Thursday, July 31, 2008

Seed for July 31

Too many Christians think they have to do this or that for God. It is not about what I do for God (religion) but what I allow the Spirit to do thru me. You see “religion” keeps you busy trying to please God, by your actions, and grace teaches you that God is already please by the offering of Jesus! One says “work hard” to please God and the other (grace) says God is already pleased. If you don't think you must do this or that to please God, suddenly you are released in the Spirit to be used of God to do His will. God does not desire sacrifice. That bears repeating, God does not desire sacrifice, but rather a body to do His will (that is you and I)!

Now what if we stopped being so busy trying to “please” a God that was already pleased, with seeing us thru the blood of Jesus, and started getting busy doing our Father's will. What if His will was done in me as it is done in heaven? What if His kingdom was to come in me, where He rules and reigns in me and does His will thru my body presented to Him for just that purpose.

It is not hard to see, Jesus wants to work in the earth, thru His body (you and I). We just get in the way, when we "try" to be holy and religious, rather than being soft, tender and willing. Be blessed.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Seed for July 30

Christ in us is our hope for Glory. He that has the Son has Life and he that has not the Son has no Life. For the Life (eternal Life) is in the Son. Our example was the Grape Vine. The roots which are under the ground and unseen represent the Spirit of God. This is where the Grape Vine draws its nourishment (Life giving substances). The Vine connected to the Root is the Body of Jesus, the part of God made visible. The Branches are us attached to the Vine, where we draw our Life source from the Vine (The Son). If we are not connected to the Vine then we are not connected to the Root, then we have no Life in us. So you see all people are not God's Children, but only those in the Vine and connected to the Root.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Seed for July 29

The Bible is full of types and shadows. In other words things that happened in the Old Testament speak to us in shadows of what will happen to us that are living in the New Testament. One example is Noah and the Ark. Noah a righteous man spent 100 years building a boat according to God's instructions to escape a flood. Main point to this story is that it had never rained on the earth much less flood. So it was noised abroad a "crazy man" is building a boat! This gave Noah opportunity to preach of the coming judgment of God. 7 days before the beginning of the end, God had Noah get into the Ark, and the God shut the door. When the rains came everyone that breathed air died. That boat took Noah above the destruction where he waited till the waters receded and then he came back to a "new" world.

We are building and "Ark" the "Body of Christ". We are talking about a judgment of fire coming on the earth. It has never rained fire! We are about to get into that "Ark" 7 years before the End to be caught up above the destruction, after which we will return to the earth. They laughed then, and they mock and scoff now. After God closes the door to salvation for the Gentiles they will scream and cry to get in...but will all perish in the "flood" of destruction that is to come upon the world.

The moral of the story? Get into the Ark, the Body of Christ now while it is still being build and escape the destruction of the wicked.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Seed for July 28

When Absalom revolted against Kind David, his dad, David was force to flee Jerusalem, along the way they met a man, a descendant of King Saul, who cursed Kind David, threw rocks and dust at David and his army. Some of the leader of David's army wanted to go take that "dog's" head off, but David said, "No, what if he is cursing because the Lord told him to curse David?" "It may be that the Lord will see my distress today and his cursing of me and repay me with good."

King David was such an honorable man. He was not perfect, but his heart was right. In fact he was called a man after God's own heart. How many of us in our affliction, will just sit back and let it come? How many of us when cursed, ask the Lord to see us and repay us kindness for this cursing? How many of us when affliction comes, allow it to work the peaceable fruits of righteousness in us? How many of us think of how our situation helps us identify with what the Lord has gone thru for us?

Of course no affliction at the time seems joyful, but let it have its way with us, that we might learn patience and to be identified with Jesus. Become a man or woman of honor. Remember how King David reacted to someone cursing at him, throwing rocks and dust, one of the first instances of "road rage" in the Bible.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Seed for July 27

There is not, nor has there ever been a culture of man on the face of this earth that did not have a basic knowledge of God. Even in the most remote parts of the earth, with the most savage people, they all have had one thing in common: They believe in " god / gods" and most of them thought he was angry about something and needed a sacrifice. So you see that God has built something inside of each and person, by instinct, that is calling us to know Him.

Let’s make it easy:

Either there is a God or there is not. If there is no God...then we have nothing to worry about. If there is a God, then He is either interested or not interested in His creation. If He is not interested in His creation...then we have nothing to worry about. If He is interested, then either He has tried or not tried to communicate. If He has never tried to communicate with us, then we have nothing to worry about. If He has, then either we have His Word or we don't. If we don't have His word, then we have nothing to worry about. But if we do have the Word from a God that is interested in His creation and has tried to communicate with us...then remains only one question. How will I respond to God’s effort to communicate with me?

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Seed for July 26

How many of us can see the Hand of God in our lives that moved us to the place of finding Him? Long before we knew Him, He set in motion events of our lives that would bring us to Him. He brought the right circumstances, the right problems, the right people into our lives to guide us to that cross road where we decided to know Him. I was 8 years old when the Lord began to tenderizing my heart to know Him. I wandered around and wasted years till the age of 23, in prison, when He finally got my attention. All I can say, after 35 years of knowing Him in His power is "Thank you Lord for what ever had to happen in my life to find you! It was worth it all!"

Friday, July 25, 2008

Seed for July 25

Nature speaks to us everyday of the plan of God. Have you noticed the caterpillar? Just born a worm, destined to crawl all it life. But then something miraculous happens. The beautiful butterfly is born from that ugly worm. That is not unlike us. We all born sons of Adam and take on all the nature of our father Adam. We are all just worms in this world. Even at our highest evolved state...still worms. But something beautiful happens when we are changed into Sons of God. Instead of crawling like a worm, we take on the heavenly nature of our God! We are made beautiful. From a worm to a butterfly. From sons of Adam to Sons of God. How beautifully Nature speaks to us!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Seed for July 24

Along with the 5 things that the Church put on the Gentile believers, there are 2 commands that the Lord gave us: (1.) Love the Lord with all your heart Deut 6:4 (2.) and your neighbor as yourself. The Lord said upon these 2 commandments hang all the Law and Prophets. If a man repents of his past, and all is forgiven and forgotten, and every day we invite the Lord to do His will in us as it is done in heaven, we can walk in the victory of the Lord. It is Him and not us. It is His power and not mine. It is His way and He is the Truth and Life and Light of men. All He asks me to do, is offer myself to Him, as a vessel He can use to effect His will in the earth.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Seed for July 23

If we find that living for God, or being a Christian is "hard", then it is obvious that we are doing something wrong. I was once with a sect that made living for God a hard task. "Don't do this, to have that, don't go there...don't...don't". Seems to me it was a "can't do" religion. It was a religion all about "things". The Bible speaks of this as "will worship". (Taste not, touch not, handle not).

The Bible puts only 5 rules on the Gentile Church:
1. Don't eat meat offered to idols.
2. Don't eat meat from animals strangled.
3. Don't commit fornication (unmarried sex).
4. Don't eat or drink blood.
5. Remember the poor.

You know what? I don't have a problem with this list! The biggest mistake people make about living for God, is they make a list, instead of living by the new Life within. The new life within becomes your awakened conscience. The new Life within becomes your power to walk in light and not in darkness. If living for God is hard, it is obvious you are doing something wrong. Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees (doctrines of men) because they make living for God hard. His yoke is easy and burden light. You shall know the truth and that will make you FREE!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Seed for July 22

The Lord has promised to supply all our "needs". That verse does not say all our "wants" but all our "needs". I was watching one of the largest churches in San Antonio on TV. The preacher was talking about binding and loosening in respect to finance. He asked for those having financial trouble to come to the front to pray. Over half of this huge congregation came forward to pray over finances. This is a rich church, and one of the richest preacher in San Antonio, and a “supposedly” rich congregation. Seems to me the financial problems facing most Christians today, is not some magical way to pray some prayer, but their own DEBT!!! The pulpits in America should be preaching against debt. If we are in debt we are in bondage. We become under the power of economy and not God. With half the congregation in trouble with finances in a "good" economy, what would happen if things really do go bad? Once again I come to you encouraging you to get and read the book TOTAL MONEY MAKE OVER by Dave Ramsey, and learn a plan to get out of debt, not just repeat some “magical prayer cure” in Church. The Truth sets you free. Get out of debt and at the same time get out of bondage.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Seed for July 21

We are required to "follow in the steps of faithful Abraham, the father of faith". What exactly is meant by that? Hebrews 11 is the faith chapter with a parade of faithful brought to our attention. One thing that all these people had in common was: a steadfast belief that God was working, God was involved in their lives, and God was always in control.

Abraham waited 25 years from the "promise" of a child till he heard that baby cry in the tent. 25 years is a long time to wait believing God will do his Word, when your wife was an old woman! David waited 16 years from the time Samuel anointed him king until he sat down in the golden throne. 16 yrs is along time to wait and believe God, when your enemy is chasing you and trying to kill you.

How long have you waited for God to do His promise? Don't give up, but believe along with the faithful, that God is able and well able. Remember 12 spies all went to the same church, heard the same preacher (Moses) preach each Sabbath. Saw the same mighty miracles done in Egypt, but 10 said “They could not” and 2 said “God would”. And you know what? They were all correct. 10 lost out and 2 inherited. You see we all get exactly what we believe, or don't believe.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Seed for July 20

Ps 119:9
9 How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word.

How can a man cleanse his ways? By paying attention to God's Word. That will be pretty hard to do, if one fails to read and study the Word. The Bible instructs us to study to show ourselves approved to God (not to men), not being ashamed but rightly dividing the Word. Some how we have been taught only the preacher should study the Bible and tell us what it says. Hmmm. That is a dangerous way to live. Everyone needs to know what the Word of God says, so that it can speak into our lives personally. The verses of God should just turn over in your mind daily and constantly. In that manner the living Word of God is speaking to you. That will not happen unless you study it for yourself. Most don't know how to read the Bible, so let me make this suggestion. Start with St. John (history of the life of Jesus), then read Acts (birth of the Church) . Then being to read and study the letters written to the saved saints until you get to the end of the New Testament. Little by little read Psalms and Proverbs, and begin to devour the Old Testament. As you read for yourself, the Lord will begin to speak personally into your own life. The Word will become a living Word to you, speaking to you in the situations of your life. That is how God speaks. Be blessed.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Seed for July 19

There is an old saying "we are all God's children". Let separate fact from fiction. Everyone in the World is not a child of God, but everyone in the world is a son of Adam. In order to be a son of God you must be born into the Spiritual family. You must be part of the heavenly Seed. Just as being born naturally makes you apart of the natural family, Adam, so does being born again, spiritually, makes you a part of the Spiritual family, a son of God. So you see, everyone on the earth is not a child of God, they are not all God's children!

The blessings of God, belong to the children of God. The blessings are called the "children's bread". Now we know why Jesus told Nicodemus, "You must be born again, to enter the Kingdom of God". God has always put a distinction between what is His and what belongs to the world. In order to inherit the blessings of God, you have to be part of the family of God. You must be born again.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Seed for July 18

The enemy did not know the secret to Samson's strength, but when he found out he attacked him, weakened him, blinded him, and put Samson to work going around in circles.

Our enemy does know the secret to our strength. The Joy of the Lord is our strength. So when the enemy attacks us, he attacks our joy. Satan knows if he can rob us of our joy, he can put our eyes out (destroy our vision), and then put us to work going around in circles (meaningless religious motions). Without a vision the people perish. The enemy wants you to lose your joy and hope in the Lord, so that you will lose your vision of Him walking in victory thru you. Not one person in this world is immune to problems and trials, but the difference between a Son of God and a son of Adam is the joy we experience in every trial. Why? Our joy causes us not to lose sight of the fact God is working for us! He is on our side! We read the last chapter in the Book and we will win!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Seed for July 17

The Lord did not desire the blood of bulls and goats, but His real desire was a Body to do His will. We face that same fact today. The Lord is not interested in our sacrifices, but in our presentation of "self" to Him as a body to do His will. We pray the Lord's Prayer (only an outline of prayer) and in there we say, "Your will be done in earth”. What earth? The dirt of my own body, as it is done in Heaven. Most mouth only the words without really pondering on the meaning. The Lord's Prayer was not something to be "chanted" but an outline of the type of prayer He wants! "Teach us to pray".
“Ok, here is the outline. You fill in the text / meat! I want a body to do my will", the Lord said.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Seed for July 16

"Never did a man speak with such Authority!" That was the declaration of those that heard Jesus speak. That same Jesus lives in us. I wonder why most Christians have such a timid beat down attitude? Like there is something wrong or distasteful about being Christian? Quite the opposite. We are going to inherit the earth. The kingdoms of this world will be under our authority! Let's hear what the Word says to us...finally brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. That is our command. Be strong in the Lord. Take the boldness to speak to the mountains in our lives, and command them to be moved. He lives in us, and that Authority is resident in us. We were born of His seed and everything God is, we know is resident in that Seed. What a powerful thought! Be blessed.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Seed for July 15

There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. Many people have a far off relationship with Jesus. He is so far away from them that He can't seem to hear when they pray, or even be the slightest bit interested in their life (so they think). Let me say that with that attitude there is no way you could be close to God. Knowing that He is intimately involved in every detail of your life makes Him real to you. You need to know that He is closer than your blood brother, or best friend, and interested in every smallest detail of your life. We are to talk to Him all day long with songs, and praise and request. He will direct us and supply us and manifest His "nearness" and "realness" if we will just let Him. He is that friend that sticks closer than a brother. How will you know, unless you ask Him to show you just how close to you He really is? Try it. "Lord, show me how real you are in my life." and then sit back and watch.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Seed for July 14

It is a joy to awake every morning and to know the mercies of God are fresh everyday like the dew. I am glad that the Lord Jesus does not keep score. When He forgives us he cast our sins behind His back into the depths of the sea, separating us from our transgressions as far as East is from West, and never remembers them again. I remember my BC (before Christ), but the Lord does not! The old idea of getting to heaven and weighing your good against your bad to see if you make it in, is just a myth. With everything under His blood there is no bad to weigh. I am now the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. His mercies are new every day like the dew.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Seed for July 11

The Law of Life in Christ Jesus is a "natural law". Just as birds fly by the law of life in them, so we are able to live a life will pleasing to God, by the law of Life in us. As Paul said it is no longer I, but Christ in me, who both wills and does the work. Our confidence is in Him, and the law of Life, and not in what man can do for God. Religion = man doing for God. Grace = God doing for man. Religion is a hard taskmaster keeping you busy with ritual and traditions, ever striving to keep God happy. Grace says that God is well pleased with the sacrifice of Christ, and imputes the righteousness of Christ to us freely. The law of Life is as free working and as real as the law of gravity. We have been set free to enjoy the liberty of Christ Jesus, the Law of life working in us. Be blessed

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Seed for July 9

Build your house upon the Rock.

By doing His sayings we are building a firm foundation for our lives. Many people have trouble getting the black ink off the pages of the Bible and into their hearts and lives, because they try to live for God by “will power”. Impossible!

Real “living for God” is dying to self. It is self-surrender. It is abandonment of self-survival. Living for God is really and truly seeing yourself dead, without the slightest struggle against the Spirit of God that gives you life. Yielded to the Seed of God planted inside of you to give you “new” life is what being a Christian really is. Some think going to Church is being a Christian. Others think a happy confession of “Jesus is Lord” is being a Christian. Not so!

What is being a “real” Christian? It is summed up in this. I died, and He lives in me. I live by the Life of God within. It is no longer my will but His. He leads me by the still small voice within and Jesus is the real King of my domain within, called my heart.

Unless we can get the Word of God within, (born again of His Seed) then the Bible and all the promises of God are a myth to us, and we have build our house upon sand. Be blessed.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Seed for July 8

I have a tree by my back door, and when I go outside the fruit of that tree is all over the ground! There is no hiding what kind of tree it is, because the evidence is all over everywhere for anyone to see. You know that our heart is like a tree, and the evidence of what kind of tree our heart is, is all over the ground around us for everyone to see. There is no hiding what our heart looks like inside and what kind of fruit our heart produces....just listen to what comes out of our mouths. You see that fruit that comes out of our mouths for everyone to see, is what God sees in our heart. There is no lying or hiding or denying it, the evidence is all over the ground. From the heart the mouth speaks...Matt 12:34.

Ever wonder is someone is really a Christian? Just listen....

Monday, July 7, 2008

Seed for July 7

The Spirit of God should have a Body to express His nature thru. The Body of Christ is that expression of God's nature in the earth. Apart from Him I can do nothing, worthwhile or even worth noting. He is my life and source, since the New Birth, it is Him that both wills and performs in me.

The Church is the divine creation in Jesus. It is a new race of men possessing God's own life (God-men). His Seed is in us, and everything that God is, has been, or will be is resident in that Seed. Born again of an incorruptible Seed is what “born again” means. Just in as in our first birth we took on all that was in Adam, so in the New Birth we take on all that is in Jesus. Be blessed.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Seed for July 5

Our God is a present help in time of need. What a comfort knowing that when ever and where ever I may be He is there to help. It amazes me that the Bible challenges us to ask of God that He can give and make His realness known to us. Ask and you shall receive. The Lord knows what you have need of before you ask, but ask nothing wavering, so He can give it to you! Do you ever need help? Or comfort? Ask...for He is a present help. A help at hand. You don't have to write off and wait for an answer, because the answer is already on the way as the prayer leaves your lips.
Phil 4:6-7 6. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Seed for July 3

Let the fruit of your lips be praise to His name continuously. That is our instruction. Pray without ceasing. That is our admonition. Do you realize the God created 4 beings that cease not day or night praising Him. Declaring Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty. He loves praise. The Bible in fact says that He inhabits the praises of His people. You want to invite the presence of the Lord into your situation? Then praise Him. Continuously and without ceasing lift up your love and adoration to him from your lips. Give thanks in all things...Can we do that? No matter what happens, keep on giving Him thanks? Sure we can! I always want to remind the Lord how much I love Him, so His name is continually being praised by my lips and I talk to Him all day long about everything in my life. What a comfort He is and has been to me 30+ years.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Seed for July 2

I Jn 3:2121 Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence before God;(NAS)

In other words, if we are convicted, we have to know that God is greater than our heart and He is the One doing the convicting. Our conscience is that still small voice speaking to us. If our heart does not convict us or condemn us, then we can have confidence before God. The only problem is most people stopped listening to that conscience voice very long ago. It speaks so quietly now that they just don't hear it at all. We need to ask God to teach us to hear Him (our conscience). Please, Lord, make us open and tender to the leading and prompting of the Lord. When we feel guilty about something, or we are "warned" about something, we need to be able to listen and be exercised by that feeling (conscience). If our heart (conscience) is convicting us, then know God is greater than our heart and is trying to speak to us about something. i.e. You mistreat someone, or you are short, or hateful, you get that feeling later on, "I should have not acted that way." God is speaking to your heart. Do hear that? God is speaking to your heart! Wouldn't it be wonderful to be as tender to the Lord as we were when we were little children. I still remember when my conscience spoke loudly as a child. And I can still hear my conscience saying..."don't, or watch out, or that was not too cool...etc...". My goal is to hear Him in that still small voice of my conscience and obey His every leading.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Seed for July 1

I have found thru the years that when the Lord wills something, He always makes a way. It is not my word He is upholding, but His own word. What I have to do, as His servant, is to look for the open door. My prayer often is, "Lord, open the doors you want me to walk thru, and close those door that I should not go thru." As a result, my life has been looking for the opened door the Lord sets before me, and to stop trying to kick open the doors He has shut. Be blessed