Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Seed for Aug 15

Do we stop up our ears from the Word of God just because it is not our "brand" of religion? We should hunger for Truth. We should desire Truth in our inward parts. We should seek Truth like a buried treasure. With all our getting we are to get understanding. What is the greatest pitfall of denominations/sects? It is the fact that we “wall in” our brand of teachings into our denomination/sect and “wall out” all other chance for Truth to come in from any other source. It is hard to give something to someone who “has it all”, and many suppose that their brand of religion has “all” the truth. You see, we all claim we have all the Truth. As a result we do err greatly. The Lord intended for each congregation to be a well watered garden, with the possibility of cross-pollination coming from other gardens (bodies). (Look in the natural and understand pollination) We have done just as the disciples did, "They are casting out devils and they are not with us." Jesus said leave them alone! You see, the Lord Jesus cannot afford to give all the truth to anyone person, body, sect, denomination, etc. Then you could be made complete without me, thus having no need of me. No denomination/sect or person has all revealed Truth, or they would have no need for the rest of the Body. You see the eye saying to the ear, since you are not an eye, like me, you are not part of the Body. If we shut our ears to Truth that might come from another well watered garden, then we have become guilty of saying "since you are not an eye like me...." Lord, open my ears that I might hear what you are saying from any garden (source). Open my ears to hear your voice and acknowledge Truth, no matter where it might come from. Be blessed

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan WellsSan Antonio, TX (our blog)

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