"Present your bodies a living sacrifice..." Romans
Nothing could be more destructive than fire. It reduces everything to ashes. At least with a flood or theft, there is usually something left behind to salvage, but with a fire there is nothing left, nothing but ashes.
So are we in Him. Not just a washing with water, but a fire of the Spirit, burning up all hope of the Old Man. There is nothing of the Old Man worth saving! We are new creatures in a New Creation and we are to forget those things that are behind (in our past lives). And arise to walk in newness of life. Some try to hold on to the past, having loved that world, remember Lot's wife. But others confess themselves to be pilgrims and strangers in this present land, and confess that they are looking for that land where King Jesus will sit on the throne for 1,000 years! Blessed be that day!
Nothing of the old life has power over me, I have passed thru the water and the fire. I am a NEW CREATURE in Christ Jesus.
Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Seed for Oct 30
My little children I write to you that you sin not... I john 2:1. Some teach that we are to just make a "happy" confession, and then do the best we can in life. But the Bible teaches that our best is not good enough, in fact it is worthless. We need the power of God working in our lives, to empower us to live above sin (to be able to say NO to sin). The Bible says we are to receive "power" after the Holy Spirit come upon us. This goes way past the "happy" confession and speaks of true conversion! How do we know if we possess this power? It is a life changing experience. The things I use to do, I don't do any more. The life I use to live has changed. There is a new power working inside of me, leading me in a path of light and life! It is Him in me, and no longer me by myself struggling against sin. I can live a life well pleasing to God, because the Life within is doing the "pleasing." It has become easier to walk day by day in the Light, because He growing up in me. I have decreased, and He increases, and He has no problem with sin at all. Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Monday, October 29, 2007
Seed for Oct 29
Paul talked about our understanding being enlightened that we might know what is the hope of His calling in us. Inside each of us was invested by God a "hope." A divine will, purpose, plan...or might even be said a growth pattern. Just as every seed is governed by the DNA blue print inside of it, there is in each of us a DNA plan from heaven. We are to grow up into that plan by the will of God. We are talking about something spiritual and not physical. We are talking about the eternal and not the temporal. When God put His seed in us, it was with a hope that we would take on His nature. Ever notice the difference between us and Him when we get under pressure? There should be no difference, but we should manifest the Life growing within at all times and under all circumstances. That is the Hope, that we would grow up into Him in ALL THINGS! Let this same mind be in your that was in Christ, who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God. That, my friends, is a profound revelation right from the Word of God! We say, "Just let me be a saved Christian and go to Church." And God says, "Let the same mind that was in Christ be in you!" Big difference. Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Seed for Oct 28
The Joy of the Lord is our strength. Haven't you noticed every attack of the enemy it to steal your joy? Don't you see that you cannot work or walk in the Spirit effectively when you have no "joy"? The enemy wants you mad, discouraged, beat up, down trodden, depressed, angry, sick, resentful, hateful, or what ever he can devise to rob your victory and steal your joy. Our joy to us is like Samson hair was to him. We enjoy peace love and joy in the Holy Ghost as our portion for living for Jesus, so where do you think the enemy will attack?
No matter how dark the sky, and how heavy the storm, if you get high enough above the clouds (doubt, fear, and confusion) you can see the Son shining. Remember the old saying, "this too shall pass." Give God the glory in the hard times and in the bad times, and defeat the enemy at his own game. He attacks to steal your joy, you in turn rejoice to God be the glory. Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
No matter how dark the sky, and how heavy the storm, if you get high enough above the clouds (doubt, fear, and confusion) you can see the Son shining. Remember the old saying, "this too shall pass." Give God the glory in the hard times and in the bad times, and defeat the enemy at his own game. He attacks to steal your joy, you in turn rejoice to God be the glory. Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Seed for Oct 27
In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God, in Christ Jesus, for you. Can we do that? In everything that comes our way, can we truly say "Thanks be to Jesus"? We can if we trust Him. The secret to faith is trust. Unless you believe that Jesus is really on your side and working for your good, and in control of every detail of your life, you will find it impossible to say thanks for the bad times! The Lord is in control, and is leading our steps. Nothing can come upon us, that the Lord Jesus has not seen afar off. We have grace each day to keep us in the will of God. We have Him leading us to perfection, and working in us His good will and pleasure. Remember that God does not see things as we do, because He knows tomorrow. He never answers too late, never is found asleep, and is not too far away to be unconcerned. When we put our lives in His hands, then we must trust Him to lead, guide and protect us, in every thing. Why not just sit back today and see where the Lord takes you? Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Friday, October 26, 2007
Seed for Oct 26
We each need to see the Lord Jesus living within us. You hear songs about going to see Him, or can't wait to go heaven...etc. It seems to me, we have failed to see the great mystery that Paul wrote about. We don't have to go anywhere to see Him, nor do we have to go anywhere to be with Him, because He is in us! Paul said, "I live, yet not I but Christ lives in me." If we could "see" Him, where He really is, then we too could say, "He will never leave nor forsake us, and I live, yet not I." There is power in knowing who He is in us and who we are in Him. If the enemy can keep us thinking God is somewhere way far off, and we have to struggle to get His attention, then we are weak. But if we know what the Word declares, that He lives in us, sees us and all our situations and is absolutely concerned with our present and future situations we have power! He is our present help in time of need! Why? because He lives in me He is presently aware of my needs! I can cast all my care upon Him, because being in me, He knows my cares. He is the God that neither slumbers nor sleeps and watches over me for goodness and mercy sake. I don't have to go high to find Him, nor does someone have to bring Him to me, but Jesus is here with me every minute of my day, living and speaking in me. Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Seed for Oct 25
Many Christians have a "beggar" mentality. They beg God to do this or that...or change His mind about this or that...or empower them over this is that....etc. We are Kingdom children. Our Father is King of the Universe. All power is given to Him (Jesus) and He lives in us. There is a constant struggle to live out of the will of God and to "go against the grain." The fleshly mind is not subject to the will of God, nor can it be. We need a mind change (His attitude in our minds). We need the hearts of flesh that will make us sensitive to His leadings. We are to experience life and peace. Ask yourself what you experience in your daily walk with Him. Is it a constant struggle, up and down, in and out, hot and cold? Then you have something wrong. He gives us peace, and not like the world gets peace, but peace in the midst of the storms! We are to walk in the Spirit, flow in the Spirit, enjoy life in the Spirit, and walk in the Victory He gives us day by day and battle by battle. We need to know who we are in Him and who exactly He is in us. Are we beggars, or are we enjoying our rights and privileges as King's kids? Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Seed for Oct 24
When Israel (the Church in the Wilderness) entered into the Promised Land it was truly a land of promise, but full of giants, walled cities and idol worshippers. The Church/Israel was led by a man called Joshua (Hebrew for Jesus). He was to lead them into the Promised Land to possess it. They were not to make any deals with the inhabitants of the land, but were to utterly destroy everyone and they were to possess the land as their own. They acted in the natural what we are to do in the Spirit. We too, the True Church, are lead by Jesus (our Joshua) within to take the Promised Land flowing with milk and honey. That land is within us and it is full of all kinds of giants, walled cities, and inhabitants that worship idols, (everything we were in our BC days). That is the land within us, our mind. We are to not make any deals with any inhabitants as we are to totally possess the land within our mind for King Jesus to sit upon the throne of our hearts and rule and reign in this "earth" as it is in heaven. You see the Promised land is to be possessed now, within us. The Promised land is not heaven some day, but is the Spirit-led life of today! Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Seed for Oct 23
"I want to live the way He wants me to live...." goes the verse of an old chorus. I think that is in the heart of every true believer, but often we struggle with how to perform that desire. Paul wrote about that situation in Romans 7, when he said "O wretched man that I am..." But the Lord did not leave us nor forsake us in the performance of His will. He empowers us! When I reach the end of my rope and have no where else to turn, I then turn to Him, my source and supply. But what if instead of me getting to the "end" of my rope before turning, what if I turned to Him first, always first??? Then I would find what Paul found in Romans 8, the ability to walk in the Spirit and by doing so, I will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Many try to not fulfill the lust of the flesh, without walking in the Spirit. Impossible, and that will turn you into a "wretched" man. The Bible does not say, he that does not fulfill the lust of the flesh is walking in the Spirit, but exactly the opposite. If you walk in the Spirit you do not fulfill the lust of the flesh because of the power of the Living God within. Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Monday, October 22, 2007
Seed for Oct 22
"Owe no man anything, but love." Well, you don't hear this message preached much...if at all! Yet it is Bible and Wisdom. We live in a society that is living on the brink of disaster, because of debt. We owe "no man" because we owe "every man"! They did a study on personal bankruptcies in the US and found if the average family that declared bankruptcy had only an extra $250 per month in their budget they could avoid bankruptcy. That is living on the edge! The fact is, that many live one paycheck from disaster! The average American family spends 110% of their annual income! Disaster! This is not the freedom Jesus promised! Debt is bondage!
The price of Crude Oil has doubled in the last 3 years, and hit $90.00 per barrel this week. If the price of Crude doubles in the next 3 years, it will be $180.00 per barrel, and again in the next 3 years $540.00 per barrel. Where will we be? What will be our situation, with $15.00 a gallon gas? I will again admonish the people and preachers of God to get out of debt and preach and teach getting out of debt! Prepare yourselves for what ever might become of our economy by being debt free! If you wait until it is too late to begin your debt relief strategy, then it will be too late.
Let’s hear the word, “owe nothing to any man”! Be blessed.
If you want a free copy of Total Money Make Over by Dave Ramsey, send me your mailing address and I will send it to you today.
Billy and Jan Wells
The price of Crude Oil has doubled in the last 3 years, and hit $90.00 per barrel this week. If the price of Crude doubles in the next 3 years, it will be $180.00 per barrel, and again in the next 3 years $540.00 per barrel. Where will we be? What will be our situation, with $15.00 a gallon gas? I will again admonish the people and preachers of God to get out of debt and preach and teach getting out of debt! Prepare yourselves for what ever might become of our economy by being debt free! If you wait until it is too late to begin your debt relief strategy, then it will be too late.
Let’s hear the word, “owe nothing to any man”! Be blessed.
If you want a free copy of Total Money Make Over by Dave Ramsey, send me your mailing address and I will send it to you today.
Billy and Jan Wells
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Seed for Oct 21
God has always had a people. Even before your "religion" ever was, or was ever even heard of, (you know, the one that you think is the only one with the truth), God has had a people. God is no respecter of persons, but is a Spirit that seeks true worshippers. What does it take to be a true worshipper? We are true worshippers if we seek Him in Spirit and Truth. When we seek for Him with all our heart, then will He be found of us. Not when we join this church or get this doctrine right, or have this formula, or obey this set of rules, but when we seek Him with all our heart then will He be found of us. We all seem to think that because we have this knowledge or this doctrine, or this truth, some how we have "special" favor with God. I think we will all be surprised who has really found Jesus and who as not. He that has the Son has Life. Don't we wish it would have said, "He that has our religion, has Life'? But it doesn't. Next time you think only "my brand" knows Him or His name, remember we will sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and they never even heard of my "brand" of religion. Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Seed for Oct 20
New movie released yesterday, the Ten Commandments, animated cartoon, 1:28 hr, show teaching the Word of God. We should support this kind of movie production. They have plans for 12 or more in this series. Take the kids and enjoy, they say it is very cute and enjoyable for adults too.
Have a blessed Sat am, and see you tomorrow, Lord willing.
Pray for my friend Neil Griffin who lost his wife a month ago in a car accident. We use to house church with them for a year and half. Sweetest people in the whole world. We were sad to hear this news. Be blessed.
In Him,
Billy and Jan
Have a blessed Sat am, and see you tomorrow, Lord willing.
Pray for my friend Neil Griffin who lost his wife a month ago in a car accident. We use to house church with them for a year and half. Sweetest people in the whole world. We were sad to hear this news. Be blessed.
In Him,
Billy and Jan
Friday, October 19, 2007
Seed for Oct 19
His mercies are new everyday like the dew. There is not a single person among us that does not need fresh mercy every day, just like the dew upon the grass. No matter how yesterday turned out, today I need my Jesus and His mercy afresh! The Bible teaches us to give no thought for the morrow, and to not be anxious about anything. We get sufficient grace day by day to meet the need. And goodness and mercy follow us every day of our lives. It is that tender mercy that I need and long for. I may have failed miserably yesterday, and I sure don't want that failure to follow me, but rather goodness and mercy into today. I want and need fresh mercy and a new start everyday of my life. Isn’t He wonderful? Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Seed for Oct 18
I was taught all my Christian life that Christians have to sin a little everyday. We have no choice, no matter what, we will commit sin everyday, because we are "sinners." What a wonderful day when the Lord Jesus opened my eyes! I was truly powerless against sin in my life before I became a Christian. But when Jesus came to live inside me, He became my strength and power over sin. Oh, don't get me wrong, we all still have "sin potential" inside us. If anyone says he does not have the "possibility" to commit sin, he is a liar, but we don't have to yield to temptation, we can just say "No." If it were any other way, then the gospel we preach would be absolutely worthless. If the power of Jesus in me, was not greater than the power of sin and death, then what would it be good for? He lives in me, and Paul said, "I died." Thus a dead man has no struggle against sin, for sin has no more power over him. Jesus lives in me, and thru me and I live by the life of the Spirit-life within, and Jesus has no "sin problem." I let Him live and be my strength, and I stay dead where sin has no more dominion over me. If you told a man every day he could not do something until you finally convinced him, he would be defeated by his own belief. If you believe "religion" then you are powerless over sin, but if you believe the Word of God..."Then how can you being dead live in sin any longer?" "Go and sin no more!" Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Seed for Oct 17
No matter what circumstances we find ourselves, there is always someone who has it better or worse than us and that is successfully serving the Lord. Never will we be able to say, "Lord, you just don't know what I went thru trying to serve you". Because He was tested and tried in all manner just as us, and yet without sin, He has been where you are, and knows exactly what you are going thru, and you know His answer to you? Live everyday, one day at a time, and trust His grace to bring you thru this day with victory. We do not get peace like the world gets peace. When "everything" is going just right, the world has peace. Well, where is the victory in that? Anyone can do that. The victory and peace we enjoy is even in the middle of the fiery trial, we know our God reigns and will not put more upon us than we can bare, but in every trial will make a way of escape. Again, I am reminded, that pressures of life are what brings the juices out of the grape. What kind of juice flows from us when pressure is applied? Is it sweet juice (victory and peace) or is it bitter juice (wrath and evil speaking)? Be blessed. And blessed is the man who after being tested is found faithful. Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Seed for Oct 16
12 people went to the same church, heard the same Word of God, saw His miracles over and over again in the space of about 1 year. Then they were delivered from their enemy by the Mighty Hand of God with a great demonstration of His power and victory. In their own deliverance they witnessed the total destruction of the enemies army, without them even lifting a hand in their own defense. Day after day the Lord fed them, shaded them, warmed them and guided them, and when they went is as spies into the Promised land they all came back with a report. 10 men of the same church agreed it was a land of milk and honey, but there were giants and there was no way they could possess the land. Two members of the same church said that we can take the land, we are able and well able. All members of the same church hearing the same word, seeing the same miracle, 10 say "no" and 2 say "yes." 10 without faith and 2 with faith. As a result of their own declarations they all got their wish. The 10 that said they could not...did not...and the 2 that said they could....did. Now, let's ask ourselves, what do we really believe about what God is able to do in our lives? Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Monday, October 15, 2007
Seed for Oct 15
2 Cor 5:1717 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!(NIV)
I have a dog, Sadie. No matter how smart she is or how much I try to get her to act human, she is still a dog. I can even put little girl clothes on her, and let her sleep in my bed and eat at my table, but I cannot make her human, she still remains a dog despite my best efforts. There is a barrier between her life and my life (human), that the will of man cannot conquer. No one has ever made a dog into a human.
The same is true between God and man. No matter how we dress up a man, even allowing him to eat at God’s table, and be well mannered, he will still be a man when all is said and done. Oh, we can dress him “godly”, we can even get him to talk in the King’s English, let him sleep in God’s house, but no matter what we try to do, there is a barrier that keeps man from becoming God or even being like God. No one has ever done it in the history of the human race. No man has ever become God. Yet, we have churches full of men and women trying to be godly, and they are nothing more than a dog trying to become human! Shocking? Yes, and no one has yet told them it is impossible for man to be like God! Impossible! Can’t be done!
What is the answer? We must have a new race of men, the God-men, the Sons of God. Not men trying to be Gods or act godly, but a new creature, a new creation, never before seen on this earth. This new creature will be a new man born from the Spiritual or heavenly realm, by the will of God. From the ground of Adam, will sprout the Seed of God to form the God-man, a heavenly and new creation! This will in no way be a man trying to be like God, (acting godly), but actually a new creature birthed into existence by the Will of God. Not by the will of man, or the will of flesh, but by the Spirit of God! This God-man will take on the very nature of the Seed that produced it. And that seed is the Seed of God, that is God Himself.
So next time someone says, “You need to act more like Jesus.” Then you know in your heart of hearts, they have no idea about a new creation. It is all just an act to them. Pity them. They are still a dog trying to become a man. Impossible! Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
I have a dog, Sadie. No matter how smart she is or how much I try to get her to act human, she is still a dog. I can even put little girl clothes on her, and let her sleep in my bed and eat at my table, but I cannot make her human, she still remains a dog despite my best efforts. There is a barrier between her life and my life (human), that the will of man cannot conquer. No one has ever made a dog into a human.
The same is true between God and man. No matter how we dress up a man, even allowing him to eat at God’s table, and be well mannered, he will still be a man when all is said and done. Oh, we can dress him “godly”, we can even get him to talk in the King’s English, let him sleep in God’s house, but no matter what we try to do, there is a barrier that keeps man from becoming God or even being like God. No one has ever done it in the history of the human race. No man has ever become God. Yet, we have churches full of men and women trying to be godly, and they are nothing more than a dog trying to become human! Shocking? Yes, and no one has yet told them it is impossible for man to be like God! Impossible! Can’t be done!
What is the answer? We must have a new race of men, the God-men, the Sons of God. Not men trying to be Gods or act godly, but a new creature, a new creation, never before seen on this earth. This new creature will be a new man born from the Spiritual or heavenly realm, by the will of God. From the ground of Adam, will sprout the Seed of God to form the God-man, a heavenly and new creation! This will in no way be a man trying to be like God, (acting godly), but actually a new creature birthed into existence by the Will of God. Not by the will of man, or the will of flesh, but by the Spirit of God! This God-man will take on the very nature of the Seed that produced it. And that seed is the Seed of God, that is God Himself.
So next time someone says, “You need to act more like Jesus.” Then you know in your heart of hearts, they have no idea about a new creation. It is all just an act to them. Pity them. They are still a dog trying to become a man. Impossible! Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Seed for Oct 14
In the beginning God created man to seek after Him, but after the transgression in the Garden of Eden, God has been seeking men ever since, while men seek after sin. Could you imagine God's own creation, made in His own image, and designed with a basic nature to seek God? Ever since that day, God has had to seek men. "Adam, where are you?" And Adam's reply was that he was hiding, because he was naked.
What is our hearts desire? Is it Him? Do we long for a real and rich living relation with the King and our God? Do we seek Him early, late and long? Is it His name we love to speak, and His face we desire to see? Is He the lover of our soul? The hope of our future? The desire of all our longings? Are we really seeking Him? He said, "I will be found when you seek me with all your heart!" After all, that was the whole reason I was made...to seek God!
Be blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells
What is our hearts desire? Is it Him? Do we long for a real and rich living relation with the King and our God? Do we seek Him early, late and long? Is it His name we love to speak, and His face we desire to see? Is He the lover of our soul? The hope of our future? The desire of all our longings? Are we really seeking Him? He said, "I will be found when you seek me with all your heart!" After all, that was the whole reason I was made...to seek God!
Be blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Seed for Oct 13
"He must increase and I must decrease". These words were spoken by John the Baptist, talking of his ministry and the ministry of Jesus. Yet these words hold a deeper spiritual meaning and truth about the Jesus that lives within us. When we first come to God, by faith a Seed is planted in us, with the expressed hope of growing up into Him and producing the fruit of the Spirit. Problem is that many do not decrease themselves in order to allow the Lord to increase and grow in them. If there is no desire to worship Him and no hunger for His Word, it is a definite sign that He is not increasing in you. The Christian life was never about just "going to church" but about allowing the living God to live out His being in and thru you. He must increase. That planted Seed must grow and mature and fruit, while at the same time, I must decrease my hold on self and self will and independent actions. Most people think just being a Christian is in "name only" (something we call ourselves) and going to church ever so often, and just doing the best they can, and that will be sufficient. That is the lie of "religion." Christian living is about me dying (decreasing) and Him living in me (increasing). Death and resurrection, me dying and Him rising in me. Paul said, "Reckon yourself dead unto sin and alive to Christ." "Present your bodies a living sacrifice, which is your reasonable service." What is "reasonable" to God? Total surrender of yourself upon the altar of sacrifice (total decrease). Examine yourself Paul said. Every one of us has the ability to see...Is He increasing in me? Am I just a Christian in name only, or is He really alive in me? Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Friday, October 12, 2007
Seed for Oct 12
Is He the true Treasure? Do we seek after Him hard, like the greatest treasure of our lives? Or do we seek the treasures of the world? The Bible speaks of a treasure which a man uncovers while working in another man's field. He covers the treasure up again and goes and sells all that he has that he might return and buy the field with the great treasure. Is that what He is to us? Will we go and sell all that we have and invest in Him? We are not talking about something we can actually buy, but in the spirit, it is an attitude that it is Him that I will seek with all that I have.
Many are so busy with the cares of this life, and seeking the treasures of this world, that they have no time to seek Him. Or they have the "God" thing down to something you do one day a week or so...just some religious thing we do. We often just go through the motions of seeking Him. But He is not a "treasure" to us. The Bible says that where a man's treasure is, there will his heart be. Jesus is that Pearl of Great Price. He is the treasure buried that we might go and sell all that we have, to buy Him. We are to seek Him with all our heart, and go after Him with all our being. What do I spend all my time seeking after? Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Many are so busy with the cares of this life, and seeking the treasures of this world, that they have no time to seek Him. Or they have the "God" thing down to something you do one day a week or so...just some religious thing we do. We often just go through the motions of seeking Him. But He is not a "treasure" to us. The Bible says that where a man's treasure is, there will his heart be. Jesus is that Pearl of Great Price. He is the treasure buried that we might go and sell all that we have, to buy Him. We are to seek Him with all our heart, and go after Him with all our being. What do I spend all my time seeking after? Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Seed for Oct 11
Some times we need our eyes opened so we can see more than the obvious. Elisha and his servant were surrounded by an army sent to capture and kill Elisha. Elisha's servant was able to see the great army camped around them and was greatly troubled. He asked his master what were they to do, in such a terrible fix. You see the natural mind tends to fixate on the problem. Elisha prayed and the eyes of the servant were opened and he was able to see the Lord's host encamped about them as their protection. We, who are spiritual, need to have a vision checked from time to time. Is our gazed fixed on the natural things of life, that seem to come to defeat and destroy us? Or, are our eyes lifted up looking upon the One who never slumbers nor sleeps, and that watches over us for safety. Lord, open my eyes and let me see, that those that are for me are greater than those against me. Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Seed for Oct 10
There are only 2 types of Christians, Spirit led and carnal. The carnal Christian is represented by the "wilderness" experience of Israel after leaving their Egypt (sin). All that Israel was able to do, was wander around feeding their carnal appetites until they were all buried in the wilderness and they never reached the Promised Land!
The Lord had better plans for them, as well as for us. Jesus never intends for us to just wander around from circumstance to circumstance wondering why did this happen to me, or "poor me"! The Lord wants us to walk in victory. He wants us to get past the infantile age of whining and crying, and go forward and in victory and take our inheritance in the Spirit. We are to be more than conquerors, with more than abundant life. We are to walk in peace and victory, and to defeat every giant in our way. We are to possess the land for the Kingdom of God and eat from a land flowing with milk and honey.
Israel gets to "bitter" water and complains. Israel eats angel's food and complains. Israel sees a problem and complains. That is a carnal Christian.
Joshua and Caleb had "another" spirit and said "We are able and well able to take the land!" That is a Spiritual Christian. Examine yourself, Paul said. Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
The Lord had better plans for them, as well as for us. Jesus never intends for us to just wander around from circumstance to circumstance wondering why did this happen to me, or "poor me"! The Lord wants us to walk in victory. He wants us to get past the infantile age of whining and crying, and go forward and in victory and take our inheritance in the Spirit. We are to be more than conquerors, with more than abundant life. We are to walk in peace and victory, and to defeat every giant in our way. We are to possess the land for the Kingdom of God and eat from a land flowing with milk and honey.
Israel gets to "bitter" water and complains. Israel eats angel's food and complains. Israel sees a problem and complains. That is a carnal Christian.
Joshua and Caleb had "another" spirit and said "We are able and well able to take the land!" That is a Spiritual Christian. Examine yourself, Paul said. Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Seed for Oct 9
It is the Lord's good pleasure to give us the Kingdom. It is He that blesses us with blessing. It is He that lifted the curse, and brought us out of darkness into light. I am amazed in those that think they have earned the "blessings" of God. The blessing of God cannot be bought or sold. They are freely given to us by His grace. Grace means that they were not deserved or earned. It is not for something that I have done that God gives me all things pertaining to life and godliness. Nor for anything that I have done that He has made me to sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Jesus became the curse, so that I could enjoy the blessing. I was not there when Adam sold out to Satan, yet I suffered, and I was not there when Jesus bought it all back, and yet I enjoy. So you see the way of the Lord is right. There are those that teach God has blessings on a string. You do good you "earn" a blessing. You do bad and you "earn" a curse. That is not "Good News," and that is not the gospel Paul preached. Jesus said it like this, "Freely you have received, so freely give." That is why I want to share what Jesus has given to me, with you. Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Monday, October 8, 2007
Seed for Oct 8
Not everyone saying Lord, Lord...but he that does the will of God. Many in that day will seek to enter in, but will be disappointed. So the verses go. How can we know assuredly? What is that infallible proof that we are to have part of the Kingdom? We can know now by our living relationship with Jesus. It will not be a flip of a coin, or the weighing of our good and bad deeds, but the Word of God says, "He that has the Son (Jesus) has life, and he that has not the Son (Jesus) has not life." Is He resident Master in your life? Or do you have God in a small compartment of your life. (Something you take out and do on Sundays?) Or is He your Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday....., etc., God? Is He your everyday source of Life? If we live of the Tree of Life (Jesus) then we have Life, for the Life is in the Son. Sorry, not in my religion, not in my stars, not in my saints, not in my church, but Life is in Jesus. Eating of the Tree of Life is living of the will of God, and making God your source of life. "Except your eat my flesh and drink my blood, you have no Life in you." And many who heard that, walked away, disgusted, for you see, they only wanted to go to “church”. Be blessed
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Seed for Oct 7
Christian living is a life of abandonment. No, we are not orphans, but we are willing slaves. We abandon our "independent" actions that Adam and Eve demonstrated in the Garden of Eden. And we live a life totally dependent upon the Tree of Life (Jesus). We have liberty, but we only use that liberty to surrender. We have freedom, but we only use that freedom to become His slaves. We have freedom of choice, but we choose to follow Him by denying ourselves. We know that He is able and well able to complete the work He started in us when He drew us to Himself. He placed His seed inside us and it has begun to grow. We have learned to agree with the Word of God and to see ourselves dead and Jesus alive in us. We now work in harmony with the Spirit of the Living God to manifest His will in us, as it is in heaven. We think it not robbery to be equal with God (the sons of God), but we humble ourselves to be obedient even to death. Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Seed for Oct 6
Jacob wrestled with an angel all night, and prevailed. Of course Jacob represents the natural man. The angel had to touch (wound) Jacob in the thigh (the strongest part of natural man) and that changed not only Jacob's walk (carnal) but also his name, Israel (prince of God). Big story told here. If we want God to bless us, as Jacob did, we must know that our dependence upon our natural ability must be changed. We must become cripple in our natural walk, and depend upon the Lord for our strength. And secondly, our names will be changed by that spiritual encounter. Now we have become the sons of God. It does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know when He comes we will be like Him. What a blessed promise. So, Lord, wound me and change my walk for the rest of my life, so that I may know to not lean upon the flesh, but to acknowledge you in all my steps. Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Friday, October 5, 2007
Seed for Oct 5
Heb 8:10
10 This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.
What does it mean to be Spirit-led or to “walk in the Spirit”? It simply means to be governed by the Law of God within, as opposed to be governed by religious laws without. God’s people were once governed by laws without, because of sin, the Bible says, but God promised a day when His law would be written in our heart (mind) and it would be that law we would follow. There are many who attempt to know and serve God by following external rules, man made religious rules, or even the 10 commandments. They are walking in the flesh. They are not spiritual. They are just like natural Israel. But there was a day coming, promised God, that His people would be governed by His law written inside their conscience (mind).
Someone can exactly follow man’s law, or religious law, and not possess one iota of what spirit-led life is all about. If you are being governed by religious rules, which only try to perfect the outward man, you have been “bewitched”. Religion in vain attempts to perfect a man from the outside (by rules), while God’s promise was that He would change our minds, and our hearts, and direct us from within. Are you walking in the Spirit? Are you governed by the conscience of God, written in your heart? Or are you walking in the flesh, trying to keep 10,000 commandments of men and religion? Are you trying making the old man better? Or have you decided that the old man is good enough only for death, so that Jesus Christ can live in your mortal body and manifest Himself to the World? Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
10 This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.
What does it mean to be Spirit-led or to “walk in the Spirit”? It simply means to be governed by the Law of God within, as opposed to be governed by religious laws without. God’s people were once governed by laws without, because of sin, the Bible says, but God promised a day when His law would be written in our heart (mind) and it would be that law we would follow. There are many who attempt to know and serve God by following external rules, man made religious rules, or even the 10 commandments. They are walking in the flesh. They are not spiritual. They are just like natural Israel. But there was a day coming, promised God, that His people would be governed by His law written inside their conscience (mind).
Someone can exactly follow man’s law, or religious law, and not possess one iota of what spirit-led life is all about. If you are being governed by religious rules, which only try to perfect the outward man, you have been “bewitched”. Religion in vain attempts to perfect a man from the outside (by rules), while God’s promise was that He would change our minds, and our hearts, and direct us from within. Are you walking in the Spirit? Are you governed by the conscience of God, written in your heart? Or are you walking in the flesh, trying to keep 10,000 commandments of men and religion? Are you trying making the old man better? Or have you decided that the old man is good enough only for death, so that Jesus Christ can live in your mortal body and manifest Himself to the World? Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Seed for Oct 4
I am a free man! I am not governed by the "Thou shalt not...." but I am governed by the "Thy Shall...." I have noticed men who speak and don't have the message always speak rules, judgment, and condemnation. But we were given the ministry of reconciliation, and life. We are to speak grace and the love of God. The love of God constrains us, not the "thy shall nots" of religions! I have heard it said and it is worth repeating, if what we hear over the pulpit does not set us free, it is not the Truth. For we shall know the Truth and it shall set us free! What are the "Thy shalts" that we are to minister? "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and you shall love your neighbor as yourself." Be blessed and be set free!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Seed for Oct 3
I am a free man! Free to serve the Lord in Spirit and Truth. Free to have Him lead and guide my life. Freed from the dictates of religious people who believe "will" worship will justify a man, and make God happy. Free from the power of sin. Free from confusion and worry. Set free from doubt and fear. He has taken me as His son and promised to lead me, guide me, protect me, inspire me, heal me, cleanse me, strengthen me, empower me, and has translated me into the Kingdom of God. With the Creator of Heaven and Earth watching over me with the love of a mother hen...what do I have to fear or dread. No weapon formed against me shall prosper and all I put my hands to do He will bless. He is the lifter up of my head, the restorer of my soul, my guiding light, my solid rock, my healer and my God. Rejoice in the Lord and in the power of His might. Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Seed for Oct 2
We are admonished in the Word of God to study to show ourselves approved to God (not man), so that we might rightly divide the Word of Truth and not be ashamed. Unfortunately we have a "religious" system that seems to depend upon someone else to read and study the Word and then tell us what it says. Few study beyond the preaching they hear on Sunday, and fewer still really open up their minds to all that God has to offer them. We tend to hear only our "brand" of truth and wall out any possibility for Truth to come to us in some other package. The perfect example is the most religious of Jesus' day. The Jews had the "truth" knew the "truth, and studied the "truth," the Torah, but when the Real Truth (Jesus) came by they missed the hour of their visitation. Why? Because supposing they had it all, they walled out the possibility for God to work in some other manner. We all tend to wall in our brand of "truth" and wall out someone else's brand of "truth." Hopefully we can open our minds and hearts to God and ask Him to give us all He has to offer. Lord Jesus, please, don't let me be blinded to you because of what I believe. Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Monday, October 1, 2007
Seed for Oct 1
Who will lead the next generation to know Jesus? That is our job, to teach our children, not anyone else's. Too many in this day and age are burned out on traditional "religion" and so they don't church at all! And it is no wonder, with most churches now lots of "fluff" and little "substance." Promoting this group, this speaker, this author, this show, and on and on...but little of the active presentation of the Living God. Many have grown weary going round and round the mountain of church attendance and never really arriving at any destination. Jesus brought us out to bring us in. Out of darkness to bring us into light. Out of bondage to bring us into liberty. Out of tradition to bring us into Life! It is our responsibility to bring the living Jesus into the hearts of the next generation. How shall we do that if He has not become real to us? I challenge everyone to stop substituting the "comfort of tradition" for "Truth." Let’s be moved by the Spirit in to a new realm of truth and experience. Let’s find where He really is moving and living in a real Body expression. Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
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