The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. Ps 37:23 What a powerful verse. It says that God is ordering our steps! (And we think we are in control?) I want the Lord Jesus to order my steps. He sees tomorrow like I see yesterday. I don't know which way to go, or what pitfalls in the road may be approaching. But the Lord does, and can guide my feet around the traps laid by the enemy. We are to offer our bodies to Him, to live out His being and expression thru us. Then the goal is for me to decrease and Him to increase in me. Let Him lead on and let me watch where in life we are going, out of the windows of my eyes. I see Him in me, and hear His voice (Conscience) and often hear Him speak out of my mouth. Isn’t the New Creation amazing?
Be Blessed,
Billy and Jan
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Seed for Feb 28
The Law was the school master to bring us to Christ. It was never intended to make the doer perfect. In fact the purpose of the Law was to show us to be lawless (law breakers). Where there is no Law there is no transgressor, so Paul said, without the Law, I lived, but the Law came, sin revived, and I died. What a profound statement. Why then do preachers think we can't live without "law"? Don't they know that they are just making us transgressors? Men and religions re-invent "law" and they rename it such things as "a standard" "holiness" or "sanctification," all crafty ways to make a person think that by keeping such they have been made righteous. The truth of the matter is, our righteousness was given to us freely, apart from the keeping of any religious law or ceremony. It is the gift of God, by grace, and freely given to whose ever will. It is a robe we wear, not something we do! Lying spirits have beguiled men into believing we can be made perfect by keeping the 10 Commandments. If we could not keep the first 10 how can we think now we can be made righteous by keeping new ones? The Truth will set you free. Don't be bound by man's efforts to be made righteous, but walk in the righteousness given to us as a robe from our Father. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. It was given to me and I wear it.
Be Blessed,Billy and Jan
Be Blessed,Billy and Jan
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Seed for Feb 27
He is a present help in time of need. Every one of us from time to time NEEDS the Lord's help. But I am here to declare that we can go to Him in the most mundane things of day to day life. He is not too busy. He tells us in His word to not worry about anything but in ALL things make our request and petitions known to Him. "In all things" means just that. All things big and small. The wonderful thing about being able to talk to Him about all things brings Him nearer to us and our relationship closer to Him. Don't be afraid to let Him know what you need, what you are thinking, asking for guidance in every detail of your life. The Word says it like this..."lean not to your own understanding, but acknowledge the Lord in all things and He will direct your steps." He is a God at hand and not just a God afar off.
Be Blessed,
Billy and Jan
Be Blessed,
Billy and Jan
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Seed for Feb 26
The righteous in the Old Bible referred to the Covenant Keepers. They were referred to as the "righteous." We are the "righteous" of the New Testament, because we are the "covenant keepers." We received a new covenant. Not one sealed with the blood of bulls and goats, but of a more excellent sacrifice, that being the blood of Jesus. We keep this new covenant by faith. Abraham was justified by faith in "uncircumcision," and that is a powerful statement. There are some that require this and that to be "saved" but Paul made it very very clear, that Abraham was justified in "uncircumcision" apart from the keeping of any ordinance. It was faith and faith alone that caused God to declare Abraham not guilty. We too are justified by faith apart from the keeping of any ordinances. By faith we are sealed with Seed of God planted in our hearts that we might pursue good works. Sown in us in "hope" and that hope Paul said was that Christ be formed in us. That we become the living walking talking Body of God in the earth. That we might grow up into Him in all things!
Be Blessed,Billy and Jan
Be Blessed,Billy and Jan
Monday, February 25, 2008
Seed for Feb 25
We are to get wisdom and understanding and to love Truth! No matter what the cost, we are to pursue these things of God. I use to think that Truth was some "doctrine/teaching" or some Bible revelation that could be obtained. It seems each denomination has their own "claim" to Truth. It took me a long time to realize that Truth was not a doctrine or teaching. Truth was not some insight to a secret verse, or some magical way of doing Bible things, that only our "church brand" knew about. But Truth when you finally get Jesus. If you have discovered some "doctrinal truth" and think that you have discovered "truth" and now you can have your own brand of religion/separation, you have not found truth at all! Every one of us is to seek truth, love truth, and hunger and thirst after truth. And when you really find the Truth the Bible speaks about, you will find it in Jesus, for He is the Truth the Way and the Life.
Be Blessed,
Billy and Jan
Be Blessed,
Billy and Jan
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Seed for Feb 24
Gal 6:15
15 Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is a new creation.
It took most of my Christian life to awake to this fact. I think we all were taught wrong in Sunday school when we were taught: “Just do the best you can…” “Or try a little harder…” “Pray more, fast more…live holier…” In fact is seems that all we are taught in Sunday school is to be good, keep the 10 commandments, do your best, work hard…etc. Maybe my Sunday school was just different? But is seems that I was taught to keep my eyes always upon me, and my actions. It was all about me, how am I doing? Am I living better, doing better, keeping the rules better, acting better. I even hear people today still saying, “Well, I am trying to do better…” All I saw by looking at myself (the old creature) and all I ever experienced was failure and short comings in my old creation. What a hard life…what bad news!
Let’s set the record straight right now! It is not about me. It is not about me keeping religious rules (circumcision) or not keeping religious rules (uncircumcision) but it is all about Him in me…a new Creation! It is time for me to stop trying, as a result I will stop failing. It is time for me to start letting Him live out His new life (new creation) in and thru me. If the Church saw this and taught this, then what victory we each in our own lives could experience. Instead of looking at me and my failings (for all have fallen) I look at Him and His power to live out His life thru me. That is the Good News! Christ in me, the hope of Glory. You want to see glory in Billy, forget about it! The Glory is Jesus in me! The New Creation, and the New Man, Jesus! Be blessed.
Be Blessed,Billy and Jan
15 Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is a new creation.
It took most of my Christian life to awake to this fact. I think we all were taught wrong in Sunday school when we were taught: “Just do the best you can…” “Or try a little harder…” “Pray more, fast more…live holier…” In fact is seems that all we are taught in Sunday school is to be good, keep the 10 commandments, do your best, work hard…etc. Maybe my Sunday school was just different? But is seems that I was taught to keep my eyes always upon me, and my actions. It was all about me, how am I doing? Am I living better, doing better, keeping the rules better, acting better. I even hear people today still saying, “Well, I am trying to do better…” All I saw by looking at myself (the old creature) and all I ever experienced was failure and short comings in my old creation. What a hard life…what bad news!
Let’s set the record straight right now! It is not about me. It is not about me keeping religious rules (circumcision) or not keeping religious rules (uncircumcision) but it is all about Him in me…a new Creation! It is time for me to stop trying, as a result I will stop failing. It is time for me to start letting Him live out His new life (new creation) in and thru me. If the Church saw this and taught this, then what victory we each in our own lives could experience. Instead of looking at me and my failings (for all have fallen) I look at Him and His power to live out His life thru me. That is the Good News! Christ in me, the hope of Glory. You want to see glory in Billy, forget about it! The Glory is Jesus in me! The New Creation, and the New Man, Jesus! Be blessed.
Be Blessed,Billy and Jan
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Seed for Feb 23
Hizbullah head Hassan Nasrallah on Friday said Israel's "disappearance" is an inevitable fact. "If Israel's attacks Lebanon again, we will wage war without any preconditions," Nasrallah said during a speech in Beirut in honor of Hizbullah arch-terrorist Imad Mughniyeh, who was assassinated last week in Damascus.
"The disappearance of Israel is an inevitable fact. It is an historical process in the region which will come to an end in several years," he said.
The Lord says:
Hosea 6:1-2
1 Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.
2 After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.
Two days, (2000 years) the Lord scattered Israel among the Nations. Israel was a people without a country. On the third day He has risen Israel up, the birth of a Nation after 2,000 years! And during the 3rd day of resurrection Jesus will sit on the throne in the City of Jerusalem. We know that the Lord Himself will come to fight against the nations that are fighting against Israel. Jesus Himself will be their “natural salvation” against the armies of the world. The question at this point is...”How close is the time?” We now have 2 Muslim leaders, Iran’s and Hizbullah’s predicting the immanent destruction of Israel. We know from the Bible that no one will destroy Israel completely nor dislodge her from her land ever again! So get ready for some exciting times. When you awake one morning and see the headlines, “Damascus was completely destroyed over night” know His coming is soon.
Be Blessed,
Billy and Jan
"The disappearance of Israel is an inevitable fact. It is an historical process in the region which will come to an end in several years," he said.
The Lord says:
Hosea 6:1-2
1 Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.
2 After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.
Two days, (2000 years) the Lord scattered Israel among the Nations. Israel was a people without a country. On the third day He has risen Israel up, the birth of a Nation after 2,000 years! And during the 3rd day of resurrection Jesus will sit on the throne in the City of Jerusalem. We know that the Lord Himself will come to fight against the nations that are fighting against Israel. Jesus Himself will be their “natural salvation” against the armies of the world. The question at this point is...”How close is the time?” We now have 2 Muslim leaders, Iran’s and Hizbullah’s predicting the immanent destruction of Israel. We know from the Bible that no one will destroy Israel completely nor dislodge her from her land ever again! So get ready for some exciting times. When you awake one morning and see the headlines, “Damascus was completely destroyed over night” know His coming is soon.
Be Blessed,
Billy and Jan
Friday, February 22, 2008
Seed for Feb 22
Good works, good deeds are important. Lost or saved, everyone should do the best they can to help others, be kind, and promote peace. But we should not mistake good works for salvation. Anyone can be kind, sweet and loving. Anyone can manifest joy, peace and love, regardless of what they believe in their heart. It has nothing to do with our actions that prove our "citizenship". It all has to do with our source. The Bible says the love of God is shed abroad from our hearts by the Holy Ghost. You see anyone has the natural power to love, be kind, sweet, gentle...but actions were never proof of our salvation. Source is the proof! Do we produce fruit from the ground of Adam, or from the Spirit of God? It all has to do with birth. Are we sons of Adam only, or Sons of God? That is exactly why Jesus said, "Marvel not, you must be born again!"
Good deeds are powerless to save us. I use to think when we all died and went to heaven, there would be a great scale to weigh my good deeds against my bad deeds to see my eternal outcome. Nothing could be farther from Truth! It is not a matter of good or bad deeds, but a matter of "source". Have you become a Son of God? Is He your source? Are you living and eating of the Tree of Life? If you want to live forever you must eat of the fruit that gives Eternal Life, and that is Jesus. Be Blessed,Billy and Jan
Good deeds are powerless to save us. I use to think when we all died and went to heaven, there would be a great scale to weigh my good deeds against my bad deeds to see my eternal outcome. Nothing could be farther from Truth! It is not a matter of good or bad deeds, but a matter of "source". Have you become a Son of God? Is He your source? Are you living and eating of the Tree of Life? If you want to live forever you must eat of the fruit that gives Eternal Life, and that is Jesus. Be Blessed,Billy and Jan
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Seed for Feb 21
Nature speaks to us of the presence of a living God. There are four season to the year, just as there are four time periods in the life of man. 1. is Spring, time of birth and growing. 2. Summer the time of maturing and fruiting and reproducing. 3. Fall the time of decline, leaves falling everything turning a different color. 4. Winter where all appears to be dead, waiting the next cycle. So is the life of man. We have 4 distinct periods. 1. Birth growing 2. Maturing and reproducing. 3. Fall, the declining retirement time. 4. Death (sleep) awaiting the resurrection. God speaks to us everyday in Nature. Showing us His realness and declaring from heaven His handiwork, so they are without excuse. The heavens declare Him, Nature declares Him, and inside each and every human is that intuitive knowledge God exists, even if we don't know who He is. Even if we don’t know His name is Jesus!
Be Blessed,Billy and Jan
Be Blessed,Billy and Jan
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Seed for Feb 20
What is a "reasonable" service to God? Since walking in Grace is not to be burden, but light yoke and easy burden, then what is actually required of us each day? What is the bare minimum we are to offer to God? Rms12 1-2 puts it quite plain and simple. We are to make an active presentation of our bodies to God as a living sacrifice. In other words, "here I am Lord. Use me as you see fit today". Now whether or not He uses you is all up to Him, not you. You present yourself to God, like an instrument presents itself to a conductor of an orchestra. The conductor decides which and when each instruments is to be used. There is no struggle, just presentation. There is not a burden, but a willingness for God to use you. Not a frustration if the Lord decides not to use you, because your job was to present yourself and that you have done.
You see living for God is not hard. It is not a burden. It is life. "I live here for you Lord, use me as you see fit".
Be Blessed, Billy and Jan
You see living for God is not hard. It is not a burden. It is life. "I live here for you Lord, use me as you see fit".
Be Blessed, Billy and Jan
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Seed for Feb 19
Heb 11:3
3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. (KJV)
So the "seen" things were made by "unseen" things. So if we could see the "unseen" things we could surely see the building blocks God used to make the visible things. In other words, God worked on the atomic level to build the world. How true. People who doubt the existence of God, have never stopped to see that He signed everything He has made that has life in it. It is written in DNA. DNA is the language of God speaking on a cellular level (invisible to the naked eye) commanding the order of construction.
Now since we serve such a God, how can we doubt His love and concern over us and the things in life we face? Remember the whole world are not His Children, but they are only sons of Adam, not Sons of God. To be a Child of God you must be born again of His Seed (invisible Seed). Long ago, scientist new nothing about atomic levels and DNA because they were invisible to them. Once, I new nothing about being born again because it was done on an invisible level. But now I clearly see!
Be blessed,
Billy and Jan
3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. (KJV)
So the "seen" things were made by "unseen" things. So if we could see the "unseen" things we could surely see the building blocks God used to make the visible things. In other words, God worked on the atomic level to build the world. How true. People who doubt the existence of God, have never stopped to see that He signed everything He has made that has life in it. It is written in DNA. DNA is the language of God speaking on a cellular level (invisible to the naked eye) commanding the order of construction.
Now since we serve such a God, how can we doubt His love and concern over us and the things in life we face? Remember the whole world are not His Children, but they are only sons of Adam, not Sons of God. To be a Child of God you must be born again of His Seed (invisible Seed). Long ago, scientist new nothing about atomic levels and DNA because they were invisible to them. Once, I new nothing about being born again because it was done on an invisible level. But now I clearly see!
Be blessed,
Billy and Jan
Monday, February 18, 2008
Seed for Feb 18
In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Have you ever thought about this verse? Have you ever been able to thank the Lord for the bad things that seem to happen in your life? Can you really from the deepest most since parts of your being say "thank you" for a disaster? There is the "real" test of faith. Since God promises only the best for us in can "bad" seem to be "good"? "All things work together for the good for those that love the Lord and are the called according to His purpose". That verse explains it. No matter what befalls us in life, He is working for our good. Does a small child understand everything a loving parent does? No way! Neither do we see how something that hurts work for our good, but faith says it does. So we are told to rejoice! Now, we separate the "real" Christians from the "pretend" ones. How? By giving thanks for all things that come to us in life, good and bad, knowing God is working it all out for our own good as He sees fit!
Be blessed,
Billy and Jan
Be blessed,
Billy and Jan
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Seed for Feb 17
In the light everything becomes clear. When you want to see something better you always move it to the light. The Word says “The unfolding of your Word gives light, and understanding to the simple”. And “In your Light shall we see light”. We bring things to the Light of God's Word to get understanding. There are many misconceptions to the Truth, but there is only one Truth. There are many denominations, but only one Truth. There are many doctrines (teachings), but only one Truth. There are many directions to travel, but only one is that shining path that grows brighter and brighter each day. There is only One Truth and His name is Jesus. Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the life".
Be blessed,
Billy and Jan
Be blessed,
Billy and Jan
Friday, February 15, 2008
Seed for Feb 15
Revelation (understanding) must always proceeds faith and experience. In other words, the Lord must first reveal the Truth from His Word to you, then you must put your faith in the faithfulness of His Promise revealed and then you will experience it in your life.
I (the carnal man) need not do anything for God. This is deliverance from the Law. Deliverance from the Law is, God no longer requires it of me, but does it for me! Grace = God does for me: Law = I do something for God. Much "religion" has us doing this and that to try to please God in some way. Pray more, study more, give more, work harder, as if by our works and human efforts we would please God. Won't work! God sees the blood of Jesus and is pleased with the sacrifice. Jesus said it is FINISHED! Now we are to "enjoy" the rest (Sabbath) of God. Religion says "work" and God says "Rest", now which will you choose?
Be blessed,
Billy and Jan
I (the carnal man) need not do anything for God. This is deliverance from the Law. Deliverance from the Law is, God no longer requires it of me, but does it for me! Grace = God does for me: Law = I do something for God. Much "religion" has us doing this and that to try to please God in some way. Pray more, study more, give more, work harder, as if by our works and human efforts we would please God. Won't work! God sees the blood of Jesus and is pleased with the sacrifice. Jesus said it is FINISHED! Now we are to "enjoy" the rest (Sabbath) of God. Religion says "work" and God says "Rest", now which will you choose?
Be blessed,
Billy and Jan
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Seed for Feb 14
The Golden Rule we have all memorized since grade school. Seems to me it goes like this, "if you don't want someone to do it to you, then don't do it to them". In other words it was in the "negative sense". But in reality the real Golden Rule was taught in the "positive sense". "Do to others what you want done to you". Or another way to say it would be "give away what you need." Now we have an understanding of a Spiritual Law. Just as the Law of Gravity is a natural law, so is this a Spiritual Law. What ever you need or want, then give it away and it will be measured back to you. If you need mercy, then give mercy away. If you need love, then give love away. If you need affection, then be affectionate. What ever you need and want...give it away.
Now watch this....does anyone of us need judgment, condemnation, critical attitudes, bitterness, selfishness? Be careful that you don't give away what you don't want. If you are hard and critical of everyone, then by the Law of the Spirit, that is what will be measured back to you. Give and it shall be given to you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and over running shall men give to you.
What is it you continually give away?
I need mercy, love and kindness. So guess what? I give it away. I need a friend…so I must be a friend first. I want some one to call, then I must call first. And on and on the list grows. Be blessed.
Billy and Jan
Now watch this....does anyone of us need judgment, condemnation, critical attitudes, bitterness, selfishness? Be careful that you don't give away what you don't want. If you are hard and critical of everyone, then by the Law of the Spirit, that is what will be measured back to you. Give and it shall be given to you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and over running shall men give to you.
What is it you continually give away?
I need mercy, love and kindness. So guess what? I give it away. I need a friend…so I must be a friend first. I want some one to call, then I must call first. And on and on the list grows. Be blessed.
Billy and Jan
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Seed for Feb 13
Give and it shall be given to you, good measure pressed down, shaken together and running over! That verse was written about "mercy" and not "money". There is a law in the Spirit to give away what you need. If you need a friend, then show yourself to be friendly. If you wish this or that person would speak to you, then you give first, and speak to them. If you wish they would be more kind, then make the first move and show kindness. If you need love, then give it away! What ever you want that men should do to you, do to them first! What an amazing truth in the Spirit. How many of us need blessing? Then be a blessing. How many of us long for something from someone else...then make the first move. Do to others what you want them to do to you...the Golden Rule.
Be blessed,
Billy and Jan
Be blessed,
Billy and Jan
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Seed for Feb 12
"The Lord is my Sheperd and I shall not suffer want...We shall not lack any good thing...My God will supply all your needs according to His riches..." What great and precious promises we have from Him! He is our supply. Often times we find ourselves looking beyond Him for something, and we should not. For you see He is our Tree of Life. He is our source and supply. We are complete in Him. I personally don't believe we, as Christians, must look anywhere but to Him. Have you ever heard the old saying..."God helps those that help themselves?" I am sure you have because everyone seems to quote it...but it is not Bible! God helps the helpless. God is our sufficiency in all things. When we ask for this or that...we should know that we are only going to get Jesus! When I first came to Him, what did I have to offer? Nothing! What did He require? Only a willingness to let Him live in me...and then He promised to take care of me. I shall not suffer lack...He is my source and supply and I am complete in Him! I hope you are NOT looking for your source or supply outside of Him. Be blessed.
Billy and Jan
Billy and Jan
Monday, February 11, 2008
Seed for Feb11
Jesus paid our sin debt in full. He took the full punishment of us, upon Himself, so that we could enjoy a life free from doubt, fear and dread. When we serve Him, we know that He sees us robed in His righteousness and none of our own. Yet, there are many who are confused into thinking that our "good" must out weigh our "bad" in order for us to be saved. Of what use is the payment of sin's penalty if I must worry? Or if my sin debt is not paid in full, what could I possibly do myself to make up the difference? No! The opposite is true. The debt is paid in full, and Jesus declared it is finished when He gave us the ghost on the Cross. What more do could I do to pay for my own sins? He paid the debt, and I enjoy the victory! He paid the debt and I enjoy the abundant life. He paid the debt and I am free from doubt, fear and confusion! He paid the debt and there is no more penalty for sin, for those in Christ Jesus. Glorious is His name, Jesus! Be blessed.
Billy and Jan
Billy and Jan
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Seed for Feb 10
God did not desire the blood of bulls and goats, but He desired a Body to do His will. This is profound when we consider how many think sacrifice is what God really wants. Example: Mardi Gras is a time of indulgence (anonymous because they wear mask). For the days of Mardi Gras do what ever pleases you because a time of sacrifice is to come, Lent, and for 40 days you will sacrifice to pay for your indulgences. Though we may not partake in the same, many have the same mind set. If I do something wrong I must suffer and do some sacrifice. Thus we see people in penitence, attempting to suffer for their own sins, by crawling on their knees or trying to suffer in the flesh, etc. God said in His Word, that to obey is better than sacrifice! He is seeking a body (yours or mine) to do His Will. It is all about the will of God, not the suffering or bleeding of a sacrifice. We are to live of the Tree of Life. Make Him our source of life. All the paying for sins was completed on Calvary. Now we enjoy the Spirit-led life free from guilt and shame. He paid the price, He made the sacrifice and now we are here to do His will. Let His will be done in me as it is in Heaven. Be blessed.
Billy and Jan
Billy and Jan
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Seed for Feb 9
There is no doubt that the sentence of death is upon every man, for all men have died since Adam. The wages (pay check) for sin is death. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, thus all are appointed death and then the judgment, according to the Word of God. So it is not a matter of "if" I die, but "when" I die. That is the bad news, but the good news is that we can have life. Despite the fact, all shall die in Adam, all can live in Jesus Christ. That is God's equality.
What must we do to have that Life? We must have the Son for He alone has immortality. Some teach the soul will live forever, but the Word of God does not teach that. The only way to have eternal life is to have the only one that possess eternal life and that is Jesus. All that live, will die and face the judgment, and those whose name is found in the Lamb's Book of Life will live forever. Those, whose name is not found, will be judged, found lacking, and cast into destruction (Second Death). Now, the Lord reasons with us, "Before you I have place life and death, chose life and live, for why will you die O House of Israel?" Jesus is not willing that any perish, so if one is lost he goes against God's will. My question is, "Why wouldn't everyone prefer to live always in a paradise?"
Be blessed.
What must we do to have that Life? We must have the Son for He alone has immortality. Some teach the soul will live forever, but the Word of God does not teach that. The only way to have eternal life is to have the only one that possess eternal life and that is Jesus. All that live, will die and face the judgment, and those whose name is found in the Lamb's Book of Life will live forever. Those, whose name is not found, will be judged, found lacking, and cast into destruction (Second Death). Now, the Lord reasons with us, "Before you I have place life and death, chose life and live, for why will you die O House of Israel?" Jesus is not willing that any perish, so if one is lost he goes against God's will. My question is, "Why wouldn't everyone prefer to live always in a paradise?"
Be blessed.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Seed for Feb 8
Mark 10:42-43
42 But Jesus called them to him, and saith unto them, Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and their great ones exercise authority upon them.
43 But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister:
This verse speaks to us of “lording” over the Christians by their leaders. It shall not be so among Christians, Jesus said. Yet, we have a system of leadership that can trace their leadership roots to the Papal System where men bow and kiss the Pope’s ring, and Jesus warned us that this should not be in His Kingdom. Revelations speaks 2 times of the teaching of the “Nicolaitans” which is a caste system of men ruling over the church members. In modern days we call it clergy / preachers. Jesus said this was not to be in His Kingdom, yet it is prevalent, clergy rules and lords over the laity (church members).
Before His second coming the way of the Lord is to be made straight. Every high place (clergy) is to be brought down and every low place (laity) is to be brought up. Everything is to be brought to an even place. There is no caste system in the Kingdom of God. All men have the same equal and same value. Each has the same right to boldly approach God for grace. We do not have to go thru a clergy member to be heard of God, or forgiven. We do not have to bow and kiss any man’s ring, or be subservient to any preacher. No preacher is any more a “man of God”, or “anointed” above the lowest member of the Body of Christ. We are all lead by God by that same Spirit of God within. Man has respect of persons, but our Jesus does not. We have right and privilege to boldly approach the throne of Grace in time of need, (go straight to God) without the help of any preacher! Be blessed.
42 But Jesus called them to him, and saith unto them, Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and their great ones exercise authority upon them.
43 But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister:
This verse speaks to us of “lording” over the Christians by their leaders. It shall not be so among Christians, Jesus said. Yet, we have a system of leadership that can trace their leadership roots to the Papal System where men bow and kiss the Pope’s ring, and Jesus warned us that this should not be in His Kingdom. Revelations speaks 2 times of the teaching of the “Nicolaitans” which is a caste system of men ruling over the church members. In modern days we call it clergy / preachers. Jesus said this was not to be in His Kingdom, yet it is prevalent, clergy rules and lords over the laity (church members).
Before His second coming the way of the Lord is to be made straight. Every high place (clergy) is to be brought down and every low place (laity) is to be brought up. Everything is to be brought to an even place. There is no caste system in the Kingdom of God. All men have the same equal and same value. Each has the same right to boldly approach God for grace. We do not have to go thru a clergy member to be heard of God, or forgiven. We do not have to bow and kiss any man’s ring, or be subservient to any preacher. No preacher is any more a “man of God”, or “anointed” above the lowest member of the Body of Christ. We are all lead by God by that same Spirit of God within. Man has respect of persons, but our Jesus does not. We have right and privilege to boldly approach the throne of Grace in time of need, (go straight to God) without the help of any preacher! Be blessed.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Seed for Feb 7
Some feel that they go to the "right" church, or hold the "right doctrine," or have the "right" standard, or the "right" formula, and none more than Paul. Paul said "A Pharisee of Pharisees, of the Law blameless, but I count it all dung for the Excellency of the knowledge of Christ."
If anyone had it all had to be Paul, and yet Paul said it was nothing, he trusted in nothing, he counted is own standard of holiness as nothing, his right religion as nothing, his visions and dreams as nothing...
Reminds me of the song: Not of good that I have done...nothing but the blood of Jesus.
We need to ask ourselves what, exactly, are we trusting in? Something we can do? Something we said? Some place we go? Some membership we hold? Or is it really all about the blood of Jesus?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Be Blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells
If anyone had it all had to be Paul, and yet Paul said it was nothing, he trusted in nothing, he counted is own standard of holiness as nothing, his right religion as nothing, his visions and dreams as nothing...
Reminds me of the song: Not of good that I have done...nothing but the blood of Jesus.
We need to ask ourselves what, exactly, are we trusting in? Something we can do? Something we said? Some place we go? Some membership we hold? Or is it really all about the blood of Jesus?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Be Blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Seed for Feb 6
God is faithful. His nature is His faithfulness. There is one thing that we can count on and that is that God is true to His Word, He is faithful. By His Word and faithfulness He hung the Universe and created the World. His faithfulness has been demonstrated thru out the Bible. What God says He does! If you ever said that God said, when God did not say, then you had to pay with your life! Your lie had affected God's faithfulness. Abraham waited 25 years for the faithfulness of God to come in the form of the promised son. King David waited 16 years after the anointing to finally sit on the throne, but God was faithful.
Because God's divine nature is faithful, then inside that Seed planted in us, are all His characteristics. That Seed planted in us will produce the nature of God inside us. Paul said it is God who both wills and does in us. Though we are tried, count it all joy, for our God is faithful and will not let His Word fall to the ground. Be blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells
Because God's divine nature is faithful, then inside that Seed planted in us, are all His characteristics. That Seed planted in us will produce the nature of God inside us. Paul said it is God who both wills and does in us. Though we are tried, count it all joy, for our God is faithful and will not let His Word fall to the ground. Be blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Seed for Feb 5
When you hold a tiny seed in your hand, you have no idea what will be the result of the planting of that seed. Because, you see, the end result of a seed is not at all like the appearance of that seed. But what is resident in that seed is all the genetic history of that plant all the way back to the Garden of Eden. So both future and past is in every seed. We are planted with the Seed of God. All that is of God is resident in that Seed. The end result looks nothing like the Seed. But when that Seed is planted in us it will grow up into Him, Paul said. Of course in the beginning we might be like little children tossed too and fro, by every wind and wave of teaching, but we are to grow up INTO HIM. We are to Grow up not stay little children. The Seed of the Gospel of Truth is planted in the heart of every believer with the HOPE of God. What is that Hope? That He be fully formed in us and His Will be done in us as it is heaven. You sure won't hear that taught in most pulpits, but that is what is taught in the Word of God. Be Blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Monday, February 4, 2008
Seed for Feb 4
Inside every seed is potential. That potential is the possibility to produce like kind. Or to produce a copy of it's parent. All the life and fruit of the future generation is locked up inside that tiny seed, and if that seed is planted it can produce a future generation. The power of a giant oak is locked up inside a tiny acorn. All the potential power of human life is locked up in the tiny seed of a man. And if all that is true, then all the power of God is locked up in the tiny seed of faith we receive when we believe the good news! Even His power over death is resident in that seed we receive by faith. The same power that spoke the worlds into existence is locked up inside the seed of God we receive. The goal of the Spirit is for that seed to not remain only a seed, but to be planted in our hearts and to grow up into Him (thus producing like kind). The power of all the universe resident in that seed and you and I receive it by faith. Now lets us be fully rooted and grounded in Truth and Love, and manifest the fruit of the Spirit to the lost world. We declare He lives and we are the fruits of His resurrection. How do I know Jesus rose from the dead? He planted His seed in me and now He lives, not I, but Him.
Be Blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells
Be Blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Seed for Feb 3
God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. In His light shall we see light. I use to think in my BC (before Christ) days that I was a "good" person. I had good "karma," and kept the "golden rule," or so I thought. But when I came into light of God's Word, I want you to know that the darkness in my life was truly revealed. I got to see myself just as the Lord sees me. It started with my filthy conversation (cussing). I read in His Word, that from the heart the mouth speaks, and when I listened to my own filthy mouth, I knew what my heart really looked like to God. In His light I began to see light. Since that day, the light of His Word has shined into my mind to reveal to me those areas that I need to put on the altar. We are to continually make a morning and evening sacrifice of our bodies to Him, that He might rule and reign as King in our hearts, and the will of God be done in earth (me) as it is done in heaven. Be blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Friday, February 1, 2008
Seed for Feb 1
Matt 24:33-36
33 Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door.
34 I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.
35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
36 "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
The following are things pointing to His return that are only now possible:
Rebirth of Israel 1948
Atomic destruction 1945 (1/3 of mankind to be destroyed)
Hook in the jaw of Russia (Peak Oil 2006)
Alignment of Russia and Iran (2007)
Decline of the West (US 2007-2008) (Death of the Dollar)
Shift to a revived Roman One World Power (EU 2007)
Computer systems and technology to number and track all people of the earth.
World pollution (waters turning to wormwood)
7 year peace with Israel (repeated efforts since 1948)
Damascus destroyed in one day (keep watching)
Ability to see instantly what is happening in the streets of Israel. (CNN)
These are only a few points to ponder. Only now in this generation, have these things been possible. No man knows the hour or even the day, but He said we will know the season. When we see all these signs and more…look up for His season is here. We are not to fear, as a people without a hope. We are not to be discouraged nor dismayed, for He will protect His own just as He did in Egypt in the time of deliverance. So rejoice and continue in faith, knowing that His coming is nearer than when we first believed.
Be Blessed,
Billy and Jan
33 Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door.
34 I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.
35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
36 "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
The following are things pointing to His return that are only now possible:
Rebirth of Israel 1948
Atomic destruction 1945 (1/3 of mankind to be destroyed)
Hook in the jaw of Russia (Peak Oil 2006)
Alignment of Russia and Iran (2007)
Decline of the West (US 2007-2008) (Death of the Dollar)
Shift to a revived Roman One World Power (EU 2007)
Computer systems and technology to number and track all people of the earth.
World pollution (waters turning to wormwood)
7 year peace with Israel (repeated efforts since 1948)
Damascus destroyed in one day (keep watching)
Ability to see instantly what is happening in the streets of Israel. (CNN)
These are only a few points to ponder. Only now in this generation, have these things been possible. No man knows the hour or even the day, but He said we will know the season. When we see all these signs and more…look up for His season is here. We are not to fear, as a people without a hope. We are not to be discouraged nor dismayed, for He will protect His own just as He did in Egypt in the time of deliverance. So rejoice and continue in faith, knowing that His coming is nearer than when we first believed.
Be Blessed,
Billy and Jan
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