Monday, October 22, 2007

Seed for Oct 22

"Owe no man anything, but love." Well, you don't hear this message preached much...if at all! Yet it is Bible and Wisdom. We live in a society that is living on the brink of disaster, because of debt. We owe "no man" because we owe "every man"! They did a study on personal bankruptcies in the US and found if the average family that declared bankruptcy had only an extra $250 per month in their budget they could avoid bankruptcy. That is living on the edge! The fact is, that many live one paycheck from disaster! The average American family spends 110% of their annual income! Disaster! This is not the freedom Jesus promised! Debt is bondage!

The price of Crude Oil has doubled in the last 3 years, and hit $90.00 per barrel this week. If the price of Crude doubles in the next 3 years, it will be $180.00 per barrel, and again in the next 3 years $540.00 per barrel. Where will we be? What will be our situation, with $15.00 a gallon gas? I will again admonish the people and preachers of God to get out of debt and preach and teach getting out of debt! Prepare yourselves for what ever might become of our economy by being debt free! If you wait until it is too late to begin your debt relief strategy, then it will be too late.

Let’s hear the word, “owe nothing to any man”! Be blessed.

If you want a free copy of Total Money Make Over by Dave Ramsey, send me your mailing address and I will send it to you today.

Billy and Jan Wells

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