Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Seed for Feb 20

What is a "reasonable" service to God? Since walking in Grace is not to be burden, but light yoke and easy burden, then what is actually required of us each day? What is the bare minimum we are to offer to God? Rms12 1-2 puts it quite plain and simple. We are to make an active presentation of our bodies to God as a living sacrifice. In other words, "here I am Lord. Use me as you see fit today". Now whether or not He uses you is all up to Him, not you. You present yourself to God, like an instrument presents itself to a conductor of an orchestra. The conductor decides which and when each instruments is to be used. There is no struggle, just presentation. There is not a burden, but a willingness for God to use you. Not a frustration if the Lord decides not to use you, because your job was to present yourself and that you have done.

You see living for God is not hard. It is not a burden. It is life. "I live here for you Lord, use me as you see fit".

Be Blessed, Billy and Jan

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