Monday, December 10, 2007

Seed for Dec 10

Paul asked a profound statement to the Church in Rome. He asked, "Was Abraham justified in circumcision or in uncircumcision?" To us that mean little because we are confused as to whether we are talking about the natural circumcision of a man at birth or something else. But Paul is making a profound statement that we would all do well to take heed to. The real meaning behind the question is: was Abraham justified (declared not guilty/saved) in uncircumcision (without doing ANY religious act) or in circumcision (by performing a religious act). And the answer Paul gives is that Abraham was justified in uncircumcision (without any religious act/s). You see, some Jewish Christians were telling the Gentile church they could not be saved without circumcision (a religious act). And Paul was correcting this mistake.

Now if we were to apply that to us, spiritually speaking...the question would be, are we saved by doing some religious act, or are we saved by faith alone without do any religious act? The same answer holds true today, we are saved by faith "In uncircumcision / without any religious acts." Be blessed.

Find out what Satan hopes you never know about "Hell".

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