Friday, November 7, 2008

Seed for Nov 7

The Bible speaks of a people that will "ever learn" but never be able to find the Truth. You go to this Church or that Church, this denomination or that denomination and hear them say "We have the Truth," as if their religion has copyright on Truth. "Our doctrine is the Truth, we have discovered the Truth and to have Truth you must worship here" and on and on go the sayings. For this reason we have over 400 denominations in America all claiming to have the Truth and many claiming to be the only ones with the "Truth."

Let me say loud and clear right here, "Jesus is the Truth," not our pet doctrines, or biblical understanding of some passage, or denominational linage, but Jesus! Only Jesus is the Truth. If you have found anything else but Jesus, then you have not found the Truth. Don't let anyone bewitch you into believing any denomination has a "corner" on Truth. Don't let anyone bewitch you into believing their brand of religion is the only Truth around, and unless you are like them you don't have Truth. Jesus is the Truth the Way and the Life. He that has the Son has Life and he that has not the Son has not life. That verse said nothing about a brand of religion, or pet doctrine, or some other discovery, but he that has the Son!

I think we will all be surprised how many of us, who thought we had it right, really had it wrong! If it were not for the Real Truth, Jesus, and His grace and mercy, there is not a single person that would stand a chance. If you are not firmly planted upon the solid Rock of His word, then you don't have truth. He said I am the Truth. There is no other. Be blessed

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