Friday, March 7, 2008

Seed for Mar 7

There is just something about that name! Call Him, God, Christ, King, Saviour, Lord or what ever and those surely are His titles, but when you mention the name of Jesus things really change! They beat the disciples and commanded them not to preach any longer in that NAME. They didn't say “don't preach”, but "don't use that name!" You see the devils tremble and hate that name. He was given the highest name that can be named. At the name of Jesus every knee will bow and tongue confess! "Even the devils are subject to us in your name!" Some people say we make too much of the name, but how can you make light of the greatest name ever?!? Isaiah said his name shall be called "Wonderful, Counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting father", but even that could not compare to His name! The angels brought that name from heaven, and told Mary "you shall call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins." Could you imagine going to a church service where they never mentioned the name of Jesus? I have. They mentioned all around his name, Christ, and Saviour, but never mention the name of Jesus in the whole service! To me, there is just something precious about that name! Jesus.

Be Blessed,Billy and Jan

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