Monday, February 25, 2008

Seed for Feb 25

We are to get wisdom and understanding and to love Truth! No matter what the cost, we are to pursue these things of God. I use to think that Truth was some "doctrine/teaching" or some Bible revelation that could be obtained. It seems each denomination has their own "claim" to Truth. It took me a long time to realize that Truth was not a doctrine or teaching. Truth was not some insight to a secret verse, or some magical way of doing Bible things, that only our "church brand" knew about. But Truth when you finally get Jesus. If you have discovered some "doctrinal truth" and think that you have discovered "truth" and now you can have your own brand of religion/separation, you have not found truth at all! Every one of us is to seek truth, love truth, and hunger and thirst after truth. And when you really find the Truth the Bible speaks about, you will find it in Jesus, for He is the Truth the Way and the Life.

Be Blessed,
Billy and Jan

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