Sunday, January 20, 2008

Seed for Jan 20

Some people think that praying has to be "wordy," when actually it is not begging God that makes things happen. One of the most powerful prayers recorded in the Bible is Elisha's prayer of approximately 70 words that caused God to answer by fire! We talk and talk and talk and nothing happens. What is the difference? Praying the will of God! Since we are God's Body in the earth, and the will of God is to be done in us as it is done in heaven, then the heavenly will and desire of God should be expressed thru us! We are His voice, His physical expression in the earth. I live yet not I, but Jesus lives in me. My job is to pray His will! What is the will of God? His Word! So the most powerful prayers we can pray are to express God's Word and will to Him, to remind Him of what He has said and promised. One tiny prayer prayed in harmony with the will of God can do more than 10,000 words of petition outside of the will of God. Think about that! How are we to pray? Pray His Word! So it is obvious that those that don't know the Word of God, then, don't know His will, thus are at a disadvantage when they pray. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

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