Sunday, March 30, 2008

Seed for Mar 30

Mark 4:3
3 "Listen! A farmer went out to sow his seed.

Working in our garden yesterday, I love to listen to the lessons of the Spirit. Our focus in the garden is the seed sown and the plants growing. So should be the focus for us in the Spirit realm. Unfortunately we have been taught to focus on the “dirt” and not the new life growing in that dirt. You hear Christian songs saying things like, “I’ve got a long way to go to be like the Lord…”, and “Help me, Lord, be more like You…”. As we can see from these songs the focus is on the dirt, and not on the New Creation!

We have all been taught in Church to try to be like Jesus, to follow in His footsteps, what would Jesus do, you are not perfect…etc. All of this puts the focus on the dirt…trying to make the dirt (the old Billy) like Jesus. It is about imitation, copying, acting like. This is not the New Testament message. It is not about making bad men better, but dead men alive. Jesus, the Seed of God, planted in my heart, causing a New Creation to grow in my dirt, till Jesus be fully formed in me. That is the message the Church should be focused on, instead of everyone trying to be “better dirt”. Be blessed.

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