Friday, April 4, 2008

Seed for April 4

"Am I my brother's keeper?" Cain replied to God's question of where was his brother. The obvious answer to that is "YES!" We are responsible to other beyond ourselves. For no man lives or dies to himself, but whether we live or die we are the Lord's. With that in mind it brings me to the responsibility every Christian has to live for the conscience of his brother. Paul said that he would do nothing to cause offense or to cause his brother to stumble. What does all that mean? In simple terms, we are responsible how we live and what we manifest to others. We represent Jesus. We are His ambassadors. We tell the World, by my life, you can see Jesus. For that reason we should never do anything to make someone weak or cause them to stumble, for what we do in our lives. I never want it said, "I can't live for God or believe in God, because Billy said one thing and lived another." I want people to see my life, my speech, my actions in business, my relations with people and my attitude, and say God is real, because Billy lives what he believes. How could you trust God if I said one thing and lived another? You would deny God because of my hypocrisy. The Grace of God teaches us (not commands or demands) but teaches us to live godly, soberly in this present world and to give none offense in our liberty. Be blessed.

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