Thursday, January 3, 2008

Seed for Jan 3

How can we please God? What would it make to make God happy? What can we possible do to do His will? All three of these questions can easily be answered, yet all the Sages of all the Ages have pondered and studied to find the "answer" to life's big question. "What can I do to please God?" Are you ready for the big answer? Believe Him. That's it, just believe God and take Him at His word. Can it really be that easy? Well, if it was hard, or you had to be smart, or rich, or well educated, then who could find Him and who could please Him? The Bible says "who so ever will, let him come." That means anyone and everyone has equal access and equal footing when it comes to pleasing God. There are no big "I’s” or little "you’s” in the Kingdom. Everyone is and has the same exact opportunity. Those that come to God must first of all "believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those that diligent seek Him." You know what the biggest problem is? Most people don't believe God or take Him at His Word. Moral of the story? It is not what church you belong to, or how religious you seem to be, how rich or intelligent, dumb or poor, it is simply..."do you believe God and take Him at His Word?"

Be Blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells

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