Friday, January 25, 2008

Seed for Jan 25

I wish in the beginning, when I first came to Jesus, that I would have been instructed on how to follow the leading of the Spirit within. When I first came to the faith, I was given a list of rules to follow. It was an outward effort to conform me to an image that men had of what a "holy" person should look like. I am sure their motives were right, but their approach was wrong. God, thru Moses, gave men laws to live by, that only governed the outside of a man, much like religious laws of today. But the Lord promised a day when it would not be laws written in stone but a law written in our hearts (the Law of Life). It is that Word of God inside, that still small voice that is to direct us to fulfill His will. Our lives should be an outward reflection of something happening inside, not vice a versa. We have done much great injustice to people hungry for God, when we try to become their conscience! His Law is written in my heart, tailor made for me, about me and for me, and no man knows but the Spirit within! I am a free man, free to serve God in Spirit and Truth. I have gone to Him outside of the camp (religion), reckoned myself dead, and Him alive in me. If we could teach new converts that...what a powerful force that could become! We need to know, there is a Seed within, growing up into Him, inside of me. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

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