Friday, August 31, 2007

Seed for Aug 31

Wonderful day to be alive. Wonderful day to praise His name, Jesus! Wonderful day to have Him running your life. When falsely accused He answered not. When slapped He offered the other cheek. When hated, He loved. For bitterness, He gives kindness, for anger, He gives peace, for paybacks, He gives grace. Thus we are able to contrast the Spirit of God, and the works of the flesh. When hurt, I want to hurt back. When cussed, I want to cuss back. When cheated, I want to pay back. Lucky, I died and Jesus lives in me. So now for all those traits of hatred, backbiting, strife, evil speaking, malice, wrath, anger, paybacks, ....all those things lay with me in the coffin, and Sweet Jesus, my Lord now owns my body. I have no hands to fight with, they are His. I have no mouth to cuss with, as it is His. I have no piece of my mind to give away, for my mind belongs to Him. What a wonderful thought. Billy died and lays in a coffin, and Jesus lives in me manifesting His life! Glory to His name!

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan Wells
San Antonio, TX (our blog)

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Seed for Aug 30

What is the real purpose of Christian living? The real purpose of Christian living is learning how to walk in the Spirit. The Bible constantly compares a Christian’s life with birth, milk, growing, learning, walking, standing, and fighting. So it is reasonable to assume learning how to walk in the Spirit is similar to how a young child first learns to walk in the natural. We learn to walk in the natural with baby steps, and lots of falling down at first. So is it with us when we begin to learn to walk in the Spirit. We find ourselves doing lots of falling and getting back up. But as soon as we have learned how to walk, in the natural, we seldom fall, and so is it in the Spirit. My Children I write to you that you sin not (fall down)! We accomplish not sinning, how? By walking in the Spirit, and that should be our goal. We do not have to continue in sin, we do not have to sin a little everyday. Why? Because Jesus came to save us from our sins and deliver us from the power of sin! He has empowered us, by His Spirit, to simply say "no" to sin and walk in the Spirit, by His power. At first we do more "getting up" than “walking”, but now I have learned to walk in the Spirit and to not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Should we go on sinning so we could get more grace? No Way! God forbid! How can we that have been crucified with Christ continue to go on sinning? So let us walk in the Spirit and continue in His blessings and power. Be blessed.

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan Wells
San Antonio, TX (our blog)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Seed for Aug 29

Matt 5:9
9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

Jesus came to bring peace between God and man. There was enmity between God and man because of sin. We were in need of reconciliation, or to be brought back into union with God, and only the blood of the innocent could pay for the blood of the guilty. Through out the history of mankind there was always the offering of the blood of the innocent lamb, as a foreshadow of the real Lamb of God. Every time the blood of an innocent lamb was offered they were in type, looking forward to the offering of the blood of Jesus. (the true Lamb of God) They looked forward in time to Calvary, and we look back to Calvary for the offering one time of the blood of the Lamb of God. By faith in the blood of Jesus are we made friends again with God, and no longer are His enemies. Now we have that ministry to point others to the blood of the Lamb, to thus become the peacemakers, between God and fallen man. When we do this we are called the children of God. What a beautiful title, to be a son, child of God. Every chance you get, tell the lost, they can come to God, easily thru the blood of Jesus, the innocent Lamb of God. Be blessed.

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan WellsSan Antonio, TX (our blog)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Seed for Aug 28

There is a teaching in the Church world that says a "Christian must sin everyday, he can't help it...etc." The Bible has no such teaching. Paul said we are made free from sin, by the life of Christ within. I John says, "If any man says he has no "sin", he lies and the truth is not in him..." That verse is speaking of the "sin nature" of fallen man that is resident in each and every person, saint and sinner alike. The "sin nature" that we all possess (the possibility to commit sin) is resident in us, but we DO NOT have to yield to its demands. Should we go on sinning that grace could abound....For God's sake no! How can we that are dead to sin (dead to its demands) continue to live in sin? Paul asked. Romans 6 puts it very clear that I died in Christ and rose with Him in me. He has no problem with the sin nature that is in me, as He is stronger than that sin nature. He lives in me to give me victory over sin. He is not a weak and powerless God that I have to sin everyday, despite Him living in me. Walking in the Spirit is much like walking in the natural. When I first began to walk as in infant, I fell down a lot. Now that I am a man, I can't remember the last time I fell down. Why? I learned to walk. When we first start out as new babes in Christ, we fall a lot, but when we learn to walk in the Spirit we do not fulfill the lust of the flesh (sin). Now, that is truth and that is power. It sets me free to know I do not have to sin daily, because of Jesus in me. Be blessed.

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan Wells
San Antonio, TX (our blog)

Monday, August 27, 2007

Seed for Aug 27

Sometime in life we face disappointments. It usually has to do with what we "expect" the other person to do. We become disappointed when they don't do or act the way we think they should, or how we "deserve." Joseph had a situation in life where his brothers turned on him. They were jealous because of the love Isaac had toward Joseph and dreams Joseph had about his family bowing down to him. To make sure that never happened, the brothers plotted to kill Joseph, but ended up (by God's hand) selling him into slavery. Betrayed by his own family! Don't you think that would be disappointment? Yet somehow Joseph was able to see "God's Hand" in all that life brought him. And when Joseph became ruler and his brothers bowed to him, he did not hate them. So that is how faith works. No matter what befalls us, God saw it afar off and brought this into our lives for our good. Are we able to not be disappointed and hurt and allow God to work in us His good pleasure? Think back to all your own disappointments, and probably a great majority resulted in people not doing what you thought they should do, thus you became hurt. From now on trust in God, like Joseph, and see God's hand in life working out in you only the best! Remember you, too, will be a ruler some day! Be blessed.

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan Wells
San Antonio, TX (our blog)

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Seed for Aug 26

Does the Lord still perform miracles as in the days of old? That is a good question. We have to remember that the Lord changes not, He is the same yesterday today and forever the verses say. He has dealt with men in different eras in different ways, but He is forever the same. I only have one question for those who believe that the Lord does not work miracles today. How did you and I get saved? How did we take on a divine nature? How did we have our hearts changed from a stony hard rebellious heart, to a tender heart towards God? How are we empowered over sin day by day? How are we divinely guided? Remember are the greatest miracle those that are seen? Raising the dead, healing the sick, walking on the water? Or are the real miracles those which are not seen with the natural eyes, such as giving life to the spiritually dead, opening the spiritually blind eyes, healing the spiritually lame and causing them to walk upright in the way of the Lord? I say, healing the physically sick, who then go on to die without God is not a great miracle compared to those that are spiritually sick and are healed to know Jesus and His ways. Be blessed in our God, who is ever the same! Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Seed for Aug 25

There is a difference between faith and belief. Many people believe in God, but not all have faith. The Bible says faith has evidence and substance. Belief is only a mental acknowledgment. Our faith in God is demonstrated by the evidence and substance of our lives. We testify to our faith in our daily living. Everything we do in life gives testimony to what is really within. The Bible declares that what is in a man's heart comes out of his mouth. In other words, the very essence of our being is made manifest (evident) by our speech. Our speech betrays us, so to speak. Our lives are to be lights, if the True Light is resident within, and He only lives in us by faith. Let us not be hearers of the Word only, but let us be doers of the Living Word within. Let us give evidence and substance to the Life within. Let us show the world the Living God in His Body (us). Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Friday, August 24, 2007

Seed for Aug 24

The Lord is so gentle that He will not quench a smoldering flax or break a bruised reed. We, on the other hand, are often like bulls in the China closet. It is the goodness of God that leads men to Jesus, and we think if we dangle them over, the so called, "fires of hell" we can win them to God. Not so! Even the farmer has more sense about planting seed than do most Christians. The farmer is keenly aware that the soil must be prepared, the temperature must be right, and the moisture perfect and the timing right, then, and only then, is the seed is put into the ground. Not so with us. We want to win people to God without being in relationship with them. We want to birth, without carrying them for 9 months. We want to plant seed without preparing the ground. So much of the natural speaks to us about spiritual things. We should always brag on the goodness of the Lord, because it is the goodness of God that leads a man to repentance. Why not tell the world how good He really is? Religion has discouraged countless from seeking God, but our God is much bigger than religion and He reaches for us in spite of religion. It is Jesus that we come to, it is Jesus that saves us and Jesus that we serve. The Jew earnestly served his “religion” and missed the real visitation of God. We too, could be so busy serving our religion that we miss the real Jesus. Be blessed.

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan Wells
San Antonio, TX (our blog)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Seed for Aug 23

2 Cor 5:1717 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.(KJV)

We become a new creature in Jesus at our conversion. We are to transform our minds by His Word. It is not "if" or "when" I become a new creation, but I am, by fact, new in Jesus. I don't talk the way I use to talk, I don't do the things I use to do, I don't live the way I use to live. Not because of "rules," but because of a genuine heart change. I don't desire those things any longer. I have been made new and whole, and have no desire to go back to the weak a beggarly elements that had me in bondage! Since I have been made free from the power of Sin by the power of God, why would I desire to return to the vomit, or wallowing in the mire? I want to walk in the new liberty that Jesus has given me, to show the whole world Jesus is alive and is alive in me! I want to manifest the living God in my mortal body. I want to grow up into Him by the knowledge of God. I want to manifest the invisible God in the land of the living. Be blessed.
Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan Wells
San Antonio, TX (our blog)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Seed for Aug 22

2 Cor 9:88 And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.(NIV)

Our sufficiency is Him. We are complete in Him. He has empowered us with mighty weapons able to pull down strongholds in the spirit. We are not looking at ourselves, nor our abilities, but in Him and His ability. Don't think by some special accomplishment you have gained favor or position with God, because it is Him in us that makes us able and well able. As Paul said I count all my personal accomplishments as rubbish, that I might gain the excellency of the knowledge of Christ. That I might "know" Him. That I might know who He is in me and who, exactly, I am in Him. What makes a Christian great is Jesus inside, nothing more and nothing less. It is Jesus and not my "brand of religion". It is Jesus and not my spiritual feats of strength. It is Jesus and not my "anything." It is Him in me, my only hope for glory! Where is your confidence today? If it is anywhere but in Him, you have failed the test. Be blessed.

Christian health-share. Christians helping Christians. Tell them I sent you.

A crooked stick, drawing a straight line,

Billy and Jan Wells (blog address)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Seed for Aug 21

Give and it shall be given to you, good measure pressed down, shaken together and running over! That verse was written about "mercy" and not "money". There is a law in the Spirit to give away what you need. If you need a friend, then show yourself to be friendly. If you wish this or that person would speak to you, then you give first, and speak to them. If you wish they would be more kind, then make the first move and show kindness. If you need love, then give it away! What ever you want that men should do to you, do to them first! What an amazing truth in the Spirit. How many of us need blessing? Then be a blessing. How many of us long for something from someone else...then make the first move. Do to others what you want them to do to you...the Golden Rule.

Be blessed.

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan Wells San Antonio, TX (our blog)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Seed for Aug 20

1 Cor 13:55 It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.(NIV)

This is a powerful verse, describing the love of God. The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by His Spirit. There is a big difference between man's love and God's love, and most vividly demonstrated by the fact, "we" keep score of wrongs done us, and when we fight we bring them all up! "You remember when you did this or that, and you remember when you failed to do this or that..." And so goes the score keeping of injustices done to us by someone else. But God's love forgets the wrong done, forgives and forgets, and does not remember it against us ever again. There is not one, not anyone that will not cause offense to someone else sometime. There will not be one person who offends not, but we as Christians with the love of God in our heart will forget and forgive and not put it on "account". When wronged we will love anyway, and turn the other cheek. When wronged we will act as tho there has been no trespass. We will keep no record of wrong. We won't have a ledger book to get out and use against someone else. Let's see the flip side of this record. We keep score, a record of all wrong done to us, and we won't forget or forgive, so we build a "layered cake of offenses". This causes us to be full of all bitterness, and wrath, and hatefulness. So I guess the choice is ours.....we can hold it all in and be bitter, unforgiving, and build our own "layer cake" of accounting...on account of you did me wrong, or we can let the Love of God melt our hearts and to cause us to love one another with a godly love. I believe the true saying that says Charity (agape love) starts at home. It is not he that loves in word, but he that loves in deed that will be justified. Be blessed.

Affordable health-share. heath-share.

Christians helping Christians. Please tell them I sent you.

The Lord can use a crooked stickto draw a straight line.

Drawing a straight line,Billy and Jan WellsSan Antonio, Tx
www.bountyhunt.com (blog address)

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Seed for Aug 19

Some people use "will power" to try to please God. They are constantly involved with "taste not, touch not, handle not" acts of "will" worship. But trying to please God from the ground of the old man, Adam, is an insurmountable task. If we could please God, then why was there a sacrifice of Calvary made? If we could have been good enough, or prayed enough, or read our Bible enough...then why did God require the blood of an innocent Lamb? The Good News is that God is ALREADY pleased with the offering Jesus made on the Cross. We don't have to add one thing to the FINISHED work of the Cross. What does He require of us? Romans 12:1-2 sums it all up. Since there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus, we must actively present out bodies to Him a living sacrifice. What does He require? An active presentation of "self." What does "religion" require? The list is too long to mention here. Religion keeps us busy trying to "please" a God that is already pleased. If you were to do everything perfect, yet not rely upon the finished work of Calvary for your righteousness, then you would fall miserably short. If you prayed 24 hours a day, it would not be enough. If you fasted 40 days on end, it would not be enough. If you studied your Bible without ceasing, it would not be enough. If you never ever thought even one bad thought, it would not be enough. But when God sees you through the blood offering of Jesus, He says that is enough. That, my friend, is the Good News. Be Blessed.
Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan WellsSan Antonio, TX (our blog)

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Seed for Aug 18

We are admonished to follow after the example of faithful Abraham, who considered not the deadness of Sarah's womb, but counted He who had promised faithful. What great faith! Believing God against all hope that Abraham would father a great nation though Sarah could bear no children and the promise tarried yet another 25 yrs. longer! What could be more hopeless than death? Nothing in this life signals the end with more force than death. Up till death we all can hope, but who can hope beyond death. Even Jesus' disciples hoped He would be Messiah, up till the time of His death. Then they lost hope. But He came forth from the tomb to prove everything He said was true. He proved Himself to be the Truth and the Way and the Life. Now we hope, but not as the world hopes. Our faith goes behind the Veil and reaches into the Holiest of Holies and that becomes our anchor of faith. He that has promised will fulfill all His promises and to those with faith will He show Himself faithful.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Seed for Aug 17

As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.

Of course we know that the heart mentioned here is not the blood pumper in our chest, but our inner most thoughts of our minds. Another way to say it is, We are what we think about all the time. Thoughts are seeds for action. That is why we must take charge over our thoughts, as the Bible says, Bringing every thought into captivity to the Spirit. We have a fertile garden, our minds. We need to keep our garden free from evil and lustful thoughts. We do that by resisting the devil (our enemy) and trusting God to give us a clean mind. We need to meditate upon His Word, for this is the way in which God speaks to us. He will bring into remembrance the Word, and His Word will be there to speak to us and instruct us, and to guide us. We should repent of every thought that is contrary to the will and Word of God, and remind the Lord that we do not want to think that way! Trust our thoughts to come from Him as we praise, and talk to Him and meditate upon His Word. Lean not to your own understanding, but in ALL your ways, acknowledge the Lord and He will direct your steps. The steps of a good man or ordered by the Lord. Be blessed.

Christian Health-share. Christians helping Christians.
Tell them I sent you.
The Lord can use a crooked stick to draw a straight line.
Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan Wells1406 W Salinas, SA, TX 78207

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Seed for Aug 16

Being Spirit led is being sensitive to the Spirit of God. It is a quiet Spirit, not in the earthquake, or storm, but a still small voice. I am amazed that we talk of being sensitive to the Spirit and we are insensitive to those around us. He said "I was sick and in prison and you visited me not." "As you do this to the least you do it to me". In other words being sensitive to the Spirit and being Spirit led starts at home with those we love. Lets not say we follow God when we neglect being tender and kind to one another. You see we practice on each other each day, the same way we are going to react to God's leading. Be blessed.

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan WellsSan Antonio, TX (our blog)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Seed for Aug 15

Do we stop up our ears from the Word of God just because it is not our "brand" of religion? We should hunger for Truth. We should desire Truth in our inward parts. We should seek Truth like a buried treasure. With all our getting we are to get understanding. What is the greatest pitfall of denominations/sects? It is the fact that we “wall in” our brand of teachings into our denomination/sect and “wall out” all other chance for Truth to come in from any other source. It is hard to give something to someone who “has it all”, and many suppose that their brand of religion has “all” the truth. You see, we all claim we have all the Truth. As a result we do err greatly. The Lord intended for each congregation to be a well watered garden, with the possibility of cross-pollination coming from other gardens (bodies). (Look in the natural and understand pollination) We have done just as the disciples did, "They are casting out devils and they are not with us." Jesus said leave them alone! You see, the Lord Jesus cannot afford to give all the truth to anyone person, body, sect, denomination, etc. Then you could be made complete without me, thus having no need of me. No denomination/sect or person has all revealed Truth, or they would have no need for the rest of the Body. You see the eye saying to the ear, since you are not an eye, like me, you are not part of the Body. If we shut our ears to Truth that might come from another well watered garden, then we have become guilty of saying "since you are not an eye like me...." Lord, open my ears that I might hear what you are saying from any garden (source). Open my ears to hear your voice and acknowledge Truth, no matter where it might come from. Be blessed

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan WellsSan Antonio, TX (our blog)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Seed for Aug 14

You have heard it said, "Act like Jesus" or "What would Jesus do?" And that we are to be "imitators" of Jesus, to copy Him, or follow in His footsteps. All these terms describe someone or something "trying" to be something else. The Church is not "like" the Body of Christ, but "is" the Body of Christ. We are not to try to "act" Christian, but to simply let the Life that is within live through us. If we are truly born again, then the Spirit of God lives in this earthly vessel. It is not a matter of me pretending...but a matter of Him "living".

I don't try to be a thorn tree "tries" to bare grapes, for that is impossible! I don't try to bare the fruit of the Spirit, but the fruit of the Spirit is borne in me by the natural process of the Life within. Many have it all wrong. Trying to “be a Christian” is hard work! Letting the real Jesus that really lives in me express Himself is easy. Paul put it this way..."reckon yourself dead". The old Billy Wells is dead! I see it and believe it, because the Word of God declared it. Romans 6. That is a fact! There is a new Creation is in me, Him. His Seed is planted in this fertile ground called me. If I get out the way, acknowledge with His Word that I am dead, and let Him live...then I enjoy the real Sabbath. I rest from my own labors and He lives! What a great victory when I don't have to try to be or do anything! I rest! He lives. Be blessed.

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan WellsSan Antonio, TX (our blog)

Monday, August 13, 2007

Seed for Aug 13

He is a present help in time of need. Every one of us from time to time NEEDS the Lord's help. But I am here to declare that we can go to Him in the most mundane things of day to day life. He is not too busy. He tells us in His word to not worry about anything but in ALL things make our request and petitions known to Him. "In all things" means just that. All things both big and small. The wonderful thing about being able to talk to Him about all things brings Him nearer to us and our relationship closer to Him. Don't be afraid to let Him know what you need, what you are thinking, asking for guidance in every detail of your life. The Word says it like this..."lean not to your own understanding, but acknowledge the Lord in all things and He will direct your steps." He is a God at hand and not a God afar off. Be Blessed.

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan WellsSan Antonio, TX (our blog)

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Seed for Aug 12

Ps 122:1
1 I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.

David, a man after God’s own heart, desired sweet fellowship with the Lord and longed to be in His presence. The Lord has always desired to be in sweet fellowship with man. The Lord walked with Adam in the garden, and they had sweet fellowship. But sin broke that fellowship. Then, the Lord’s plan was to allow Israel to live on all sides of the Tabernacle (His presence), because of the blood of the sacrificed lamb. 12 tribes of Israel camped 3 on each of the 4 side of the Tabernacle (His presence). This signifying, God’s presence dwells in the middle of His people. Then the plan further evolved to, the Spirit of the Lord making Himself a body and dwelling with mankind, and He was called Emmanuel, God with us. But the ultimate plan was for God to not just to be with us, but dwell in us. After Calvary, sin debt paid, the way was made for God to dwell inside His people, and now we have become the “house” of the Lord. No longer do we have to go somewhere to be in His presence. He does not live in houses made by men’s hands. He does not dwell in church building, but in His people. Thus, where ever 2-3 or gathered in His name, there He is. Not only is He in me, but when I join with more of His body, there He is in the midst. So, let me ask….is it a joy for you to live in the presence of the Lord? Do you long for sweet fellowship with Him in His body? Be blessed.

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan WellsSan Antonio, TX (our blog)

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Seed for Aug 11

Grace gives what is not deserved. Grace gives what is not earned. What we deserved was judgment and conviction and condemnation, but instead He gives us justification (just-as-if-I-had-never-sinned), acquittal and restoration. Now, how many times do we meet people that need grace? Everyday of our lives we meet people just like us, who need the grace of God and we are the vessels God want to use to minister that grace. Here is the trick. Give away what you need/want to receive. Give love instead of wrath, peace instead of conflict, mercy instead of judgment, help instead of condemnation. An amazing thing happens in the Spirit. What every you give away comes again to you. I know that I don't need guilt, or condemnation, so I sure don't want to give any way! I know I need peace love and joy, so I plan to heap those on the "undeserved" today in bucket loads. Be blessed.

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan Wells San Antonio, TX (our blog)

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Seed for Aug 10

The 10 Commandments were written by the finger of God on tablets of stone. They were written on stone to match/equal the hardness of men's hearts. Since men's hearts were as hard as stone, the commandments had to match that hardness. But the promise was for a day when God would no longer have commandments written in stone but His law would be written in the flesh of our hearts. He would take away our old hard heart and give us a heart sensitive to Him. So we have a contrast of the "law without" and the "law with in." The "law without" did absolutely nothing to make men right. How then do we think that men's law or religious laws are going to make men right? We go to church and immediately they begin with "don't do this, don't handle that, don't taste this, don't go there, don't look at that, don't, don't, don't." Is there any wonder why men become turned off to religion? That is not God's way! He writes His law in our hearts. When we come to Him he changes our hard stoney hearts, to one that can be sensitive to Him. If your heart has not been changed by God, you can keep all the commandments you want, and you will not please God. They that are in the flesh cannot please God. We must walk in the Spirit, and it must be the "life within" not the rules "without" that govern. Be blessed

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan WellsSan Antonio, TX (our blog)

Seed for Aug 9

Heb 11:13-1613 All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth.14 People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own.15 If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return.16 Instead, they were longing for a better country-- a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.(NIV)

This passage is about the Hall of Fame of the Faithful. The point today is the verse saying "if they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return." This is speaking to us spiritually, and talking about the life we left before we knew the Lord. I call them my "BC" (before Christ) days. If I were to spend all my time talking and thinking about the past life of sin I left behind, I would have opportunity to return to that past life.

Ever hear people, who claim to be converted, yet spend all their talking time about their past bad life? They are "mindful" of the country they left and it will not be long until they are longing to return like a fool to his folly.

We have a new hope, and a new mind, and have become a new creation. We may remember out past, but God does not! He will never remember it against us again, so it is best if we forget. Paul said it best, "Forgetting those things that are behind, I press on..."

Remember you are what you think about all the time. Let this same mind be in you that was in Christ.

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan WellsSan Antonio, TX (our blog)

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Seed for Aug 8

The Bible says that we were called with a hope. The same way a farmer plants seeds he does so with a hope. The farmer hopes to make a crop and that his seed produces fruit. Our God plants His own seed in us, with the hope that we produce fruit. That fruit has the seed in it for more production. So you see God's hope does stop with what that seed will do in your, but then in turn when someone taste your fruit and sees how good God is, that some of that new seed will be sown in them. That is how the "good news" has spread from the days of Christ until today.

What exactly is that hope God planted in you? That Christ would be formed in you. That you would grow up into Him in all things. That the Mystery of the gospel would be made known in you, that being, Christ and you married become one flesh. This goes so far beyond "religion" that I find it hard to believe it has not been realized by His people. It stead of a bunch of rules, it has become a life. Instead of pretending, it is a reality in us, that the Living God lives in us. I have stopped "trying" to be a Christian, and simply allow Him to live out His life in me. How? Reckon myself dead, and Him alive in me. That is the hope of His calling, Christ in me the hope of glory.

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan WellsSan Antonio, TX (our blog)

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Seed for Aug 7

Prov 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.(NIV)

What a mighty tool we each possess. The Bible says that from our hearts our mouth speaks. There is a true proverb (though not Bible) that says the tongue has long root that reach to the heart.

Every one of us has the ability to speak life into someone else. We have the Words of Life resident in us. The Bible declared that grace was poured from His lips. That same grace (undeserved unmerited favor) should be poured forth from our lips. The World is hungry to hear some words of life. The World is ready to hear someone speak life into their spirits. There was a valley of dry bones and the Lord asked, "Can these bones live?" The prophet answered, " You know Lord." Then the Lord said, "Speak to these bones." The power of life and death is in our tongues, so speak life and grace and blessings to those that hear you.

You can be a part of this ministry by simply forwarding these Seeds each day to people you know and love and want to share Jesus with. Be blessed. Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan Wells San Antonio, TX (our blog)

Monday, August 6, 2007

Seed for Aug 6

From the wisest man that ever live, King Solomon, we have the conclusion of whole duty of man. This is coming from a man who "had it all," so to speak. He had wisdom, money, power, women, and anything he set his heart's desire upon, and he concluded it all as vanity, like chasing the wind. Solomon said the whole purpose of man is to fear God and keep His commands. Now you and I will never approach the position in life that Solomon had, but surely we can learn from the wisest man that ever lived. With all our getting, get understanding. And we should eat, drink and enjoy the fruits of our labor, remembering our God and His commands. Paul said if in this life only we have hope, then we are most miserable.! But we know that there is coming a resurrection, as sure as there is a God, and the Sons of God will rise to inherit the earth and live in a restored Paradise with Jesus. Be blessed.

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan WellsSan Antonio, TX (our blog)

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Seed for Aug 5

What is our purpose in life? It is to know the Living God and to do His will. We spend all our lives wandering around in this life looking for purpose. All the things in life that that world says are important, are really worthless. Vanity, pride, seeking riches, wealth, worldly wisdom, all are worthless if a man never knows Jesus and His saving power. I am not talking about a "form of godliness" (religious motion and activity), but a real knowledge of who He is and who He is in you. The World says you have to be "weak" to serve the Lord. The World says the things of God are to be lightly esteemed. But quite the opposite is true. Satan has reversed the price tags on everything in life. The things that are not very important to eternity, Satan says are important. And the things that are eternal, Satan says they don't matter.

Job in the Bible put it this way, "oh, that I might find Him." Paul put it this way, "Oh that I might know Him..."

Only real men will lay down their lives for what the really believe in. Jesus said, "Unless you deny yourself and lay down your life for Him, you will have no part in the Kingdom." I need to know Him, with such intimacy and depth, that our love would surpass that of a woman. He is that best friend that sticks closer than a brother. Be blessed

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan WellsSan Antonio, TX (our blog)

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Aug 4, 2007

Ps 23:2
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, (NIV)

Many a Christian out there that doubts God’s ability to lead. The Bible compares us to sheep. A defenseless, dumb animal, who is always afraid and will run away with the slightest hint of danger.

But we have a Great Shepherd, Jesus, who is leading and guiding His sheep. His sheep know His voice and follow. Of course His voice is His Word, since He is the Word of God. By allowing the Spirit to impress us inwardly and His Word to give light on our thoughts and actions, we can be lead by the Shepherd.

I have developed a system of following the Lord. 1. We are dead, so reckon yourself so. Take your rightful place in the coffin. 2. Jesus is alive in me, leading and guiding, actually living His life thru me. 3. Just watch out the window of your eyes and enjoy where the Lord is taking you. 4. Green pasture is a great place to eat! 5. Me lying down is to rest with no fear. 6. Still waters means there is plenty of good clean, calming Spirit of God to quench my thirst. Be blessed.

Affordable health-share.
Christian heath-share. Christians helping Christians. Please tell them I sent you.
The Lord can use a crooked stickto draw a straight line.
Drawing a straight line,Billy and Jan WellsSan Antonio, (blog address)

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Seed for Aug 3, 2007

He has given to us great and exceeding precious promises. That is what Peter said. And we are told in the Bible to meditate upon His Word. We should think about the promises God has made to us, His people. Then when trouble comes, and it will, we will have an anchor to hold on to. Here is one of the great promises God made to Israel and we are spiritual Israel: He would make us above and not beneath, the head and not the tail. He would bless our coming in and going out, the fruit of our womb and basket. Blessings would come upon us and overtake us! All we need do is to listen diligently to the voice of the Lord and do His Word. There are literally thousands of promises in the Word of God for God's people. Who would not want to serve the Living God? I started out over 30 years ago proving the Word of God right and it has never failed yet. Every Word of God is sure and steadfast. Every promise is ours if we meet the conditions. Be blessed

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan WellsSan Antonio, TX (our blog)

Seed for Aug 2

People are often afraid to pray, or don't know what to ask for when they do pray. We are to love the Truth, so we should pray for the pure Truth of God's Word be revealed to us. Secondly we are to get wisdom and understanding. So we should pray, like Solomon, for Wisdom. The Bible says if we lack wisdom it is good to pray for wisdom. We need wisdom to know how to move in our daily lives. We need wisdom to know how to pray and seek God. We need wisdom in our business and personal dealings. So let's ask the Lord for His Truth and His Wisdom. You will find all that and more in Jesus for He is the Wisdom of God. Be blessed.

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan WellsSan Antonio, TX

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Seed for Aug 1

No matter what you are going thru now, the Lord saw it ahead of time. The verse says all things can be made to work for good (thru the Lord) for those that love the Lord and are the called according to His purpose. As you can see this verse does not speak of everyone, but special ones. Who are those special ones? Those that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose, (walking in His will). If you want the promise you must meet the condition. Lots of people like to scan the Word and find great and precious promises to claim as their own. But remember that every promise in the Book is conditional. "IF you will, then I will" says the Lord. Be blessed.

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan WellsSan Antonio, TX ,