Thursday, December 13, 2007

Seed for Dec 13

We are all constantly changing. Life is about growing and changing. In like manner our spiritual life should be growing. The Word says to let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus. Again it says that we are changing from faith to faith, from grace to grace. As we grow on this Christian journey we have our minds changed (transformed) into the mind of Christ. Secret things of the Spirit are revealed to us, that have never been revealed to the carnal mind. What we will find as we grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus, is that our past thinking might have been wrong. That is why we are to hunger and thirst after "the right things of God". Tradition is a mortal enemy of Truth. We are warned that the Pharisees taught traditions of men, instead of the Word of God. We too must guard our minds against the "leaven of the Pharisees". And to desire truth in the inward parts. Our daily prayer should be, "God show me your way!!" Be blessed Billy and Jan Wells

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