Sunday, July 27, 2008

Seed for July 27

There is not, nor has there ever been a culture of man on the face of this earth that did not have a basic knowledge of God. Even in the most remote parts of the earth, with the most savage people, they all have had one thing in common: They believe in " god / gods" and most of them thought he was angry about something and needed a sacrifice. So you see that God has built something inside of each and person, by instinct, that is calling us to know Him.

Let’s make it easy:

Either there is a God or there is not. If there is no God...then we have nothing to worry about. If there is a God, then He is either interested or not interested in His creation. If He is not interested in His creation...then we have nothing to worry about. If He is interested, then either He has tried or not tried to communicate. If He has never tried to communicate with us, then we have nothing to worry about. If He has, then either we have His Word or we don't. If we don't have His word, then we have nothing to worry about. But if we do have the Word from a God that is interested in His creation and has tried to communicate with us...then remains only one question. How will I respond to God’s effort to communicate with me?

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