Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Seed for July 15

There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. Many people have a far off relationship with Jesus. He is so far away from them that He can't seem to hear when they pray, or even be the slightest bit interested in their life (so they think). Let me say that with that attitude there is no way you could be close to God. Knowing that He is intimately involved in every detail of your life makes Him real to you. You need to know that He is closer than your blood brother, or best friend, and interested in every smallest detail of your life. We are to talk to Him all day long with songs, and praise and request. He will direct us and supply us and manifest His "nearness" and "realness" if we will just let Him. He is that friend that sticks closer than a brother. How will you know, unless you ask Him to show you just how close to you He really is? Try it. "Lord, show me how real you are in my life." and then sit back and watch.

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