Sunday, February 3, 2008

Seed for Feb 3

God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. In His light shall we see light. I use to think in my BC (before Christ) days that I was a "good" person. I had good "karma," and kept the "golden rule," or so I thought. But when I came into light of God's Word, I want you to know that the darkness in my life was truly revealed. I got to see myself just as the Lord sees me. It started with my filthy conversation (cussing). I read in His Word, that from the heart the mouth speaks, and when I listened to my own filthy mouth, I knew what my heart really looked like to God. In His light I began to see light. Since that day, the light of His Word has shined into my mind to reveal to me those areas that I need to put on the altar. We are to continually make a morning and evening sacrifice of our bodies to Him, that He might rule and reign as King in our hearts, and the will of God be done in earth (me) as it is done in heaven. Be blessed,

Billy and Jan Wells

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