Thursday, October 23, 2008

Seed for Oct 23

"Give and it shall be given to you." Preachers use this verse to talk about you giving money, but in reality it was speaking of "mercy" not money. There is a spiritual law at work here, and that law is about giving and receiving in the spirit. In order to receive you must first give. But we see this reality in nature too. In order to reap a harvest, as a farmer, you must first plant the seeds to produce that harvest. It cost you something to reap a harvest in the spirit. (that is profound)! So today think about what you need. Do you need encouragement? Do you need uplifting? Do you need someone to brag on you? Do you need mercy, peace, joy, or help? Just what ever you decide you need today, go and give it away to someone else. (plant the seeds for your harvest). Find someone and give to them exactly what you want and need, and you will see, what ever you give away will be given back to you good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over shall men give to you. It is important to note that harvest doesn't come the day you plant. So store some harvest up for the future by planting those seeds today. By planting seeds for future harvest everyday, you will begin to have a reaping of past plantings everyday. Be blessed.

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