Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Seed for April 2

You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free. That is our promise and Jesus is that Truth. By knowing Him we are set free. I have had many give me this or that doctrine and I always measure "doctrine/teaching" by whether or not it liberates me. Some doctrine only binds you up and put a heavy burden upon you, and that is not Truth! When you find Truth, it will not be this or that teacher, or this or that denomination, but it will be Jesus. He said I am the Truth the Way and the Life. Be careful to always measure what you are taught, by deciding is it liberating or binding. Jesus came to set the captive free. All my BC (before Jesus) days I was bound by sin. But Jesus came and set me free. Then "religion" moved in and tried to bind me up again, but Jesus shown His light upon men's doctrines and set me free again. I was freed from sin in 1973, and freed from religion in 1979! Glory to King Jesus for the truth that sets men free! Be blessed

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