Monday, September 8, 2008

Seed for Sept 8

I have often told people who are struggling with issues of self-worth that their worth is not based upon their skills, talents, personality, IQ, etc. It is based solely upon the fact that Elohim loves you. And that worth ("value" in your words) is evaluated by the price Elohim was willing to pay to redeem you unto Himself...the blood of His only Son. So, not only do we all have equal value, we have amazing value before Elohim. This comparing of one person against another, Paul said was unwise. It is the foundation of what became known as "The doctrine of the Nicolaitanes." This teaching was responsible for what is called "the clergy and laity split," that the ministers were more holy, and had more access to Elohim than the congregation. In Revelation 2:15, He says he HATES this teaching; and yet, the structure of the entire church (both Catholic and Christian) is based upon this doctrine. Now, though we have equal value, we do not have equal usefulness in the Kingdom; and if we are not of a repentant humble heart; we will go right back to using THAT as a standard for who is more important...back to value comparisons. No, in order for the Kindom to function properly, it is imperative that some perform more useful functions than others. This is the choice of Elohim, however, and not the choice of the believer. He places us in the Body as He chooses, and equips us as He chooses, and gives us gifts as He chooses. So, if He does all the choosing, who then can say one is better than another? I have referred to this as "the Law of Buckets." If we view ourselves as a bucket; and we see that in my bucket He places the giftings to lead many to Messiah; and in your bucket he places the gifts to organize meetings and to take a seat in the background...which one of us is the better? The answer is, we are equal, because we are both just buckets. What is placed in us is not of us. It is of Elohiom. If he places in your bucket to be an apostle or an apostle, and he places in my bucket to be a pastor, which is better? We are still the same; because we are still both just buckets. Grace and peace, Dana

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