Thursday, January 31, 2008

Seed for Jan 31

If God had a meat thermometer stuck in the earth, to see when it is done, it would be stuck in the middle of Israel. The stage is being set for His return. Let’s examine the facts. God told Israel that they would be cut off for 2 days, and then the third day He would revive her. 2 days is the 2,000 years that Israel was cut off from being a nation and scattered over the face of the earth, a people with out a country. Then miraculously in 1948 Israel was revived (reborn) as a Nation, which sets the stage for Jesus return. He promised that when he “planted” them again (revived them) that no man would pluck her up! That is God’s promise to Israel that once He revived them, they would never be destroyed again as a Nation. So as the armies of the world compass Israel, the Bible says look up, for redemption draws near. In other words, the Muslims, who are determined to wipe Israel off the face of the map (by the way Israel is not on a Muslims map), they must know that God will not let that happen. For the Lord, himself will fight against the enemies of Israel for her protection, and to stop her total destruction. When Jesus intervenes it will set His literal earthly kingdom upon the earth for 1,000 years in Jerusalem (the day of His reviving Israel). What exciting times! Iran has declared they will wipe Israel off the face of the map, and is seeking atomic weapons to do so. Muslims believe this jihad will bring back their prophet…wont they be surprised! Ha!

Be blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Seed for Jan 30

Isa 37:14-1514 And Hezekiah received the letter from the hand of the messengers, and read it: and Hezekiah went up unto the house of the LORD, and spread it before the LORD.15 And Hezekiah prayed unto the LORD, saying,(KJV)

The King received a letter from the King of Assyria, threatening the destruction of Israel. What did Hezekiah do with the “bad news”? He spread it before the Lord and prayed saying “Look what they are saying…”

What do we do with bad news? What do we do with a bad report? What do we do when we see our enemies far out numbering us? What do we do when all hope in the natural is lost?

Hopefully we spread it all out before the Lord and pray! Praying and knowing that He that has promised is faithful to perform it. Instead of saying “Whoa is me…” why not pray trusting “Lord, you see…”? Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Seed for Jan29

The Bible is full of types and shadows. In other words things that happened in the Old Testament speak to us in shadows of what will happen to us that are living in the New Testament. One example is Noah and the Ark. Noah a righteous man spent 100 years building a boat according to God's instructions to escape a flood. Main point to this story is that it had never rained on the earth much less flood. So it was noised abroad a "crazy man" is building a boat! This gave Noah opportunity to preach of the coming judgment of God. 7 days before the beginning of the end, God had Noah get into the Ark, and the God shut the door. When the rains came everyone that breathed air died. That boat took Noah above the destruction where he waited till the waters receded and then he came back to a "new" world.

We are building and "Ark" the "Body of Christ". We are talking about a judgment of fire coming on the earth. It has never rained fire! We are about to get into that "Ark" 7 years before the End to be caught up above the destruction, after which we will return to the earth. They laughed then, and they mock and scoff now. After God closes the door to salvation for the Gentiles they will scream and cry to get in...but will all perish in the "flood" of destruction that is to come upon the world.

The moral of the story? Get into the Ark, the Body of Christ now while it is still being build and escape the destruction of the wicked.

Be Blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Seed for Jan 27

USAGOLD's "Closing" Gold Bullion and Silver Bullion PricesPrices at close onJanuary 25, 2008

spot gold price:$912.60

spot silver price:$16.41

Remember an oz of gold is still an ounce of gold. It is still the same 1 oz of gold since gold was $35.00 per oz. What changed? It now takes more and more "weaker" dollars to buy the same oz of gold. So the value of the dollar is plunging down. A barrel of oil is still the same amount, it just takes more "weak" dollars to buy it. A gallon of gas is still the same amount as when it was 21 cents a gallon, but now it takes many more "weak and shrinking" dollars to buy each gal. Amazing how fast the dollar is shrinking. Been to the grocery store lately. That same 69 cent a dozen of eggs now cost $2.89. Did the eggs get larger? No the dollar has less value.

Russia went down without firing a shot? How? Economy. There must be a world shift of power to the EU (short for 10 toed beast). The power must shift from the US to the EU, according to Bible prophecy. As our economy gets weaker, theirs gets stronger, just look at the value of the euro.

He has given us eyes to see, and promises to protect us and guide us and instruct us and to watch over us for goodness sake. It is exciting times, and His comming is soon. Sooner now than when we first believed. No man knows the hour or the day, but we will know the season. When the tree buds summer is near. Israel, the nation, budded in 1948, so summer is surely upon us. At the end of summer comes harvest. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Seed for Jan 26

Jacob wrestled with an angel all night, and prevailed. Of course Jacob represents the natural man. The angel had to touch (wound) Jacob in the thigh (the strongest part of natural man) and that changed not only Jacob's walk (carnal) but also his name, Israel (prince of God). Big story told here. If we want God to bless us, as Jacob did, we must know that our dependence upon our natural ability must be changed. We must become crippled in our natural walk, and depend upon the Lord for our strength. And secondly, our names will be changed by that spiritual encounter. Now we have become the sons of God. It does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know when He comes we will be like Him. What a blessed promise. So, Lord, wound me and change my walk for the rest of my life, so that I may know to not lean upon the flesh, but to acknowledge you in all my steps. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Friday, January 25, 2008

Seed for Jan 25

I wish in the beginning, when I first came to Jesus, that I would have been instructed on how to follow the leading of the Spirit within. When I first came to the faith, I was given a list of rules to follow. It was an outward effort to conform me to an image that men had of what a "holy" person should look like. I am sure their motives were right, but their approach was wrong. God, thru Moses, gave men laws to live by, that only governed the outside of a man, much like religious laws of today. But the Lord promised a day when it would not be laws written in stone but a law written in our hearts (the Law of Life). It is that Word of God inside, that still small voice that is to direct us to fulfill His will. Our lives should be an outward reflection of something happening inside, not vice a versa. We have done much great injustice to people hungry for God, when we try to become their conscience! His Law is written in my heart, tailor made for me, about me and for me, and no man knows but the Spirit within! I am a free man, free to serve God in Spirit and Truth. I have gone to Him outside of the camp (religion), reckoned myself dead, and Him alive in me. If we could teach new converts that...what a powerful force that could become! We need to know, there is a Seed within, growing up into Him, inside of me. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Seed for Jan 24

Most Christians live their Christian life somewhere between deliverance from sin (Egypt) and just short of the Spirit-led life (the Promised Land). They are wilderness Christians. They wander around between failure and defeat, some where between bondage and true victory. They have been told by “older” saints that living a life free from “condemnation” is impossible, that all must and will sin daily! They cannot posses the Promised Land of milk and honey, and live in victory and “rest” everyday of their lives. “We are not able to posses the Land, for there are giants and walled cities”! Because of their own lack of faith and believing a bad report, they never really enter into the REST of God. The Lord Jesus did not deliver us from Egypt (sin) just to leave us wandering in the wilderness going from temporary small victories to defeats. He brought us “out” to bring us “in”. We are to possess the Promise Land, to own it and live victorious in all that we do. We are to live free from “condemnation” by walking in the Spirit day by day! We do not have to live defeated or fail every test we take. We can be “more than conquerors” thru Him our new leader Joshua (Hebrew for Jesus).

Every time some “older” saint tells me “No one is perfect, you sin everyday”…I refuse to believe this bad report. I am able and well able to possess the land of Victory, because it is not I but Jesus in me that lives out the Victory of the Spirit-led life. I can do all things thru Him…Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Seed for Jan 23

Eph 6:10
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

What is the “might” that we stand in? It is the power of God resident in us. That is the mystery Paul spoke about, that God would inhabit His people and give them of His power. We are to walk, sit and stand in that power. We are to perform supernatural feats of strength because of the power of His might! We are to walk in the light, resist the devil, not continue in sin, walk in the Spirit, enjoy no condemnation, and let the same mind that was in Jesus Christ be in us!

Again, I declare, if we are powerless over sin, then that gospel is a myth! If we must yield to temptation and commit sin, then the power within, the Power of God, in us is useless. If I cannot walk in the Light, and stand fast in the liberty, and have my life transformed by the power of the Spirit of God, Christ Jesus in me, then what I preach and have preached for 35 years would be of no value. If I must sin daily, as some preach, and others practice, then what good is the power of the Holy Ghost in my life? If I must sin daily, then how can Jesus’ message of “Go and sin no more…” have any value in my life? Am I so powerless over temptation that I must yield, when Paul said, I am dead to sin and its demands. No! I will not accept the false teaching all must sin everyday, and that we are powerless over sin.

For years and years they taught track runners no one can run a 4 minute mile! It is a physical impossibility. As a result of this mindset, no one could. Then one day, one runner beat a 4 minute mile, and now it is a common happening in track. What happened? Track runners were defeated in their minds! What if you continually told the saints of God, you cannot stop sinning, no matter what, it is an impossibility? And then someone came along with faith in God’s own Word, and declared, In Christ Jesus we have been empowered with victory of sin and temptation…what would happen then? Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Seed for Jan 22

Phil 4:13
13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

I can continue to do all things thru Jesus Christ who continues to empower me. My question is: Does all things include walk in the Spirit? Does it include live a life well pleasing to God? Does, all things thru Christ, mean live a life above sin? Absolutely! Yes!

If we are powerless to live a life pleasing to God, i.e. walk in the Spirit, by the empowerment of the Spirit within, then we are of all men most miserable! If the resident power of God is not sufficient to lift my live above the power of sin and temptations, then I preach a myth. If the New Creation in me is not greater than the power of sin and death, then Paul lied. If I cannot “Go and sin no more…” by the power of God working in me, then I declare by my life of failure that the power of the Spirit is useless, and no more than a “dream”.

No! I declare the power working in me, has set me free from the law of sin and death. The power of God working in me is greater than he that is in the world. I can do all things by the power of Jesus within and that includes walking in the Spirit and not fulfilling the lust of the flesh. I can live a life well pleasing to God, above sin, because of Him that lives and empowers me. I can live everyday above sin and temptation, because greater is He in me!

Be blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells

Monday, January 21, 2008

Seed for Jan 21

Ps 119:55-6055 In the night I remember your name, O LORD, and I will keep your law.56 This has been my practice: I obey your precepts.57 You are my portion, O LORD; I have promised to obey your words.58 I have sought your face with all my heart; be gracious to me according to your promise.59 I have considered my ways and have turned my steps to your statutes.60 I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands.(NIV)

I hope to dispel the “myth” Christians must sin everyday! Moses gave us 10 commandments to keep, and Jesus reduce that to only 2. My question is this: How many of those commandments have you broken today. How many of the 10 or how many of the 2? Have you commited adultery today, used His name in vain, lied, or bowed to an image? Which ones have you broken?

There is an effort in the Church world to put “condemnation” upon believers, by professing none can keep God’s law. The Bible says all HAVE failed, not all MUST fail. There is no condemnation to those in Christ that walk in the Spirit. That is where I am and where I live. I am like the Psalmist above, I will keep your law, this is my practice and I obey Your precepts. By the power of Christ working in me I can and do keep His Law, walk in the Spirit and enjoy no condemnation. Stop telling people they have to live in failure. Go and sin no more! Be blessed,

Billy and Jan Wells

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Seed for Jan 20

Some people think that praying has to be "wordy," when actually it is not begging God that makes things happen. One of the most powerful prayers recorded in the Bible is Elisha's prayer of approximately 70 words that caused God to answer by fire! We talk and talk and talk and nothing happens. What is the difference? Praying the will of God! Since we are God's Body in the earth, and the will of God is to be done in us as it is done in heaven, then the heavenly will and desire of God should be expressed thru us! We are His voice, His physical expression in the earth. I live yet not I, but Jesus lives in me. My job is to pray His will! What is the will of God? His Word! So the most powerful prayers we can pray are to express God's Word and will to Him, to remind Him of what He has said and promised. One tiny prayer prayed in harmony with the will of God can do more than 10,000 words of petition outside of the will of God. Think about that! How are we to pray? Pray His Word! So it is obvious that those that don't know the Word of God, then, don't know His will, thus are at a disadvantage when they pray. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Seed for Jan 19

The Lord, who watches over Israel (His people) neither slumbers nor sleeps. It is important to know, that the Lord is always watching over us for good and safety, health and healing. It is He that remembers us, even when we get too busy to remember Him. No matter what we face, it comes as no surprise to Jesus, for He sees tomorrow as we see yesterday. He will work out our good in no matter what we face as long as we put our trust and faith in Him. Israel faced a Red Sea, bitter water, thirst in the desert, no meat, heat and cold and thru all that and much, much more the Lord lead them thru in victory. They whined and complained, yet God was faithful who had promised to bring them into a land flowing with milk and honey. He too has promised to bring us into a land of Promise (the Spirit-led life) and make us more than victorious. Put your trust in Him, who watches for you. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Friday, January 18, 2008

Seed for Jan 18

We are told not to forget the benefits of serving the Lord. Who forgives all our sins and heals all our diseases. We are told to bless Him with all our soul. When you stop and think what the Lord has done and is doing for each of us, day by day, we cannot help but to bless His name! We need to remember what He has done, so that in a time of need we will know what He will do for us. Israel was told to build stacks of rocks to remember what the Lord did for them in a certain place. And when their kids asked, "What was the meaning of these rocks?", then they could recount what the Lord had done. By remembering what He has done, we know what He will do! Build monuments (memories) in your mind to the wonderful things He has done in your life and never forget to bless the Lord, Oh my soul! Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Seed for Jan 17

Rejoice evermore! That is the admonition of the Word of God. "In everything give thanks" it goes on to say. Wow! There is a test within itself! We are to rejoice and give thanks in everything? I think the secret to that is faith in God. Knowing that He loves us, above the whole world and is constantly watching out for our good, and not our destruction, that kind of faith leaps up and says "Yes, I rejoice and give you thanks sweet Jesus, for everything!" At first you may need a little practice, when those things come upon you that set your off. But remember we walk by faith and not by sight. I don't have to see it to believe it! Because God said it, then it is forever settled in heaven, and He must uphold His own Word, not me. I figure God took me in to raise, and so I trust Him like a 5 yr. old would trust his natural daddy. The Bible says if your natural fathers, who are basically evil, know how to give good gifts, how much more does our heavenly Father know how to give good gifts to those that ask? Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Seed for Jan 16

The Psalm said, "Oh taste and see that the Lord is good!" That is our right and privilege to taste, try and prove the Lord. He has challenged us to prove Him in the Bible according to His promises. When we read Hebrews 11, we read a long list of people who proved God to be faithful, and of whom tasted and saw that the Lord was good! People don't serve Him, only because they don't know Him. Our job is to make Him real, to take Him out of the realm of invisible and to let the World know Him thru us. Can they taste of our good works (fruit) and know that the Lord is good? Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Seed for Jan 15

"All things work together for good..." is a verse often quoted in Christians during times of trouble. It is almost as if God brings "bad" upon us. Not so. This verse is simply saying that even in the bad times of life (everyone gets them) that God is able to work His good out of them. If we let patience have its perfect work, we will be perfected. Sometimes bad things happen in our lives, for the rain falls on the just and unjust alike. We as Christians are not immune from problems. Life can take us into some hard situations, but the Lord can lead us out, deliver us, with great victory. Remember that Israel was in Egypt for 430 years, but when God brought her out, it was with great victory. Joseph was in prison for 2 yrs but when the Lord brought him out, it was with great victory, and he became 2nd in command of all of Egypt, and the saviour of his brethren. Trials will come, problems happen, but God can work them out for our good, if we will but trust Him. Faith has evidence and substance. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Monday, January 14, 2008

Seed for Jan 14

The Father was watching for the Prodigal Son and saw him coming home a long way off. That is how our heavenly Father is watching for us. Sometimes we get off the track, we miss the mark, but our Father is watching over us for our good! Sometimes a little correction might come our way, but we can know that Jesus, who knows what is best for us, can get us back on the right track. It is not a long way home, but just a short prayer of repentance and faith and bingo we are home. Jesus is ready to robe us, put sandals on our feet and kill the fatted calf and make a big celebration because we have come home. The only one mad about us coming home is our elder brother (church member) who thinks he never did anything wrong! Hmmm. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Seed for Jan13

He has given to us great and exceeding precious promises. That is what Peter said. And we are told in the Bible to meditate upon His Word. We should think about the promises God has made to us, His people. Then when trouble comes, and it will, we will have an anchor to hold on to. Here is one of the great promises God made to Israel and we are spiritual Israel: He would make us above and not beneath, the head and not the tail. He would bless our coming in and going out, the fruit of our womb and basket. Blessings would come upon us and overtake us! All we need do is to listen diligently to the voice of the Lord and do His Word. There are literally thousands of promises in the Word of God for God's people. Who would not want to serve the Living God? I started out over 30 years ago proving the Word of God right and it has never failed yet. Every Word of God is sure and steadfast. Every promise is ours if we meet the conditions. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Friday, January 11, 2008

Seed for Jan 11

"All things work together for good..." is a verse we often hear quoted. But like every promise in the Bible, the promise is conditional. Remember the Lord always says, "If you will, then I will..." So when something tragic or unfortunate in our life happens it is easy to say, "Well, it is for my good." When in reality, it is only for our good if we love the Lord and are in the will of God, then He can work it out for our good. The Lord has mapped out the best road for us in life, but many of us in our BC days (before Christ) lived in rebellion and ignorance and did things that we may be reaping now. In other words the law of sowing and reaping. If I robbed a bank in my BC days and suddenly found God in prison, the prison doors are not going to magically open because of my conversion. But if I love the Lord and walk in His will then being in prison can work for my good. If I will He will. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Seed for Jan 10

To whom much is given much is required. We all ask God for revelation, but with revelation comes cost. Once truth is revealed it must be acted upon. The Lord said, "He that wills to do the will shall know the teaching." If we are willing to act upon the truth the Lord reveals to us (revelation) then He will show us of His divine will. Our willingness to move will dictate how much revelation we will receive. Many will say they want to "see" but when they count the cost they are not willing to do the "will." Some followed the Lord afar off, others for the fishes and loaves, but some said, "Where else could we go, for you alone have the words to eternal Life." Are we willing to have our eyes opened to truth? Are we will to go to Him, without the camp (outside organized religion)? Are we willing to pay the price for revelation, that we might grow up into Him in all things, to the perfect man? Lord, teach me your way, and unite my heart to fear your name! Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Seed for Jan 9

God chose Israel to be His people to manifest Himself to the World. The purpose for their religion was not so that they would have something to do and not be bored in the Wilderness. The purpose for each and everything that they did in Judaism tells of some aspect of God and man. And it was to be performed in FAITH! They practiced their religion to show God's glory and their FAITH in Him. The problem came when they practiced their religion for the sake of the religion and not in FAITH. When it became their duty. Some people think "churching" or going to church is their duty to God. That attending church is their religious duty, and serving their denomination becomes their goal and destiny of life. They have reversed the order. Serving God is first. Serving God in FAITH is the only reason for “churching”. Manifesting Him in our lives to a dark and dying world is giving God glory! Letting Him shine thru our lives and showing the world the Living God in us is the purpose of our FAITH in God. Presenting our bodies a living sacrifice is only our reasonable service, by proving what is that good and acceptable will of God. Do we "church" to serve God? No! Have we become like Israel, losing the true meaning of being God's people? Is just going to "church" our reasonable service? No! Are we forgetting that we have been saved "from" sin and we are to walk in FAITH? Are we like the man that looks in the mirror and then immediately forgets what he really looks like? Jesus wants a people to manifest Him in their lives by FAITH. Churches and denominations are full of people just going to be going, without any true Faith. Like us, Israel was saved by FAITH. They in faith looked forward to Calvary, and we by faith look back to Calvary. Everything is equal. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Seed for Jan 8

Oh give thanks to the Lord for He good and His mercies endure to all generations. The promise of His mercy is what brought the Gentiles into His family. We were born strangers and outcast to the promises of God, but by His mercy He allowed us to be grafted into the True Vine. His hope in our calling that we might produce good fruit, sweet juice, and good works. Trust the Lord in that the work He has started in you He will complete. He is only looking for a willing vessel, for a body to do His will. Our reasonable service to God is to present our bodies to Him, that He might manifest Himself to the World. I don't fight, because He owns my hands. I don't lie or curse because He owns my mouth. I don't cheat because I belong to Him. He did not want the blood of sacrifices, but He wanted a body to do His will. If we are willing, He will be the Author and Finisher of our faith. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Monday, January 7, 2008

Seed for Jan 7

Does the Lord take our lives when we die, or is death the consequence of sin? Is it the will of the Lord that any perish or die? No! So it is not the Lord taking someone’s life when they die, for He came to give life and more abundant life. The enemy, Satan, came to kill steal and rob, and yet the Lord gets the blame when someone dies, and not the real enemy, Satan. The promise of God, and He is faithful' that has promised, is that it is appointed for man to die (because of sin) and then face judgment. That natural death is the consequence of the sin that man brought into the world. It was not God's plan for us to experience death, but to live forever. It is still God's will that we live forever. That eternal life is in Jesus and anyone that has the Son has that eternal life in him. It is not natural death we are to fear, if we have the Life of the Son in us. God did not give us a Spirit of fear, but of love, peace and a sound mind. Next time someone dies, let's lay blame where blame is due. Let’s not blame God, but Satan, for Satan came to kill, and Jesus came to give life. The Good News is we can choose the Life that is in the Son and live forever, even though our flesh may die. Jesus will bring us up from the grave in victory! Satan kills, and Jesus makes alive! Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Seed for Jan 6

Would you like to hear what faith sounds like?

There was a woman and her husband that recognized a prophet of the Lord and prepared the prophet a place to stay at their house. The Lord blessed them for that and this barren woman had a child. At the age of 6 or so the child had a bad headache and died in the lap of his mother. She saddled the donkey and took out for the prophet's house. As she approached the prophet saw her and sent his servant asking, how is everything with you and your family. Here is what faith said, "All is well." Wow! She left her dead son on the bed and ran to the prophet with the declaration in her mouth "All is well!" Now that is faith. Faith speaks of those things that are not as if they are! Do we speak faith into our impossible situations? How much more impossible can death be, yet she spoke faith...”all is well”. II Kings 4:8 Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Seed for Jan 5

After the traditions of men, some people try to worship God. But the Lord has said in His Word, that He seeks true worshipers. A true worshiper is one that will worship God in Spirit and Truth. He is not looking for us to suffer, (for some worship the sufferings of Christ), nor is He looking for us to be religious in our traditions, but to be free. We are to lift holy hands, and our voices in praise. We are to make melody and praise in our hearts, and the fruit of our lips to be praise to His name continually. We are to enjoy the peace, joy and love of the Holy Ghost. We are not to recite vain prayers with no life, nor substance, but we are to pray to Him from our hearts making our prayers and request known. We are to confess our sins to Him and trust Him for forgive and cleanse us completely. We cannot pay for our own sins, by our own suffering or penitence. It is the blood of Jesus that pays completely for our guilt. Religion is a hard taskmaster, having a form of godliness but never able to come to or acknowledge the Truth. But where the Truth is, there is Liberty! Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Friday, January 4, 2008

Seed for Jan 4

How can bad things turn out good? There is a paradox of the Spirit that many fail to understand. i.e. (He that would save his life must lose it. The first shall be last, and the last first. In order to receive you must give. The things highly esteemed among men are an abomination to God. etc.)

Now how does that relate to us? He brought Israel to the brink of disaster at the edge of the Red Sea, (to the natural mind a big mistake). Yet He delivered them with great victory and defeated their enemy at the same time. The widow woman preparing her last meal, was instructed to give it to the Prophet instead. That proved to be her saving grace. An old woman's only son died, and was being carried to the graveyard when along came Jesus, a great opportunity for a miracle. Jesus was led to the Cross to die in His prime of life, a seeming defeat to all who watched, but to us salvation from sin and death! So you see, not everything that looks like failure or disaster is how it appears to be. Next time you have a problem, just remember it is God's great opportunity to give you a miracle. Believe and see. Stand still and see the deliverance of our God!

Billy and Jan Wells

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Seed for Jan 3

How can we please God? What would it make to make God happy? What can we possible do to do His will? All three of these questions can easily be answered, yet all the Sages of all the Ages have pondered and studied to find the "answer" to life's big question. "What can I do to please God?" Are you ready for the big answer? Believe Him. That's it, just believe God and take Him at His word. Can it really be that easy? Well, if it was hard, or you had to be smart, or rich, or well educated, then who could find Him and who could please Him? The Bible says "who so ever will, let him come." That means anyone and everyone has equal access and equal footing when it comes to pleasing God. There are no big "I’s” or little "you’s” in the Kingdom. Everyone is and has the same exact opportunity. Those that come to God must first of all "believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those that diligent seek Him." You know what the biggest problem is? Most people don't believe God or take Him at His Word. Moral of the story? It is not what church you belong to, or how religious you seem to be, how rich or intelligent, dumb or poor, it is simply..."do you believe God and take Him at His Word?"

Be Blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Seed for Jan 2

The Holy Bible on a coffee table is like a loaf of bread in the kitchen, or a bunch of seeds in a package. It does absolutely nothing for us unless we get the bread inside us or the seeds in the ground. There is nothing "Holy" about a black-back book with white pages and black ink. The power of the Word of God is how it works once it gets inside our minds. It has the power to transform a person. In over 30 years I have learned, it is not hard to see who is eating the "bread that came down from heaven" and who is not. The purpose of these Daily Seeds it to carefully put the Word of God in the minds of men. Perhaps it is a portion of bread, small enough, in daily bite sized nuggets, that it will get inside us and work to change us into Him. Like a small acorn can grow into a mighty oak, so can just the smallest Seed of the Word of God get into our hearts and work major changes. Man shall not live by (natural) bread alone but by every Word of God (heavenly bread). Eat this bread from heaven and never die! It has the power of Eternal Life in it.

Billy and Jan Wells

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Seed for Jan 1

Often times in the Psalms David will speak to God, and then sandwiched in between will be God speaking to David. Such a verse is here:

Ps 32:8
8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.

As I read and pondered this I decided that would be my theme for 2008. I am going to trust the Lord Jesus to instruct me and teach me the way that I should go. I expect the prompting of the Spirit and will respond to that prompting, trusting it to be Jesus’ way of leading me. He will counsel me, and keep His eyes upon me. He will watch over me for goodness sake! Now, what do I have to dread in light of these great and precious promises from God Himself? Each of us have right to lay claim on this Word of promise for ourselves and rest assuredly in the fact that God is a God of His Word. What He has promised He is well able to perform. So why not expect Him to instruct you, lead you, counsel you, and watch over you in 2008 in a new and exciting way? You have done it your way so long…why not do it His way this time? Be blessed

Billy and Jan Wells