Thursday, April 24, 2008

Seed for April 24

Have you ever prayed to be made stronger to conquer some temptation or sin? If so, then we are praying opposite to the will of the Spirit of God. Salvation does not come from making me stronger! Quite the opposite is true. We get victory by being made weak. "My Strength is made perfect in weakness". What is the ultimate weakness? Death is the ultimate weakness, the result of us becoming weaker and weaker until we finally die. If His strength is made perfect in our weakness, and the ultimate weakness is death, then we get a true picture of how God delivers us out of all our troubles. We die. He lives in us and He has no sin problem. Next time you struggle, you need to pray, "Lord, I see myself as dead and you alive in me owning the victory!"Be Blessed from a recovering Pharisee,

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