Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Seed for Jan 15

"All things work together for good..." is a verse often quoted in Christians during times of trouble. It is almost as if God brings "bad" upon us. Not so. This verse is simply saying that even in the bad times of life (everyone gets them) that God is able to work His good out of them. If we let patience have its perfect work, we will be perfected. Sometimes bad things happen in our lives, for the rain falls on the just and unjust alike. We as Christians are not immune from problems. Life can take us into some hard situations, but the Lord can lead us out, deliver us, with great victory. Remember that Israel was in Egypt for 430 years, but when God brought her out, it was with great victory. Joseph was in prison for 2 yrs but when the Lord brought him out, it was with great victory, and he became 2nd in command of all of Egypt, and the saviour of his brethren. Trials will come, problems happen, but God can work them out for our good, if we will but trust Him. Faith has evidence and substance. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

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