Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Seed for Aug 27

Billy do you remember when you Baptized me in a muddy river Pescaria in a small village outside of Zacatecas, MX? That is when my Life took a dramatic right turn towards a Life of Victory in Jesus Christ, to me that; coupled with the Momentous Salvation of my acceptance of Jesus as my Lord and Savior, in that little house infested with scorpions, and Black Widow spiders in Mesquite, TX. Praises to The Lord, for having you along with your newly found Brothers in Christ, from Seagoville, FCI in TX. And of course 'Brenda Wells' knowing just what to do at the pivotal moment in time!

Shortly after returning from that Wonderfilled Trip, incredible things began to change in my own life, "He shall inhabit the Praises of "His people" and ever since that day when my life in Jesus became His life my outlook upon the life before Jesus, has been one of astonishment and Praise for all the Good things that can and do come when one Praises The Lord, for me never empty, for me always desiring to be filled to the Point that God intended for His children to be.

I give Praise because of Him I give Praise to Him who is able above all things to make me more like him than Old (BJ) Mike, each day I see just how much God loves us, Sharon and I have now been married for 35+ years not always happy not always good years, however through it all Jesus never gave up on me, nor my Darling devoted wife and for that matter neither did you. Praise Him who is able to bring completion to a life He saved for such a time as this.

This World and especially the USA is now seeing tribulation like never before, and will see never again, until Jesus comes for His Bride. AMEN? World without end..........Regardless of what Dana said I know just what Praising Him means and entails, maybe some do not, but suggesting and I quote here for one simple reason only! "The phrase has religious significance, but no real substantial meaning. Most Christians would not even begin to know HOW to praise Him without using the words," "I praise you." end quote....... I do NOT agree totally, as there are a lot of assumptions here, the least of which is "MOST CHRISTIANS"! This is saying more or less that he has met and witnessed Most Christians being less than Himself. That is rather a stretch in my estimation. Point Made no disrespect intended.

In His Precious Name, Mighty to Save,

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