Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Seed for Oct 2

We are admonished in the Word of God to study to show ourselves approved to God (not man), so that we might rightly divide the Word of Truth and not be ashamed. Unfortunately we have a "religious" system that seems to depend upon someone else to read and study the Word and then tell us what it says. Few study beyond the preaching they hear on Sunday, and fewer still really open up their minds to all that God has to offer them. We tend to hear only our "brand" of truth and wall out any possibility for Truth to come to us in some other package. The perfect example is the most religious of Jesus' day. The Jews had the "truth" knew the "truth, and studied the "truth," the Torah, but when the Real Truth (Jesus) came by they missed the hour of their visitation. Why? Because supposing they had it all, they walled out the possibility for God to work in some other manner. We all tend to wall in our brand of "truth" and wall out someone else's brand of "truth." Hopefully we can open our minds and hearts to God and ask Him to give us all He has to offer. Lord Jesus, please, don't let me be blinded to you because of what I believe. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

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