Sunday, September 30, 2007

Seed for Sept 30

There are over 3 Billion letters in the human genetic code, and that combined would be a 300 book volume of encyclopedia we could call the “Gene Code”. Wow! Genetics is the language of life, and all language is a result of intelligence. This language of the genes points to the Highest Intelligence, the Creator, Jesus. Even modern scientist are leaning toward a Universe created by “Intelligent design”...they just don't know His name. Isn't it amazing that every where in Nature, the finger of God is pointing to His own presence? Yet, men in their stubborn state refuse to acknowledge Him? When He comes back to rescue the land of Israel from the armies of the Antichrist (Armageddon), they will look upon him (Jehovah) whom they have pierced. Zac.12:10. And that is when they will suddenly recognize Jesus to be the Creator of the Universe! Aren't you happy, that you already know His first name? "Wonderful?". Isa. 9:6. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Seed for Sept 29

Matt 26:7-9
7 There came unto him a woman having an alabaster box of very precious ointment, and poured it on his head, as he sat at meat.
8 But when his disciples saw it, they had indignation, saying, To what purpose is this waste?
9 For this ointment might have been sold for much, and given to the poor.
I would like for you to pay special attention to the word "waste ". I believe this to be the key to this verse. This ointment cost a year's wages, and was freely poured out on Jesus. Then the disciples ask, What's the meaning of this waste? This is exactly the attitude of the world about a life that is poured out and surrendered to Jesus. Why would you waste your whole life by serving the Lord? But let me say what ever is offered to the Lord is not a waste. By spending my life on Jesus, by losing my life, I have gained everything. Not only the promise of abundant life but of eternal life.

The attitude of the world is that anyone who serves the Lord is wasting their life. But Jesus said, He that loses his life actually finds it. And I have found that to be true. Before I knew the Lord, I really didn't have a life. I was just existing. But I really began to live after I allow Jesus to come into my life, and I offered Him my old broken down life, so that he could live out His life in me. Now instead of a wasted life I have abundant life. Now you need to ask yourself, is Jesus worth wasting your life for? A life without Jesus is a wasted life, not a life spent on Jesus. Be blessed

Billy and Jan Wells

Friday, September 28, 2007

Seed for Sept 28

Most Christians own the most powerful and beautiful car. But instead of getting in it and enjoying the power of that engine, they end up pushing their car. They push it everywhere they go, uphill, down hill, with great energy and gusto! They have failed to realize that they can just get in the car and go anywhere with the power of that great engine under the hood. What do I mean? We have the power of God resident inside each of us. He is that powerful motor that moves us. But most do not live by the power within, but try as hard as they can to be "Christians." It was never intended that you and I by our own power try to push our lives into a mold called "Christian" but for the living God within to empower us from heaven to do His Will. All we need do is present our bodies to Him as a vehicle for His presence and by faith move as the Spirit directs us. He is the power and source, not me. It was never about me, but always about Christ in me....the power of the Living God is Jesus within. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Seed for Sept 27

The truth of the Gospel of Christ, the good news is that it is a substitutionary position. It is not about me doing better, or trying harder, or being more determined. It is not about me plus Jesus trying harder, being more determined, or even being better. That is where we got it all wrong! Some preach, "Try as best you can, everyone falls short, so don't worry." That is you trying, or should I say, failing? Or others preach "Just pray for more strength over this or that, or pray harder to get the victory." And that is you plus Him, and that won't work either. But what does the Word say? "I live, yet not I, but Jesus lives in me to both will and to do that will/His good pleasure!" It is Him not me, and that my friend is "good news" the True Gospel. The harder you work, the more the law of sin and death will be manifest. (Romans 7) The more I die and He lives in me, the more the Life of the Spirit within is manifest. (Romans 8) Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Seed for Sept 26

What was wrong with the Jew’s religion? The Jew thought in keeping his religion and his teachings he had the Truth. But his religion and teachings, only pointed the Jew to the real truth, and that was Jesus. Everything that the Jew did in his religion was to be done in faith looking to Jesus, but some how the enemy tricked the Jew into believing, by keeping the Law he was perfecting himself. Wrong! The Bible says by keeping of religious law shall no flesh be declared “Not guilty”. It is only by faith in Jesus and His sacrifice can we be made “acceptable”.

Now modern religion has beguiled us in the same manner. We think by keeping our religious traditions we make ourselves “clean”. Wrong! What ever we do “religiously” we should do in faith towards the real Truth, Jesus. It must be done in faith, and that faith must be in the sacrifice of Jesus, to make us, and keep us clean. If we think we can add one thing to the finished work of Calvary, we have been deceived. Many go about trying to establish their own “holiness” by not touching, tasting, handling, this or that…and have fallen from grace, just as the Jew did, when he exacted all his labors. Remember to keep your eyes upon the real truth, and that is Jesus. What ever you do, religiously, remember it is the blood of Jesus that makes you and keeps you clean, not your religious efforts. You are not better because you do this or that, for the Law concluded all guilty, so that all would need the same Jesus to be made whole.

Paul said it best…”Oh foolish Galatians…who has bewitched you?”. They thought they could be made holy by keeping their religious law…and were falling from grace.

Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Seed for Sept 25

The Lord is Spirit and seeks true worshippers. How can we truly worship the Lord? By desiring truth in our inward parts. By loving truth more than anything. By asking the Lord for truth, and nothing but the truth. And you will be amazed that when you discover truth, it will be Him. Some think they have discovered truth in this or that teaching, or in this or that faith, or this or that denomination. Let me say, that if you have discovered truth anywhere but in Jesus the Messiah you have not discovered truth. For He said I am the Way the Truth and the Life. He did not claim to just be a good man, or just a prophet, but His claim was that He is the Way and the only Way. That is Truth! God is seeking true worshippers that worship in Spirit and Truth. Discover the Truth and discover Jesus. Where is your trust today? If you hear Him and build your life upon Him your house will stand. If you fail to build your life upon the Truth of Jesus, your house will fall and great will be the fall. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Monday, September 24, 2007

Seed for Sept 24

After the traditions of men, some people try to worship God. But the Lord has said in His Word, that He seeks true worshipers. A true worshiper is one that will worship God in Spirit and Truth. He is not looking for us to suffer, (for some worship the sufferings of Christ), nor is He looking for us to be religious in our traditions, but to be free. We are to lift holy hands, and our voices in praise. We are to make melody and praise in our hearts, and the fruit of our lips to be praise to His name continually. We are to enjoy the peace, joy and love of the Holy Ghost. We are not to recite vain prayers with no life, nor substance, but we are to pray to Him from our hearts making our prayers and request known. We are to confess our sins to Him and trust Him for forgive and cleanse us completely. We cannot pay for our own sins, by our own suffering or penitence. It is the blood of Jesus that pays completely for our guilt. Religion is a hard taskmaster, having a form of godliness but never able to come to or acknowledge the Truth. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Seed for Sept 23

Let your conversation always be seasoned with salt that it might minister grace to the hearers. That is God's admonition about the words that come from our mouth. The Bible says no spring of water can yield both salt and fresh water. How can we bless God and curse man, who is made in God's image? Let no corrupt communication come from your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying. We are to build up and not tear down. Our words have power to influence one way or the other. It is the words of the tale barer that keep strife going, the Bible says. We are to speak grace, and life, and love. Our lips should minister life and grace and not death and judgment. We are to put guards at the door post of our lips, according to Psalms. And our hearts are revealed by the words that we speak. As ministers of the gospel of grace, our lips should minister life. Our words should speak faith, that is calling things that are not as though they are. The Bible says by our words we shall be justified and by our words we shall be condemned. What a powerful tool we possess and we should guard what we say, and the words we release into the world with all diligence. Be blessed
Billy and Jan Wells

Friday, September 21, 2007

Seed for Sept 21

Is a Christian immune from problems? No not at all. We get just as many problems as nonbelievers and sometimes more. The question is never do we have problems, but do we have a solution? And the answer is yes! Our solution to every problem is Jesus. He is our ox (burden bearer), He is the eagle (flying far above the storms of life), He is our Lamb (offering for sin) and He is our Son of Man (The King of kings). He is the four faced beast. So when trials come, and they will, cling to Him. Let them make your stronger, and teach you His ways. Thank Him for everything you go thru and be exercised in passing thru them. Know that the water and the fire will not over come you, as He is our Rock and shelter in the storm. Let the trials of life bring out the glory of God's victory! Remember the Red Sea! The trial of the Red Sea was not to destroy God's people, but to manifest God's glory in victory! Be blessed.

Please pray for my friend and sister in Jesus, Dale Ann, as she is in a trial and needs Him to give her His strength!
Be blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Seed for Sept 20

Our faith is based upon the faithfulness of God. If God were not faithful, we would have no where to hang our lives. Jesus hung His life upon the cross, because of the faithfulness of the Word of God. His Father promised that if He would lay down His life, the He would be risen from the dead. Is our faith in God's word such that we would hang our life upon it? Do we believe to death that what God says He means?

The Bible says the man that saves his life, will lose it, and the man that looses his life for God will find it. Have we lost our lives in Him? Have we surrendered all? or have we saved back the choices parts for ourselves? Will we trust Him to death? Will we hang our lives upon His Word?

Be blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Seed for Sept 19

Gal 5:1
1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

This is Paul’s strong admonition to the Church, who after starting out in faith, were now going to be made perfect by keeping “the Law”. Let’s examine this in terms perhaps we can better understand. As great as the “Law of God” was, it could not save man! (No man shall be “declared not guilty” by the keeping of the Law.) The Lord promised a day when it would no longer be an “outside” law that would govern, but the law of God written on our hearts. In other words, the day would come when it would not be a law “without” that governs, but a “law within” our minds that would govern us. The law in my heart sets me free from the bondage of the “law without”. But I can’t have it both ways, Paul said. It is either faith, and the law of God in my heart, or falling from grace with legalism and a law without which attempts to govern. For some reason we have no confidence in the Spirit’s ability to lead us from within our hearts. And that is exactly what God wants, is a people that are free and governed by His Spirit within.

When I add this or that as a “standard” of what holiness looks like, I put God’s people under the bondage of “law without” that cannot save, but it causes them to fall from the liberty and grace of God. They fall into the trap of trying to be made perfect, by keeping man’s religious laws. Now they have fallen from grace, and no longer enjoy the liberty of Spirit-life.

Presenting your body a living sacrifice and keeping your conscience clean of all offense, is enjoying the liberty and freedom of the Spirit. Stand there, Paul said.

Be Blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Seed for September 18

There are only 2 types of Christians, Spirit led and carnal. The carnal Christian is represented by the "wilderness" experience of Israel after leaving their Egypt (sin). All that Israel was able to do, was wander around feeding their carnal appetites until they were all buried in the wilderness and they never reached the Promised Land!

The Lord had better plans for them, as well as for us. Jesus never intends for us to just wander around from circumstance to circumstance wondering why did this happen to me, or "poor me"! The Lord wants us to walk in victory. He wants us to get past the infantile age of whining and crying, and go forward in victory and take our inheritance in the Spirit. We are to be more than conquerors, with more than abundant life. We are to walk in peace and victory, and to defeat every giant in our way. We are to possess the land for the Kingdom of God and eat from a land flowing with milk and honey. We are to enjoy the promised land now . It is not speaking of heaven someday .

Israel gets to "bitter" water and complains. Israel eats angel's food and complains. Israel see a problem and complains. That is a carnal Christian, always whining and complaining at every situation and at every turn in life.

Joshua and Caleb had "another" spirit and said "We are able and well able to take the land!" That is a Spiritual Christian. Examine yourself, Paul said. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Monday, September 17, 2007

Seed for September 17

We are to rejoice ever more. We are to give thanks without ceasing. In all things we are to acknowledge Him and He will direct our steps.

We have to trust Him in order to rejoice in Him. We have to believe Him in order to give thanks in everything. The only way that we can rejoice and give thanks and acknowledge Him to direct our steps is if we believe that we know Him accurately. The word of God is the written will of God. Just as when a man dies and leaves a will and executor of that will exactly performs the word that is written. A testament is a will. And the will does not become in effective until the death of the testator. This means to us that the word of God is the will of God, and it became effective at the death of Jesus Christ. We are to read the words of that will and to execute it perfectly. Is the Almighty without power? Is the Almighty powerful enough to be able to create the universe and yet not able to deliver His word accurately to us?

Ask yourself , is the one who speaks in DNA code, Creator of the universe out of nothing, unable to guide minds and the hands of men to deliver His will and testament to us accurately? I think not. It doesn’t matter how many men touch the Word of God. Of course we will leave our flavor on his word. But the meat of what is said will be an accurate. Most people do not understand that the Bible is not written in English or Spanish or French or German, but the word of God is written in Spirit. God is spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and truth. His word is Spirit and truth. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Seed for September 16

Rom 7:9-109 Once I was alive apart from law; but when the commandment came, sin sprang to life and I died.10 I found that the very commandment that was intended to bring life actually brought death.(NIV)

The above verse is very important for Christians to understand, yet few do. This verse speaks to us about the law of Moses. But it can be applied to any "religious law". Without the law, Paul said' I was once alive. In other words, I had no knowledge of sin. But when the law came, it showed me my sin, showed me to be guilty, and I died. The law which was good, proved to be death to me. The same thing can happen to us when we put our religious laws on believers. The law which is good, showed me to be bad. The law which was ordained to life, was used by sin nature in me, to kill me. Once we have an understanding of this spiritual truth, we will be reluctant to preach anything but the grace (good news) of God. Legalism only works to kill but the grace of God works to make alive. We are to give away, or preach, exactly what we need. We need mercy and grace, kindness and gentleness, meekness, temperance, and faith against such there is no law. But when we preach guilt and condemnation and legalism we don't make anyone alive, but we kill the hearer.

Let us be careful to minister the grace of God, let our lips continually pour forth God's grace and goodness. Grace is giving way what is not deserved.

Be blessed,

Billy and Jan Wells

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Seed for Sept 15

Rom 6:2323 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.(KJV)

There is a teaching in the church world that the soul is "immortal", but the Word does not teach such. The gift of God is eternal life. Without the gift of life, we are dead already in trespasses and sins, the Bible says. In other words we have no Eternal Life in us, without being born of the Life of God. We will not live eternally somewhere unless we have the gift of eternal life, new life, spirit life, given us by God Himself. Why would we need the gift of eternal life, if we already possessed the "immortality" of the soul, as some suppose? What does the Bible say? Matt 10:2828 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell (Gehenna / the fire) .(NIV)

Now for the good news. Since we have no eternal life in us, a way has been made for us to come to the Tree of Life and eat. That Tree is Jesus. There is no longer a flaming sword that bar the way to the Tree of Life now, Jesus paid the full price to reconcile us to God. Now we can come and eat freely and live forever. Behold He sets before us Life and Death...chose Life and live, for why would want to die, when the way has been made? Be blessed.

Billy and Jan

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Seed for Sept 13

What is our position in Him? He holds us up by His right hand, puts our feet on a solid rock. Goes before us and prepares the way. He is our rear guard. He is the voice behind us saying this is the way, walk in it. He leads me in a path of right standing for His name sake. He gives me a rod and staff to comfort me. Leads me beside deep running water. He is a river of life flowing out of me. He has give His angels charge over me. He restores my soul. He causes me to mount up on eagle wings. He takes me to the high places. He has caused me to run thru a troop and leap over a wall. He my source and provider. He follows me all the days of my life with goodness and mercy. His left hand is under my neck. He is the lover of my soul. He is my Tree of Life and I live of Him. And best of all, He lives in me. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Seed for Sept 12

I Jn 3:18-1918 My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.19 And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before him.(KJV)

Here is the true test, the Word says, of the fact of whether or not we are of the truth. If we love in deed and not in word only. Man's love is conditional, and God's love is without condition. For God so loved that He gave.... We so love that we take....( or I will love you if....) ( Or I can't love you because....) Do you see the contrast? Who are we really fooling, if we pretend with a pretty white smile...."I love you" (with our words) when in our heart of hearts...our deeds manifest the opposite? It is not about me loving you...but about me offering my body a living sacrifice for Him to love you thru me. Let's face it...I hate my enemies...But since I died...and Jesus lives in me, His love loves my enemies thru me. So it is not about me loving, but Him loving thru me...thus the truth is made evident. If I don't love my brother, then I don't have the Love of God. Here by we know who is born of God and who is not. There is no guessing. He that hates his brother is not born of God, and does not know God.

So lets reckon ourselves dead, to all our prejudices, to all our misfortunes, to all our hurts, and self-pitty, and let God live in us and manifest His true love, via the Spirit of Love that dwells in us. By this we will we know who really is born of God. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Seed for Sept 11

Society is going the way of all the world, and that can be proven by the "reality" TV that everyone seems to love to watch. I would like to clear up a misunderstanding now. God does not intend to reform the World System or Babylon, but intends to destroy it and set up His own system. If you are waiting for the World to get better, stop waiting. God deals with individuals not governments. He changes things in this world one heart at a time. We are not waiting for God's man to take the throne, for then next one to take the throne will be the Anti-Christ. Then the Lord Jesus will come to bring that Anti Christ kingdom down and set His up. At that time there will be an accounting done, and those whose names are written in the Book of Life will live and those whose names are not found will not. If 40 yrs ago what society views and hears on TV today was shown, there would have been a great out cry. Now you hardly hear a murmur. It is the "frog syndrome". Heat the water very slowly on the stove and you can cook a live frog to death. The eroding of the moral fiber of this Nation has come ever so slowly, and most don't even know it has happen. By the way prayer is back in the schools now! It started at Columbine High School.

Be Blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells

Monday, September 10, 2007

Seed for Sept 10

The Bible calls it the "Gospel" or the "Good News". Unfortunately many preachers hit us over the head with the Bible and call that Good News. If it is the "Good News" then I have always thought it should feel like Good News, and not like a condemnation session. The Law of Moses commands and demands, but the grace of God "teaches" us to deny ungodliness and worldly lust that we should live soberly and godly in this present world. The Good News is Truth and Truth sets us free. If the gospel that is being preached to me does not set me free, then it surely is not Good News and surely must not be Truth. Jesus came to seek and to save. Jesus came to set at liberty the captives, and to give us abundant life. If more Christians made living for God joyful, then perhaps more would want to live for God. Even if there were no afterlife I would still serve the Lord, because it is the most rewarding comforting and joyful life. To put it one way a Radio Host said...The Bible is moral infra structure to life. Without it you suffer ruin. With it you inherit blessing and Eternal Life. Now which would you choose?

Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Seed for Sept 9

Jesus said, “If any man would be my follower he must take up his cross and follow me.” Does that mean that we are to wear some sort of cross around our neck like many suppose? Does it mean we should be dragging a cross, with a wheel on the back, across the Nation? Of course this is silly, but what did Jesus really mean?

The following verse gives us clue to His meaning: “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.”
So taking up our cross has to do with our dying. So now let’s see what Jesus was really saying. If you want to be my follower, you must take up your cross (instrument of death) and follow me, to death burial and resurrection. That is the key to this verse. We are to follow Jesus to death, burial and resurrection, that we might have new life, resurrection life. On the other side of the cross everything of the “old creation” dies and all that remains in a new Creature in Christ. Unless we lose our lives, unless we die, we cannot be His follower. If we want to continue to live as the “old man, from the old creation” we cannot be His follower. Whoever loses his life for Christ finds it. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Seed for Sept 8

John 15:1-7
1 "I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.
2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.
3 You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you.
4 Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.
5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
6 If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.
7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.

The branch (a believer) gets its life from Vine (Jesus) and we are admonished to continue being attached to the Vine. If we do not remain in the Vine and allow His Word to remain in us, then we will wither away for we will be disconnected from the Life of the Vine, and good for only being burned. This is a serious admonition to all believers. We can do nothing of ourselves for the Life of the Believer comes from being connected to the Life that is in the Vine. The natural laws of nature speak this story to us loud and clear. When I trim a branch from the tree is will not continue to live because it has been separated from its life source. We are connected to Jesus as our life source and thru Him we produce fruit and apart from Him we can do nothing. Be blessed.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Seed for Sept 7

We are required to "follow in the steps of faithful Abraham, the father of faith". What exactly is meant by that? Hebrews 11 is the faith chapter with a parade of faithful brought to our attention. One thing that all these people had is a steadfast belief that God was working, was involved in their lives, and was still in control.

Abraham waited 25 years from the "promise" of a child till he heard that baby cry in the tent. 25 years is a long time to wait believing God will do his Word. David waited 16 years from the time Samuel anointed him king until he sat down in the golden throne. 16 yrs is along time to wait and believe God, when your enemy is chasing you and trying to kill you.

How long have you waited for God to do his promise? Don't give up, but believe along with the faithful, that God is able and well able. Remember 12 spies all went to the same church, heard the same preacher (Moses). Saw the same miracle done in Egypt, but 10 said they could not and 2 said God would. They were all correct. 10 lost out and 2 inherited. You see we all get exactly what we believe, or don't believe.

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan Wells
San Antonio, TX (our blog)

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Seed for Sept 6

What can we add to the finished work of Calvary? Nothing! When Jesus said, "It is finished" then exactly what He said happened. There are some that think they can add to what Jesus did. They set about to become "holy". The beautiful thing about holiness or sanctification, in the Bible, is that it had nothing at all to do with purity (good or bad)....but only about being "set apart" for the Master's use. There is no good thing in us, Paul said, but to will is present. So how can we become "holy"? Not by good that I have done or can do, nothing but the blood of Jesus. He made me sanctified / holy (set apart for Him), and forgot my past, and robed me with His righteousness. Thus, once again, we see, it is all in Him. What do I have to boast about? Do I attend the right church? Wear the right clothes? Pray the right prayers? Confess the right doctrine (teachings)? Is that why I am holy? Is it because of me, of the things I have done or not done, is that why I am holy? Or is it because of Him, that He has covered me with His blood, robed me with His righteousness, and made be to be the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.? We are “holy” in as much as we are “set apart” for the Master’s use. “Holy” is not good or bad, but “set apart”. To be exact, He is looking for a body to do His will. An active presentation of ourselves to do the will of God is TRUE HOLINESS. Be blessed in His finished work.

Billy and Jan Wells

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Seed for Sept 5

After the vain traditions of man, do many worship God. For the most part our worship is dictated by our "brand of denomination." But our God is a Spirit and He seeks true worshippers who worship in Spirit and Truth. Jesus accused the Pharisee's (the religious) of worshipping God in vain. Jesus called them whited tombs, all pretty and white outside but inwardly full of dead men's bones (death). I do not want the Lord Jesus to say that of my worship. Paul claimed to worship God after the manner his forefathers (the religious) called "heresy” (false). Jesus came breaking all the rules, too, healing on the Sabbath, eating with unwashed hands, making Himself equal with God. As a result the most religious people on the earth (the Jews) killed Him. It is time for us to reflect upon our own manner of worship. Do we follow simply the dictates of men’s religion? Do we worship God after men's traditions, full of motion and effort, but yielding little results? Or do we just put God in a small box for Sunday morning and call that true worship?

When we realized the real plan of God, for Him to live out His live in and thru us, it eliminates the pretense of "vain religious efforts" trying to please God. He is pleased in the blood of Jesus and the active presentation of our daily lives to Him. What more need we do, than to say, "Here I am Lord, live your life thru me? Here is my body to express your life and will in me”. That is true worship! Be blessed.

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan Wells
San Antonio, TX (our blog)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Seed for Sept 4

Unfortunately many people spend most of their Christian lives trying to "stay" saved. When real Christian living is walking and living in the Spirit. Most religion describes Christian living as keeping rules, when in reality the opposite is true. We are just living out the life of Christ within. When we learn how to walk in love and grace it takes the "struggle" out of the Christian life. If you find yourself "trying" to be a Christian, or "trying" to "act" like "Christ," then someone has bewitched you into believing it is something you can do. It is nothing that we do, other than present ourselves to Him, for Him to live out and express Himself in us. If you are struggling, you are doing it wrong. He said His burden is light and yoke easy. Religion (religious laws) is a hard taskmaster. Resting in Him is allowing Him to live in you. And it is a restful life! Be blessed.

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan Wells
San Antonio, TX (our blog)

Monday, September 3, 2007

Seed for Sept 3

The Golden Rule we have all memorized since grade school. Seems to me it goes like this, "if you don't want someone to do it to you, then don't do it to them". In other words it was in the "negative sense". But in reality the real Golden Rule was taught in the "positive sense". "Do to others what you want done to you". Or another way to say it would be "give away what you need." Now we have an understanding of a Spiritual Law. Just as the Law of Gravity is a natural law, so is this a Spiritual Law. What ever you need or want, then give it away and it will be measured back to you. If you need mercy, then give mercy away. If you need love, then give love away. If you need affection, then be affectionate. What ever you need and want...give it away.

Now watch this....does anyone of us need judgment, condemnation, critical attitudes, bitterness, selfishness? Be careful that you don't give away what you don't want. If you are hard and critical of everyone, then by the Law of the Spirit, that is what will be measured back to you. Give and it shall be given to you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and over running shall men give to you.

What is it you continually give away?

I need mercy, love and kindness. So guess what? I give it away. I need a friend…so I must be a friend first. I want some one to call, then I must call first. And on and on the list grows. Be blessed.

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan Wells
San Antonio, TX (our blog)

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Seed for Sept 2

The Bible says it is best for a man to work and then enjoy the fruits of his labor. The Lord Jesus wants us to be happy and enjoy all the fruits of this life. We are like Adam and Eve in the garden now, with a few exceptions, here to enjoy all life has to offer, just don't partake of sin (the forbidden fruit). Some think that to live for God is burdensome. They think that you must suffer, and be sad, and down and out. That you must carry about a heavy cross to be a good Christian, and that the more you suffer the closer to God you are. That is wrong, for there are plenty of suffering people that are not close to God! I can tell you that God wants us to enjoy our short lives. To work, eat, drink, and be merry. The whole earth is ours, and in the Kingdom we will inherit the riches of the wicked. If fact, the wicked are gathering riches together now, what will be ours then, thank you very much!

Jesus said take my yoke and learn of me. "My yoke easy and burden light." If you find living for God to be grievous or hard, trust me, you are doing something wrong. The greatest joy in this life and in the life to come is to serve the Lord Jesus with all our heart mind and soul. Be blessed.

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan Wells
San Antonio, TX (our blog)

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Seed for Sept 1

The Law of Life in Christ Jesus is a "natural law". Just as birds fly by the law of life in them, so we are able to live a life will pleasing to God, by the law of Life in us. As Paul said it is no longer I, but Christ in me, who both wills and does the work. Our confidence is in Him, and the law of Life, and not in what man can do for God. Religion = man doing for God. Grace = God doing for man. Religion is a hard taskmaster keeping you busy with ritual and traditions, ever striving to keep God happy. Grace says that God is well pleased with the sacrifice of Christ, and imputes the righteousness of Christ to us freely. The law of Life is as free working and as real as the law of gravity. Be blessed
Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan Wells
San Antonio, TX (our blog)