Thursday, March 6, 2008

Seed for Mar 6

God's name in the Old Bible was a secret. It was never written or spoken for the Jews feared they would accidentally use His name in vain. So they only abbreviated the Holy Secret Name of God, YHVH. We translated that abbreviation of only consonants and no vowels into Yahweh and Jehovah, and then it was retranslated in the KJV of the Bible LORD. But the real truth of the matter is no one knows the secret name of God. (Not even the Jehovah Witnesses) YHVH was always compounded with another name to give us insight to the character and nature of God. i.e. The Lord that Provides = Jehovah jire, and so on. The compounded names of God revealed God's character and nature to humanity. You see all the compounded names of JHVH and find God to be everything "except" SALVATION. That brings us to the only revealed saving name of God and that is “Jesus”. Jesus means YHVH salvation. The One and only saving name of God that has been revealed to man is Jesus. There is just something about that name! It is funny to me how many want to make an issue of a name they don't know, never written or spoken, and ignore the Highest name that can be named. Jesus, Oh, how I love the name!

Jesus of the New Testament is the same YHVH of the Old. There is just one.

Thought for the day: You can have God and not have Jesus i.e. Allah. But you cannot have Jesus without having the true God. He that has the Son has the Father also. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

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