Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Seed for May 13

Two trees in the Garden of Eden represented the choice of every man and woman ever born on this earth. There was the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge. From these two choices that faced Adam, (humanity) the choice was clear which one natural man would always choose. We have always tried to be like God, eating from the Tree of Knowledge.

Facing every Christian in this world today, are still only two choices. Will we live by the will of God (Tree of Life) or will we live by our own independent actions (Being like God). If we could see that living by the Tree of Knowledge is walking in the flesh, and living by the Tree of Life is living in the Spirit, then perhaps it would be made clear to us. But we have been bewitched by “Religion” to believe that we have the right and duty to decide for ourselves right and wrong. “Read the Bible and interpret it for yourself, etc.” We live our “own lives” and invite God along to ride with us, as we drive (so to speak).

Abandonment of self will and independent actions is to live of the Tree of Life (the will of God). Leaning all our weight and trusting in Him completely to lead and guide our lives by that still small voice within is the goal. Playing God by using our own “knowledge” to decide what is right and wrong was forbidden from the very beginning in the Garden.

The choice is still ours today. “Lord have your own way in my life and I choose you and abandon all my own independent self willed action and religious tradition, just to see you in me!” Be blessed.

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