Friday, October 24, 2008

Seed for Oct 24

Some times we need our eyes opened so we can see more than the obvious. Elisha and his servant were surrounded by an army sent to capture and kill Elisha. Elisha's servant was able to see the great army camped around them and was greatly troubled. He asked his master what were they to do, in such a terrible fix. You see the natural mind tends to fixate on the problem. Elisha prayed and the eyes of the servant were opened and he was able to see the Lord's host encamped about them as their protection. We, who are spiritual, need to have a vision checked from time to time. Is our gazed fixed on the natural things of life, that seem to come to defeat and destroy us? Or, are our eyes lifted up looking upon the One who never slumbers nor sleeps, and that watches over us for safety. Lord, open my eyes and let me see, that those that are for me are greater than those against me.

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