Monday, January 14, 2008

Seed for Jan 14

The Father was watching for the Prodigal Son and saw him coming home a long way off. That is how our heavenly Father is watching for us. Sometimes we get off the track, we miss the mark, but our Father is watching over us for our good! Sometimes a little correction might come our way, but we can know that Jesus, who knows what is best for us, can get us back on the right track. It is not a long way home, but just a short prayer of repentance and faith and bingo we are home. Jesus is ready to robe us, put sandals on our feet and kill the fatted calf and make a big celebration because we have come home. The only one mad about us coming home is our elder brother (church member) who thinks he never did anything wrong! Hmmm. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

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