Sunday, September 14, 2008

Seed for Sept 14

The Lord will provide: Jehovah provider.

Samaria faced 3 1/2 yrs of drought. No rain on the land meant no food crops, and many began to die. We all face droughts in life. There are times in our lives when prosperity or spirituality seems to run dry. This will be the testing of our faith, and God's faithfulness.

Elijah was God's man. He symbolizes every believer. Elijah was in the midst of the drought same as everyone else. God's people are not immune from the test of life. But the beauty of the story is how God provided for His people in the "lean" season. God told Elijah go and say beside a brook (living water). It is important to note that the drier the season becomes the closer to God we need to stay. Since God never changes position, it us up to us to move nearer to Him. Here comes the miracle, ready? God has ravens bring Elijah meat from the king's table. King Ahab, was Elijah's mortal enemy. Is God limited in the ways that He can feed us in the lean years? No! You may not like the "delivery system" (big black birds), yet God offers to us His plan of provisions. Can you imagine God's divine provision coming from our greatest enemy? The Lord provides! Are we going to complain against God's way? Or marvel that we eat and live and are watered by God's unseen hand?

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