Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Seed for Oct 16

12 people went to the same church, heard the same Word of God, saw His miracles over and over again in the space of about 1 year. Then they were delivered from their enemy by the Mighty Hand of God with a great demonstration of His power and victory. In their own deliverance they witnessed the total destruction of the enemies army, without them even lifting a hand in their own defense. Day after day the Lord fed them, shaded them, warmed them and guided them, and when they went is as spies into the Promised land they all came back with a report. 10 men of the same church agreed it was a land of milk and honey, but there were giants and there was no way they could possess the land. Two members of the same church said that we can take the land, we are able and well able. All members of the same church hearing the same word, seeing the same miracle, 10 say "no" and 2 say "yes." 10 without faith and 2 with faith. As a result of their own declarations they all got their wish. The 10 that said they could not...did not...and the 2 that said they could....did. Now, let's ask ourselves, what do we really believe about what God is able to do in our lives? Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

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