Thursday, November 6, 2008

Seed for Nov 6

What is our boast? In what do we put our confidence? It is easy to trust in our own ability, riches, brains, etc., but a Christian's boast should be in the Lord. We all know we are only one breathe from eternity, and there is not a one that can ransom his or her own life. But trusting in Him the source of all Life and Health and Healing is the walk of a Christian. We are to pray and then believe He is leading. More blessed are those that believe and have not seen! That is us! We are guided by the Unseen Hand. Our boast is in Him and not in what we can do. He is leading guiding us, and it is not within a man to direct his own steps. Everyday we live of the Tree of Life, our source. Everyday we walk in the Light of Him, for He is that shinning path growing brighter and brighter day by day. Trust in the Lord, lean all your weight upon Him. Cast your cares and burdens upon Him (the Ox) and enjoy the rest, peace and joy that comes from knowing, "My God can and will!".

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