Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Seed for Nov 26
2 Tim 3:12 "Everyone who will live a life devoted to Messiah Yahushua SHALL suffer persecution."
Messiah said it like this:
John 16:33 "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."
I will sometimes channel surf through "Christian" TV stations; and almost every single time I do, I hear someone preaching the prosperity message. The crowd is "praising" and "rejoicing" at the message...and the offering plate surely has more money in it than if they had preached on suffering and enduring hardship. It is appalling to see those who would be leaders in the Body, appealing to the fleshly desire for comfort and riches; rather than preparing disciples for genuine life in Messiah.
I am reminded of the declarations of the Old Testament prophets who said judgment was coming because of the failure of the rules, the prophets and the priests...and lastly, the people. Those with responsibility are charged with greater accountability.
Grace and peace,
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Seed for Nov 25
Monday, November 24, 2008
Seed for Nov 24
In reviewing your last SEED email, I have to say that I agree more with what you had to say about 'The Days of Resting' as each and everyday for a Born Again True follower of Jesus.
There are conditions of life for each of us that MUST reflect the Day of Sabbath, or day of rest from our Labors, that is NOT just a once a week obedience of The Law.
And is without question something that the Pharisees of the Jewish ruling class kept on occasion, as they felt they were above the law and even so convinced of their own superiority above the lower classes, that it gave them numerous opportunities to do what ever they saw fit to do!
Was it shame that brought them down? And was it anger and fear of The Messiah? Which eventually resulted in the wrongful trial of an innocent Man called Jesus, who paid in full for theirs and our sins by going to the Cross and all that the Romans had in store for common criminals, Death by torture and asphyxiation, and finally a spear in Jesus side. However the breaking of the bones like the tibia and fibula, did not happen to Jesus! I believe this was to show that Jesus was someone in a higher realm, and the fulfillment of Prophecy.
I am probably way off base here but at least you got me to think more about the so-called Sabbath Day, and how it relates to the Christian man/woman since it was written to us ALL!
In Jesus Precious Name,
Friday, November 21, 2008
Seed for Nov 21
Rom 7:4 Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ; that ye should be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto Elohim..
Note that THIS marriage brings forth FRUIT unto Elohim. Nowhere does the Scripture say that keeping the Law brings forth fruit. The keeping of the Law is something the flesh does. This can be illustrated by understanding that it is YOU that keep the speed limit without need of the power of the Spirit in your life. Even the lost are able to keep the speeding limit. Does that please Elohim? No. Paul states plainly in Romans 8 that it is impossible for anything that emanates from the flesh to please Elohim.
Thus, we are separated from a fleshly existence of keeping laws to walk in the power of the Spirit, after we are united with Messiah. We need not concern ourselves with the Ten Commandments when we are walking in the Spirit; because Paul tells us in Galatians 5 that the life that is produced by the Spirit is one against which there is NO LAW. He also says it produces FRUIT unto Elohim...which brings us right back to Romans 7:4.
Billy rightly declares that our freedom comes as a consequence of our having died in Messiah. That is the fundamental necessity to deliver man from the works of the Law; but it is not a mindset that comes to us easily. That is probably why Paul spends the first seven verses of Romans 6 trying to explain this reality to us.
Now, there is a movement that seeks to bring believers back to keeping the law; but not to obtain righteousness (for by the works of the Law shall no flesh be justified - Gal 2:16), but to please Elohim. This, of course, completely misunderstands the two-fold purpose of the Law: (1) Convince us that we are sinners and are impotent to keep the law perfectly; and (2) to bring us to Messiah. Once we have come to Messiah, the Law has fulfilled its purpose, like a pedagogue that has trained a child to walk and act and live maturely. The objective of a pedagogue is to make himself redundant. Once the child becomes mature, keeping the pedagogue around is just absurd and foolish.
A great question...thanks for the opportunity to blog on it.
Grace and peace,
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Seed for Nov19
Monday, November 17, 2008
Seed for Nov 17
The Lord does not love us conditionally, but unconditionally. He loved us so much He gave us Redemption. The Bible says, While, we were yet sinners, He died for us. Another verse, Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God! Once we get a vision of the love He loves us with, it should create in us a passionate love toward God. Man's love is turned inward. "I love you if you love me". Man's love at best is "selfish". But God's love is giving, outward flowing, and free. He loved us first, then we came to know Him and His love and began to love Him back. The problem was that our natural love was inadequate to love Him with, so He fills us with His Spirit of Love to love Him with. That is a powerful thought. Since my love was not enough, He filled me up with His love to love with. Beloved love one another. Be blessed
Friday, November 14, 2008
Seed for Nov 14
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Seed for Nov 12
Grace and peace, and thanks for today's seed.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Seed for Nov 10
Friday, November 7, 2008
Seed for Nov 7
Let me say loud and clear right here, "Jesus is the Truth," not our pet doctrines, or biblical understanding of some passage, or denominational linage, but Jesus! Only Jesus is the Truth. If you have found anything else but Jesus, then you have not found the Truth. Don't let anyone bewitch you into believing any denomination has a "corner" on Truth. Don't let anyone bewitch you into believing their brand of religion is the only Truth around, and unless you are like them you don't have Truth. Jesus is the Truth the Way and the Life. He that has the Son has Life and he that has not the Son has not life. That verse said nothing about a brand of religion, or pet doctrine, or some other discovery, but he that has the Son!
I think we will all be surprised how many of us, who thought we had it right, really had it wrong! If it were not for the Real Truth, Jesus, and His grace and mercy, there is not a single person that would stand a chance. If you are not firmly planted upon the solid Rock of His word, then you don't have truth. He said I am the Truth. There is no other. Be blessed