Monday, October 15, 2007

Seed for Oct 15

2 Cor 5:1717 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!(NIV)

I have a dog, Sadie. No matter how smart she is or how much I try to get her to act human, she is still a dog. I can even put little girl clothes on her, and let her sleep in my bed and eat at my table, but I cannot make her human, she still remains a dog despite my best efforts. There is a barrier between her life and my life (human), that the will of man cannot conquer. No one has ever made a dog into a human.

The same is true between God and man. No matter how we dress up a man, even allowing him to eat at God’s table, and be well mannered, he will still be a man when all is said and done. Oh, we can dress him “godly”, we can even get him to talk in the King’s English, let him sleep in God’s house, but no matter what we try to do, there is a barrier that keeps man from becoming God or even being like God. No one has ever done it in the history of the human race. No man has ever become God. Yet, we have churches full of men and women trying to be godly, and they are nothing more than a dog trying to become human! Shocking? Yes, and no one has yet told them it is impossible for man to be like God! Impossible! Can’t be done!

What is the answer? We must have a new race of men, the God-men, the Sons of God. Not men trying to be Gods or act godly, but a new creature, a new creation, never before seen on this earth. This new creature will be a new man born from the Spiritual or heavenly realm, by the will of God. From the ground of Adam, will sprout the Seed of God to form the God-man, a heavenly and new creation! This will in no way be a man trying to be like God, (acting godly), but actually a new creature birthed into existence by the Will of God. Not by the will of man, or the will of flesh, but by the Spirit of God! This God-man will take on the very nature of the Seed that produced it. And that seed is the Seed of God, that is God Himself.

So next time someone says, “You need to act more like Jesus.” Then you know in your heart of hearts, they have no idea about a new creation. It is all just an act to them. Pity them. They are still a dog trying to become a man. Impossible! Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

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