in your life. Then you become His and He becomes yours, and ask what you will and it will be done! He will, if you what is your answer?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Seed for Aug 18

The number one reason people struggle in living for God is lack of understanding/knowledge. With knowledge comes power and the enemy wants to keep men ignorant of the Knowledge of God. The Catholic faith forbid anyone to read or own the Bible for hundreds of years, and even now discourages the study of His Word, because “only the Priest can understand the Word of God”. (Wow, that sets me free from studying, since I can't understand it anyway.) If we knew the Truth of God, about what He is in us and what we are in Him, it would take all the struggle out of living for God. i.e. The more I try, the more I fail. Then stop trying and suddenly you stop failing. It is not us anyway, but Him in us, both to will and to do of His good pleasure. We do too much thinking and not enough believing on what He has told us in His Word. It is like a man trying to jump over the Grand Canyon. No one has and no one ever will! Men do the same thing, trying to please God in their living for Him. Only one has and only One will please God in His living and His name is Jesus. All the rest have and will fail continuously. The Good News is: It is not me but Him in me. It is not my righteousness but His that I wear. It is not my fight, but His to win. It is not my life, but His life living in me. I can't but He can and will and does!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Seed for Aug 17

Some people use "will power" to try to please God. They are constantly involved with "taste not, touch not, handle not" acts of "will" worship. But trying to please God from the ground of the old man, Adam, is an insurmountable task. If we could please God, then why was there a sacrifice of Calvary made? If we could have been good enough, or prayed enough, or read our Bible enough...then why did God require the blood of an innocent Lamb? The Good News is that God is ALREADY pleased with the offering Jesus made on the Cross. We don't have to add one thing to the FINISHED work of the Cross. What does He require of us? Romans 12:1-2 sums it all up. Since there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus, we must actively present out bodies to Him a living sacrifice. What does He require? An active presentation of "self." What does "religion" require? The list is too long to mention here. Religion keeps us busy trying to "please" a God that is already pleased.

If you were to do everything perfect, yet not rely upon the finished work of Calvary for your righteousness, then you would fall miserably short. If you prayed 24 hours a day, it would not be enough. If you fasted 40 days on end, it would not be enough. If you studied your Bible without ceasing, it would not be enough. If you never ever thought even one bad thought, it would not be enough. But when God sees you through the blood offering of Jesus, He says that is enough. That, my friend, is the Good News.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Seed for Aug 16

We are admonished to follow after the example of faithful Abraham, who considered not the deadness of Sarah's womb, but counted Him who had promised, faithful. What great faith! Believing God against all hope that Abraham would father a great nation though Sarah could bear no children and the promise tarried 25 yrs! What could be more hopeless than death? Nothing in this life signals the end with more force than death. Up till death we all can hope, but who can hope beyond death. Even Jesus' disciples hoped He would be Messiah, up till the time of His death. Then they lost hope. But He came forth from the tomb to prove everything He said was true. He proved Himself to be the Truth and the Way and the Life. Now we hope, but not as the world hopes. Our faith goes behind the Veil and reaches into the Holiest of Holies and that becomes our anchor of faith. He that has promised will fulfill all His promises and to those with faith will He show Himself faithful.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Seed for Aug 15

Pain in life is unavoidable, but misery in life is optional. I picked that quote up this week and thought it worth mentioning. We make the choice in life whether to live in the Joy of the Lord or to whine and complain and be miserable. That happens when we forget the Lord is on our side. We often think, "What is happening to me?". Just as Israel before the Red Sea. All the army of Egypt at their backs, and mountains beside them, and the Red Sea before them and they started being miserable. When in reality the Lord brought them to that exact place in their lives to show them His great glory and victory! I choose to live in the faith and joy of the Lord. For the Joy of the Lord is my strength.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Seed for Aug 14

Dead man walking

A movie released 1995 was about a condemned man sentenced to death. When he walked down the hall to the death chamber they called him a “dead man walking”. That is not unlike us the minute we are born. We are dead men walking. We all have the sentence of death upon us the minute we come into this world. Because of the sin of Adam, death has come to all men, without appeal! The question has never been “if” we die, but for all men it has been “when” we die. That is a very bleak situation and to quote Paul, “if in this life only we had hope we would be most miserable!”

The Good News (Gospel) is that we don’t have to perish forever, or live without hope. We can have a hope despite the fact we are “dead men walking”. If we have Jesus, the Life and Resurrection, then the Law of Life in the Spirit is stronger than the sentence of death in our flesh. In other words, we can pass from death unto life. If we have the Son we have life, because life is in the Son. He rose from the dead as proof that He is the life and resurrection, and appeared to over 500 witnesses. Many of those witnesses gave their lives also as proof that He ever lives. All they had to testify was that Jesus did not raise from the dead and they could save their own lives. But they could not deny the fact that even faced with death they would not recant, Jesus lives. Be blessed.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Seed for Aug 13

The Bible calls it the "Gospel" or the "Good News". Unfortunately many preachers hit us over the head with the Bible and call that Good News. If it is the "Good News" then I have always thought it should feel like Good News, and not like a condemnation session. The Law of Moses commands and demands, but the grace of God "teaches" us to deny ungodliness and worldly lust that we should live soberly and godly in this present world. The Good News is Truth and Truth sets us free. If the gospel that is being preached to me does not set me free, then it surely is not Good News and surely must not be Truth. Jesus came to seek and to save. Jesus came to set at liberty the captives, and to give us abundant life. If more Christians made living for God joyful, then perhaps more would want to live for God. Even if there were no afterlife I would still serve the Lord, because it is the most rewarding comforting and joyful life. To put it one way a Radio Host said...The Bible is moral infra structure to life. Without it you suffer ruin. With it you inherit blessing and Eternal Life. Now which would you choose?

Monday, August 11, 2008

Seed for Aug 11

Jesus said, “If any man would be my follower he must take up his cross and follow me.” Does that mean that we are to wear some sort of cross around our neck like many suppose? Does it mean we should be dragging a cross, with a wheel on the back, across the Nation? Of course this is silly, but what did Jesus really mean?

The following verse gives us clue to His meaning: “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.”
So taking up our cross has to do with our dying. So now let’s see what Jesus was really saying. If you want to be my follower, you must take up your cross (instrument of death) and follow me, to death burial and resurrection. That is the key to this verse. We are to follow Jesus to death, burial and resurrection, that we might have new life, resurrection life. On the other side of the cross everything of the “old creation” dies and all that remains in a new Creature in Christ. Unless we lose our lives, unless we die, we cannot be His follower. If we want to continue to live as the “old man, from the old creation” we cannot be His follower. Whoever loses his life for Christ Jesus finds it. We have lost our own wills in Him. My life is to do His will and finish the work. Be blessed.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Seed for Aug 10

The branch (a believer) gets its life from Vine (Jesus) and we are admonished to continue being attached to the Vine. If we do not remain in the Vine and allow His Word to remain in us, then we will wither away for we will be disconnected from the Life of the Vine, and good for only being burned. This is a serious admonition to all believers. We can do nothing of ourselves for the Life of the Believer comes from being connected to the Life that is in the Vine. The natural laws of nature speak this story to us loud and clear. When I trim a branch from the tree is will not continue to live because it has been separated from its life source. We are connected to Jesus as our life source and thru Him we produce fruit and apart from Him we can do nothing.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Seed for Aug 8

Q: I do have a question for you though. I am struggling with a friend about "faith in action." I am curious what you have to say about it? Also, is going to church a necessary thing, a demanded thing or something we have a decision to do? I have been raised that it is something that we do to join together with fellow believers and Christ said that he wants us too. If you have any advise or answers to these questions, I would love to hear them. I look forward to you reply.

A: “Faith in Action” by this I assume you mean the “works” that faith manifest. James stated that faith without works is dead being alone, and Paul said we are saved by faith apart from works. Apparent contradictions, but not really! Paul spoke of the “Works” of righteousness, or deeds we do to be made right, and James spoke of actions or results of “living faith”. It is impossible to demonstrate living faith, without some outward manifestation (or outward results/signs). We are not saved by our right doing, but our salvation results in “right doing”. I am not born naturally by any action of my own, but my live birth is witnessed by crying, breathing and moving, thus my life is made manifest. Our faith is manifest by our actions, and results in what the Bible calls fruit of the Spirit. My faith alive yields tangible results that can be seen heard and witnessed.

As far as church attendance, or the meeting together, Paul admonished us to not forsake the getting together. I guess he knew that if we did not get together to encourage one another we would soon grow weak and give up the faith. Getting together is not a command, but an admonishment, and that we do it all the more as we see that Day approaching. There is strength in the fellowship of believers. Unfortunately we gather in our own brand (denominations) and stop the possibility of cross-pollination of the Body of Christ from others. (If you are not my brand of religion then I can’t hear you).

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Seed for Aug 7

Tests come in our lives. The Word said to count it all joy when we are tested and tried, because our faith is being made perfect. Since God knows everything, then there is nothing in us that He does not know. He knows every prayer we pray and even why we ask. He knows what our true motives are in all that we do. There is nothing that is hidden from Him. But the Bible says a man’s heart is desperately wicked and who can know it? Well, God knows our heart, no matter how we disguise our true motives. The purpose of trial and test is to show us, not Him, what is within. I am tested and tried so that I might see what I am really made of. As the fiery trials come they show me what is within me. The Lord’s desire is to show me what is of me and what is of Him. The Lord wants me to see the areas that I still have a stronghold and have not yielded to the Spirit. So rejoice when you fall into different trials that you can see what God already knows. Rejoice that we have not only victory over the sin, but also we have victory in this life. We have read the last chapter in the Book and we shall win. We will inherit this earth!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Seed for Aug 6

Trusting Him is knowing He is always leading. Can we really say, “Your will be done in my life?” Is His will that good and perfect will to us? Are we in harmony with the will of God or are we constantly in conflict? How is our conscience? Do we have peace in what we are going through knowing it is the Hand of God bringing us here? Israel was brought to the Red Sea to see God’s greatest victory for them. It looked like disaster, but do we see with our eyes or with His? Israel was brought to “bitter waters” and all they did was complain. The plan of God was for them to apply the “tree” to the bitter waters and they became sweet to drink. We all have bitterness from time to time in life, but we are to apply the cross and change our bitterness to sweetness.

His way is always the best way. His will is the best will. His life is the best life. Next time we come to one of those bitter, trying experiences in our lives, just remember He is leading us. He has brought me to the Red Sea to show His glory and not to destroy me.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Seed for Aug 5

Ezek 33:2-3
2 Son of man, speak to the children of thy people, and say unto them, When I bring the sword upon a land, if the people of the land take a man of their coasts, and set him for their watchman:
3 If when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet, and warn the people;

Never in the history of man has a fiat (IOU) system of money lasted. Because there is nothing backing our paper money, except a “promise” to pay, our greenback become nothing more than IOUs. Oh, the system will work for a while, but when there is no restraint in our government pledges we will spend ourselves into poverty. i.e. We now owe 7+ Trillion dollars with commitments totaling $53 Trillion dollars over the next 20 years. (Promises of babyboomer retirement, healthcare, social system, and drug and medicare) Won’t and can’t happen. 30% of the increase in the price of oil is because of our (IOUs) paper promises to pay. Our money system will work as long as the countries that hold our pledges (IOUs) don’t call their markers in. All the dominos are lined up. Bear stocks, high oil, house foreclosures, run away inflation, banks and lender failures, personal and national debt are just a tip of the iceberg (what we see on top).

What can you and I do about this? 1. Stay informed. 2. Get out of personal debt. 3. Stop spending and start saving for a “rainy day”. There is a hurricane a coming. 4. Keep your money in real wealth, silver or gold minted coins. Buy a few at a time, and keep them out of banks. 5. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best and trust God where ever you are. Be blessed.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Seed for Aug 4

Dan 2:4444 "In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever.(NIV)

Four kingdoms of men have conquered the world. Babylonian, Medes-Persians, Greeks, Romans in that order. The fourth, or Roman kingdom will be revived or brought back to power by 10 kings, (or the ten toes of the Beast). Three of these kings will be subdued and one king will grow up in their place, the Anti-Christ.

We are seeing the revival of the ancient Roman empire consisting of 10 kings (Europe), and we are currently seeing the decline of the US power and a shift to Europe. Money is power, and money controls the all economies of the world. We know the little horn (the Anti-Christ) will set up a new world economic system (the mark of the Beast). What better way for that to transpire, than for the existing world economy to fail, which it is doing. The world economy is currently based upon the “faith” in the fiat (paper) currency of the US. When the world loses faith in the paper IOUs that we are floating around the world, the whole show is coming to and end!

We are watching the world economic power shift before our very eyes, currently! We know that the 10 toed beast (Rome/Europe/Anti-Christ) will be crushed by the Rock made without hands (Jesus) and He will set up His everlasting kingdom upon the Earth, world without end. Exciting times right before our eyes, so get ready!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Seed for Aug 3

What comes from us when pressure is applied? Everyday of our lives we are pressured here and there and the basis of what we are inside is squeezed out. The question for us is, what comes forth? Is it the bitterness of our own human nature? Or is it the sweet flavor of Jesus? You have heard it said, “I will give them a piece of my mind!” But what if we had no mind of our own to give? What if all we could offer was the Lord Jesus living within? We are that grape, the fruit of the Vine (Jesus). And when pressure is applied the sweetness of Jesus is to come forth. When they curse you, bless and curse not. When they hit you on one cheek, offer the other. When compelled to walk with them one mile, offer another. That is the nature of Him who was smitten and opened not His mouth. What comes out when pressure is applied to you? Can sweet water and salt water come from the same well? Should we bless God and curse man with the same mouth?

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to you, my Lord. When pressured let only what is within come forth. I died and offered my body a living sacrifice for You to rule and reign as King in. Come what may, as You see fit, manifest Your presence in me, through all the pressures of life”.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Seed for Aug 2

You have heard it said, "Act like Jesus" or "What would Jesus do?" And that we are to be "imitators" of Jesus, to copy Him, or follow in His footsteps. All these terms describe someone or something "trying" to be something else. The Church is not "like" the Body of Christ, but "is" the Body of Christ. We are not to try to "act" Christian, but to simply let the Life that is within live through us. If we are truly born again, then the Spirit of God lives in this earthly vessel. It is not a matter of me pretending...but a matter of Him "living".

I don't try to be a thorn tree "tries" to bare grapes, for that is impossible! I don't try to bare the fruit of the Spirit, but the fruit of the Spirit is borne in me by the natural process of the Life within. Many have it all wrong. Trying to “be a Christian” is hard work! Letting the real Jesus that really lives in me express Himself is easy. Paul put it this way..."reckon yourself dead". The old Billy Wells is dead! I see it and believe it, because the Word of God declared it. Romans 6. That is a fact! There is a new Creation is in me, Him. His Seed is planted in this fertile ground called me. If I get out the way, acknowledge with His Word that I am dead, and let Him live...then I enjoy the real Sabbath. I rest from my own labors and He lives! What a great victory when I don't have to try to be or do anything! I rest! He lives.