Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Seed for Oct 17

No matter what circumstances we find ourselves, there is always someone who has it better or worse than us and that is successfully serving the Lord. Never will we be able to say, "Lord, you just don't know what I went thru trying to serve you". Because He was tested and tried in all manner just as us, and yet without sin, He has been where you are, and knows exactly what you are going thru, and you know His answer to you? Live everyday, one day at a time, and trust His grace to bring you thru this day with victory. We do not get peace like the world gets peace. When "everything" is going just right, the world has peace. Well, where is the victory in that? Anyone can do that. The victory and peace we enjoy is even in the middle of the fiery trial, we know our God reigns and will not put more upon us than we can bare, but in every trial will make a way of escape. Again, I am reminded, that pressures of life are what brings the juices out of the grape. What kind of juice flows from us when pressure is applied? Is it sweet juice (victory and peace) or is it bitter juice (wrath and evil speaking)? Be blessed. And blessed is the man who after being tested is found faithful. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

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