Monday, March 10, 2008

Seed for Mar 10

"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord." How could that be? It has to do with our presentation of ourselves to Him. He will never force us to do anything. All our lives can be spent doing things "our way." But as Paul said in Rms 12, it is our duty to present our bodies to Him as a living sacrifice that we might prove His will. So by presenting ourselves to Him, He then is able to lead our steps. There are many roads in life, and we could get on any of many. But there is just one road in life that would be best for us. How can we determine the best road in life? Only by He that sees tomorrow like I see yesterday, leading me. So let it be said, that I offered my body (life) to Him and He leads my steps. Be blessed.

A Recoverying Pharisee,
Billy and Jan WellsSan Antonio, TX

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