Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Seed for April 1

To be spiritually minded is life and peace. We as Christians are to experience the peace of God that passes all understanding. In other words, the world would wonder, "How do you experience peace in this or that circumstance???" "No one in their right mind would have peace in what you are going thru!" We have that peace of God because we are spiritually minded. We compare spiritual things to spiritual things. What is it that bothers you and steals your peace? Have you not been treated fairly? Do you not have what you want? Has some injustice befallen you? Were you let down by someone? On and on go the questions, but the real question is this. "What are you bothered about, what has stolen your peace?" Haven’t you lost your peace because you are not viewing life's situations in faith and in the Spirit. What is God working out in you? Remember, what happens to us, comes as no surprise to God. We are going thru what God saw coming long ago. He wants us to walk in faith, trusting and believing that He will work things out for our good! He knows best, so walk in the spirit and experience peace. Walk in the flesh (your own understanding) and lose that peace! Be blessed.

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