Sunday, February 24, 2008

Seed for Feb 24

Gal 6:15
15 Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is a new creation.

It took most of my Christian life to awake to this fact. I think we all were taught wrong in Sunday school when we were taught: “Just do the best you can…” “Or try a little harder…” “Pray more, fast more…live holier…” In fact is seems that all we are taught in Sunday school is to be good, keep the 10 commandments, do your best, work hard…etc. Maybe my Sunday school was just different? But is seems that I was taught to keep my eyes always upon me, and my actions. It was all about me, how am I doing? Am I living better, doing better, keeping the rules better, acting better. I even hear people today still saying, “Well, I am trying to do better…” All I saw by looking at myself (the old creature) and all I ever experienced was failure and short comings in my old creation. What a hard life…what bad news!

Let’s set the record straight right now! It is not about me. It is not about me keeping religious rules (circumcision) or not keeping religious rules (uncircumcision) but it is all about Him in me…a new Creation! It is time for me to stop trying, as a result I will stop failing. It is time for me to start letting Him live out His new life (new creation) in and thru me. If the Church saw this and taught this, then what victory we each in our own lives could experience. Instead of looking at me and my failings (for all have fallen) I look at Him and His power to live out His life thru me. That is the Good News! Christ in me, the hope of Glory. You want to see glory in Billy, forget about it! The Glory is Jesus in me! The New Creation, and the New Man, Jesus! Be blessed.

Be Blessed,Billy and Jan

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