Sunday, March 23, 2008

Seed for Mar 23

Easter is a time to reflect on resurrection. Every believer who has the Seed of God in him, has resurrection power resident. Paul said, "If we only had hope in this life, we would be most miserable!" But our hope is in Him the Life and Resurrection. How can we plant a tiny seed, lay it in the ground, invisible and at times forgotten, yet with the right temperature, moisture, and soil, it will sprout and grow? Seemingly that tiny seed, buried, comes to life. Everything in Nature speaks to us about Him. Everything in life we go thru is a "micro" of the real. We lay down each day and go to sleep. Time passes without our knowledge and we awake again in the morning, a perfect type of death and resurrection. There are only 2 roads, and unless we are on the road of Life, we, by default, will be on the road to destruction. He is our true Light, Life and Resurrection. He that has the Son has Life, and he that has not the Son has not Life. Be blessed.

Be Blessed from a recovering Pharisee,

Billy and Jan Wells

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