Sunday, August 26, 2007

Seed for Aug 26

Does the Lord still perform miracles as in the days of old? That is a good question. We have to remember that the Lord changes not, He is the same yesterday today and forever the verses say. He has dealt with men in different eras in different ways, but He is forever the same. I only have one question for those who believe that the Lord does not work miracles today. How did you and I get saved? How did we take on a divine nature? How did we have our hearts changed from a stony hard rebellious heart, to a tender heart towards God? How are we empowered over sin day by day? How are we divinely guided? Remember are the greatest miracle those that are seen? Raising the dead, healing the sick, walking on the water? Or are the real miracles those which are not seen with the natural eyes, such as giving life to the spiritually dead, opening the spiritually blind eyes, healing the spiritually lame and causing them to walk upright in the way of the Lord? I say, healing the physically sick, who then go on to die without God is not a great miracle compared to those that are spiritually sick and are healed to know Jesus and His ways. Be blessed in our God, who is ever the same! Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

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