Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Seed for Feb 26

The righteous in the Old Bible referred to the Covenant Keepers. They were referred to as the "righteous." We are the "righteous" of the New Testament, because we are the "covenant keepers." We received a new covenant. Not one sealed with the blood of bulls and goats, but of a more excellent sacrifice, that being the blood of Jesus. We keep this new covenant by faith. Abraham was justified by faith in "uncircumcision," and that is a powerful statement. There are some that require this and that to be "saved" but Paul made it very very clear, that Abraham was justified in "uncircumcision" apart from the keeping of any ordinance. It was faith and faith alone that caused God to declare Abraham not guilty. We too are justified by faith apart from the keeping of any ordinances. By faith we are sealed with Seed of God planted in our hearts that we might pursue good works. Sown in us in "hope" and that hope Paul said was that Christ be formed in us. That we become the living walking talking Body of God in the earth. That we might grow up into Him in all things!

Be Blessed,Billy and Jan

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