Friday, April 11, 2008

Seed for April 11

"As many as are led by the Spirit of God are the Sons of God." The Word is quite specific as to who is and who is not a Son of God. It seems it is not enough just to be born again, but Spirit leadership is the determining factor. That goes along with "not my will" and "presenting your bodies a living sacrifice." It is important for us to put all the teachings of Christ together to get a clear picture of what He is saying to us. When we are born again, that Seed of God in planted in us, but the plan is for it to grow and produce fruit which has new Seed in it. His Seed being planted in us, is but the first step. As we grow in grace and knowledge of Him, we are transformed by changing and renewing our minds. The things of God become more important to us than the things in this world. Loving not the world, or the things in the world, we confess ourselves to be strangers in this present land, and look to the New Earth where righteousness reigns. We are the New Creation, the New Race which will inherit the New Earth…isn’t that amazing?

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